
Marketing Essentials and Concepts


Added on  2020-06-06

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Marketing Essentials
Marketing Essentials and Concepts_1

P1 Key roles and responsibilities of Marketing Officer.........................................................4
P2 How roles and responsibilities will help to achieve the objects, goals of company.........8
P3 7P's of Marketing Mix in the context to comparison of Your Destination with National
P4 Construct Basic Marketing Plan for Transport and Distribution Company....................14
Marketing Essentials and Concepts_2

The marketing is that essential element in which overall marketing plan is created which
involves creating, promotions, delivering of goods and services and based on that activity which
involves as an area of institution, and through the processes for the creation with communicating
and delivering and exchanging offers the value of consumers and clients and as a large society
are involved. In marketing, there essentials include- segments of markets and markets which are
targeted, Marketing is base of the development of entire organisation, it affect overall business
positively and negatively. In this assignment, the case is based on the transportation company
named Your Destination, want to expand their in other areas.. Which includes the marketing
channels like, channel of communication are very much useful, distribution channels which used
to deliver and offer, selling and the area where the company want to provide services or targeted
market. Assignment also includes the value of logistic management in distribution and
transportation service provider company. Under this Your Destination want to expand their
business with the new marketing strategy and want to introduce new transportation facilities. The
marketing of their transportation and distribution are more innovative in nature.
Marketing Essentials and Concepts_3

Date- 9th October 2017
To- Senior Management Meeting
From- Marketing Officer
Subject- Marketing Essentials
P1 Key roles and responsibilities of Marketing Officer
Marketing refers to the area in business concern which have vital role to promote the
organisation and mission, goal of business entity. It includes coordination, production all which
require to represent in business. The specific job of marketing department is to reach the
valuable customers, investors and cover overall community. It refers to the positive ability of
entire organisation which help for their branding. Marketing involves interaction with their
customers and partners.
Conducting campaign management for marketing initiatives: In the present section
campaign is to be conducted in order to advertise products and services. Apart from this,
campaign arranged for attracting people is to be managed which lead to boost up sales and
market share. It helps to achieve the mission, vision, the goal and objectives of company.
Promotional marketing with innovative facilities: - Marketing is used to promote the
products of company which involves the core description, services and keep their customers in
touch. The marketing department is responsible for entire productivity of organisation. It is
based on the strategy where the marketing crates a strong marketing strategy which involves
advertising, communicating with clients, taking feedback, reaches the expectations of their
clients (Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, 2011). In order to promote the goods, various promotional
strategies are used which include innovative or modern and traditional. Under the innovative
promotional tactics, social or digital media, social sites, direct e-mail etc. considered. Further,
traditional approach consists with newspaper, articles, magazines, radio, television etc.
Marketing officer is that individual or a group who is useful to coordinate large number
employees. Marketing is that strategic part in the organisation which helps in business
Marketing Essentials and Concepts_4

development, improvement in production, marketing research, and collection of primary ,
secondary data. competitor analysis, and so on.
Responsibilities and Roles of Marketing officer: -
Marketing officer is the leader who understand the needs and wants of internal
employees and fulfil them. Marketing work is based on that positive managing skill and
capabilities which create a positive and negative impact in funding of business, brand image,
expansion the business and risk analysing, mitigation.
The marketing officer is referring to individual which overseas internal and external
environment of business organisation. Officer plays very important part who communicate with
all levels whether it is top, middle and the lower level management. Because the entire
productivity is based on the marketing strategy. Duties of marketing officer are- create
innovative way to communicate with the internal management.
Brand image and Market Placement: The brand image of every organisation is very
essential. It defines a visual identity which is based on creativity and strategy. Every company
create their own logo which denotes the identity of company. It reflects the entire personality as
well as goodwill of the company in market and relevant industry. (Pike, 2015). The marketing
officer role is to increase the brand image and attempt to maximise the profit or market share.
Expansion: - The successful officer is that individual who may see that the internal and
external management which involves focus to research the trends of market needs of market,
creation of the marketing cycle which generate and expand revenue and profits in company.
Customer Experience: - This is the essential step which helps to enhance and simplify
the relation between the organisation and consumer. The officer should be smart, innovative and
introduce new products with the new marketing and innovative strategies. The role under this
aspect is to create more trustworthiness in customers related to services band products.
Risk and policy: - As an officer who deals with the legal complications and financial
aspects of company (Malhotra, 2015). The officer ensures that the advertising of their product
is truth. The officer deals with the government strategies and policies and generate a successful
strategy for the business development.
Marketing Essentials and Concepts_5

The officer creates powerful strategies which generate high amount of profits and
revenues. The company should analysis the other competitors in transportation services. They
use the innovative ideas like use of digital marketing, website development etc. This online
advertising strategies will increase the marketing and the customers will attract in other cities.
The comparison with competitor National Express will help to understand their negative
aspects, this will broad marketing strategy to grasp the new customers. They provide new
strategies to discount services which helps to increase the large number of customers. The
foundation of good marketing is based in the department positiveness towards the needs and
wants of their customers. The services of your destination should more effective and focused
that will increase trust of their new customers.
In addition to this, to get the better insights of the operations, Your Destination can perform an
internal analysis of all the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities possessed by them.
This can be attained by performing SWOT analysis:
Strengths Weaknesses
Good customer satisfactions gained by the
Effective leadership styles by the managers.
Quality services rendered to the customers.
The lack of rapacity to meet a wider market.
Huge investment is required in the the
Opportunities Threats
To expand business globally.
To enter in new market place.
Entity can also increase the business by
undergoing effective marketing.
A high level of competition in the sector.
Dependency on other means of transportation.
High level of threat from new entrants.
Besides this, Your Destination is required to follow an effective marketing plan for achieving
desired outcomes. A structure is proposed below that can be followed by the entity:
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