
Developing Sustainable Tourism Strategies


Added on  2020-02-05

15 Pages4791 Words92 Views
The Developing Manager
Developing Sustainable Tourism Strategies_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1 Discussing different management styles adopted by Hilton and Marriott hotel...................31.2 Discussing leadership characteristics of Hilton hotel vs. Marriott ....................................41.3 Evaluating the communication process.................................................................................51.4 Analyzing organizational culture and change.......................................................................52.3Develop own potential by set the objectives and targets......................................................6TASK3.............................................................................................................................................73.1Lead and motivate team members towards goals..................................................................73.2Managerial decisions..............................................................................................................8TASK 4............................................................................................................................................94.1Managerial skills and personal skills that supports the career development plan..................94.2Review the career and personal development plan for employment in the organisation.....10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
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INTRODUCTION In the competitive world every organisation change its business strategy to achieve itsgoals and objectives. The internal as well as external environment are change continuously so, itis essential for the business to closely monitor the businesses environment. Manager play asignificant role to deal with all the change occur in the workplace and to develop their skills aswell as its workers skills with the help of attending seminars and workshop. The hospitalityindustry manager and leader both play role in enhancing the employees skills and knowledgewith help of management and leadership style (Pohl,2010). In the project report, it is discussionon topic related to motivational theories and also organisational culture of hospitality sector toimprove the staff members skills. Along with this, manager of hotel analyse its both managerialas well as personal skills to support the professional development plan. Also, they review thecareer and personal development to meet the future performance by analyse the currentperformance. The manager strength, weakness, opportunities and threats with the help of SWOTmodel. On the basis of its strength they can overcome from weakness and also take opportunitiesby reduce the weakness to set its objectives as well as targets. TASK 11.1 Discussing different management styles adopted by Hilton and Marriott hotelManagement styles are developed for increasing productivity of the organisation. Thereare so many styles present in corporate world that every organization uses different managementstyle. Contingency and systems theory are the most popular management theories which areoften use in organization. Contingency theory: This is one of the mostly applicable theories that helps in organizing resources in anefficient manner within the organization(Beamish, 2013) . This theory is situation based wheresometimes, situations are the based on external or internal environment. With reference to Hiltonhotel, contingency theory is applied in organization. In this hotel, manager takes decisions on thebasis of situations. Classical theory:It is a traditional theory under which organization is considered as a machine. In thistheory, employees are considered as an important part of organization. Manager works ontechnological aspects as he wants efficiency in the work of employees. The Marriott hotel has
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adopted classical theory. Manager emphasizes on training and development of their employeesso as to boost up their growth(Clarke,2010). System theory:It is a study about interdisciplinary studies, this theory emphasizes on work distributionamong various department theory emphasizes on integrating various processes so as to findoptimal solutions within the organisation. This helps managers to build team work relationship inthe organization. 1.2 Discussing leadership characteristics of Hilton hotel vs. Marriott Leadership characteristic are based on leader’s quality. Organization’s success or growthis determined by the quality of its leaders. The leaders help in supporting the business unit toachive high level of growth. A leader should be capable enough to take appropriate decisions indifferent situations. Further, leader should be confident, innovative, honest, unbiased, positiveand authenticity in nature. There are so many leadership styles among which some of them areas follows: Autocratic leadership style: It is also known as authoritarian leadership, autocratic leadership is abased on all controlover a group , only leaders can take decisions and maintain the work methods . There is oneadvantage of this style consulting without the group made a quick decisions Because autocraticleaders make decisions without consulting the group( Cusworth and Franks,2013). Even ifpeople in the group may dislike, they are not allowed to share their ideas. Democratic leadership style:It is also known as participative leadership style in which there is participation ofemployees in decision making process. Under this leadership style, everyone has an opportunityto put his/her own ideas in front of management. In this style we can found better decisionmaking techniques and creativity in ideas With reference to Marriott Is applied democraticleadership styles and create friendly behavior with the subordinates. Action oriented: Leaders should take examples to lead the team, firstly taken action from the leaders andthen proceed work to the group members. On the bases of example leaders will be contribution
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