
Employability Skills Development in Management


Added on  2020-02-17

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Employability Skills Development in Management_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Task 1...............................................................................................................................................31.1 Different management styles.................................................................................................31.2 Leadership characteristic.......................................................................................................41.3 Communication process in Hilton and Marriott....................................................................51.4 Analyse organisational culture and change in selected businesses........................................7Task 2...............................................................................................................................................8Task 3...............................................................................................................................................8TASK 4............................................................................................................................................84.1 Own managerial and personal skills that will support career development...........................84.2 Reviewing career and personal development needs, current performance and future needsto produce development plan.......................................................................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................112
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INTRODUCTIONComplexity may take place in the organization any time. Managers are proactive innature and they find suitable solutions for improving the performance of organizations.Competencies of managers assist in managing people well at the time of changes (Dahan, Dohand Yaziji, 2010). Every business unit requires competent and qualified managers along with theleaders who can drive changes and take initiatives for the development of company. For thepresent report, Hilton hotel is being taken into account which is a global leader in hospitalityindustry and offers customers with authentic experience. Current assignment will discussdifferent management styles and leadership characteristic of leaders. Being a manager in theorganization, own potential will be reviewed in this study. Importance of motivation in achievingthe goal of company will be discussed in this report as well. Apart from that, career developmentplan will be created in this assignment and review of current performance will be done in thisstudy. TASK 11.1 Different management stylesHospitality is the industry which provides services to clients and managers areresponsible for increasing satisfaction level of them. The biggest competitor of Hilton is Marriotthotel as both work in the same industry and provide quality services to visitors. To achieve longterm goal, it is necessary to adopt effective management style. Different management styles aredescribed as below:Coercive management style: It is also known as the directive style in which managers oforganization make effective control over their workers. Managers of Marriott hotel givescommand to their workers and force them to perform well (Jayawickrama, 2011). In thismanagement style, it is necessary for the staff members to follow rules and regulations.People do not get much freedom, they work under heavy pressure. Sometimes due topressure, employees feel demotivated and attrition rate gets increased in the organization.But when crisis situation occurs then directive management style supports managers inimproving the situation of organization. Discipline and threats improve performance ofemployees and they develop new skills as well. 3
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Active management style: It is another management style in which managers lead peoplefrom front. In this environment, employees feel comfortable as managers do not pushthem, they just encourage them to improve their performances (Zakarevičius andŽuperkienė, 2015). Managers of Hilton hotel believe that if workers are happy andsatisfied then they will stay in the cited firm for longer period. In active managementstyle, managers focus on the quality of services and always motivate staff members torender quality services to guests. Contingency approach: It is another type of management style which is adopted by themanagers of Hilton hotel in complex situations. This style defines that managers have tobehave differently in crucial circumstances as they cannot behave normal in the complexsituations (Korobkina, 2014). Managers of cited firm may feel pressure because anindividual is responsible to assign duties to others. People have to look upon theirworking performances. Managers need to have control over negative behavior ofemployees of Hilton hotel through job description. This can enhance the efficiency ofemployees and hotel can achieve its objectives significantly. 1.2 Leadership characteristicThe actions and ability of leaders to lead a team is called leadership. As Hilton andMarriott both work in the service industry, it is necessary for both of them to render qualityservices so that customers can get satisfied (Curtis, de Vries and Sheerin, 2011). Leader is theperson who can lead and can motivate them to perform their duties well. By this way, objectiveof organizations can be fulfilled. Characteristics of leadership in both the hotels are discussed asbelow:Autocratic leadership: It is a type of leadership which is applied by the leaders of Marriott hotel at theworkplace. It is characterized by the individual control. As leaders are the people who take alldecisions and do not involve employees in decision making process, they make choices as pertheir own choice and idea as well. Another characteristic of leaders of Marriott hotel is that theyretain power and authorities. Perception of autocratic leaders of cited firm is that motivationcomes by giving rewards rather than empowerment (Berggren and Söderlund, 2011). They4
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