
The Role of Tourism Website in Influencing Purchase Behaviour


Added on  2019-12-03

28 Pages7141 Words388 ViewsType: 388
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big Data
The Role of Tourism Website in Influencing Purchase Behaviour_1

Table of ContentsTASK 1 ................................................................................................................................................3A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ...........................................................................................................31.1 Background of the study............................................................................................................31.2 Rationale of the study .............................................................................................................41.3 Aim and objectives ....................................................................................................................51.4 Analysis and framework ...........................................................................................................5B LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................5Significance of tourism website ......................................................................................................5Factors affecting purchase behaviour of customers ........................................................................7Key benefits of designing effective websites ..................................................................................7C RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...............................................................................................83.1 Research design ........................................................................................................................83.2 Research approach.....................................................................................................................93.3 Data collection ..............................................................................................................93.4 Data analysis ......................................................................................................................93.5 Sampling ...................................................................................................................................93.6 Research philosophy .................................................................................................................9TASK 2...............................................................................................................................................11A planning and organising necessary resources ............................................................................11B Recording and collecting relevant data .....................................................................................13TASK 3 FINDINGS ..........................................................................................................................16A Findings and analysis ................................................................................................................16B Recommendation and conclusion..............................................................................................24TASK 4...............................................................................................................................................26A Presenting the outcomes of the entire research..........................................................................26REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................272
The Role of Tourism Website in Influencing Purchase Behaviour_2

TASK 1 A RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1.1 Background of the studyIn the modern era to sustain in the market for longer period companies operating in traveland tourism sector have started to target its customers with the help of effective online websites.Further, it is acting as an development tool for entity as through development of appropriatewebsites it is possible to share important information with the target market and in turn need ofcustomers can be satisfied in efficient manner (Bernick and Boo, 2013). Moreover, need andrequirement of customers changes time to time and due to this reason it is necessary for everycompany to gain proper information in relation with the actual requirement of the target market.Websites are developed by tourism companies in order to provide customers 24* 7 hours assistanceand they can take benefit of the services being rendered by tourism enterprise. On the other hand,competition level is rising at faster pace and if in case any business is not operating online then it ishaving adverse impact on enterprise. Therefore, to deal with this challenge firms are having strongfocus on building tourism websites and this directly assists management in accomplishment ofdesired goals along with objectives. The present study being carried out will be based on the role of tourism websites ininfluencing purchase behaviour of target market where Thomas cook will be chosen as one of theorganization which operates in tourism sector and well known in the market for range of services itdelivers to its target market (Buhalis, 2000). Further, business has introduced well effective websitethrough which its customers are targeted in appropriate manner. Apart from this, the changingmarket trend along with overall requirement is encouraging firm to focus on actual need of itscustomers. On the other hand, development of websites allow company to satisfy need of its targetmarket in efficient manner and it becomes easy for management to grab opportunities present in thebusiness environment. Due to this basic reason development of appropriate websites have becomemust for enterprise and it leads to accomplishment of desired aims along with objectives. In short,customer expectations can be well met by enterprise when online websites are present and theyassist in solving customers query which is must for every business (Dolnicar and Laesser, 2007).Apart from this, the growing tourism market is allowing company to provide more convenience toits target market and is acting as an development tool for the business. Company overviewThomas cook is a British global travel firm which was founded on 19th June 2007. At presentthe group owns four operators along with the charter airlines which are based in United Kingdom.With the changing market scenario people had a fascination to explore new places and firm has3
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shaped the modern travel experience by understanding the actual requirement of its target marketand inspiring their dreams. Further, company is well known in the market for its innovative serviceswhich are delivered to customers for enhancing their satisfaction level. Business is proud to serve22 million customers and this has assisted in enhancing customer base of the entity in everypossible manner. Main core of the strategy of enterprise is to deliver high touch approach, high techand delivering range of services which well suits their requirement. Company is regarded as one ofthe world's leading leisure travel group with sales of over £8.5 billion in the year 2014. Thisrepresents overall effectiveness of enterprise in carrying out overall operations in the market. Atpresent enterprise has employed around 22000 staff members and operations are carried out in 15markets. Shares of enterprise are listed on London stock exchange. Moreover, time to time servicesof enterprise are modified as per changing need and requirement of the target market and this hasprovided base in enhancing productivity of firm. Further, overall tourism sector of UK is growing atfaster pace and this is directly beneficial for firms who are carrying out operations in this sector.Business has developed its own website where large number of facilities are provided to targetmarket through this such as holiday packages, range of offers, contact number etc. Every kind ofinformation provided to the customers are beneficial for them and they take purchase decision onthe basis of same.1.2 Rationale of the studyThe main reason behind carrying out present study will be “To analyse the role of tourismwebsite in influencing purchase behaviour of customers: A study on Thomas cook UK ”. Further,enterprise has developed well effective website so as to provide full support to its target market andthis leads to accomplishment of desired aims and objectives. Moreover, in the modern era no firmcan operate efficiently in the market if proper websites are not at all developed by enterprise. Apartfrom this, it is well known fact that customers are information seekers and they undertake differentways through which appropriate information can be gained linked with purchasing services oftourism. Thomas cook carry out operations in the market where competition level is quite high andthis sometime prevents firm from accomplishing its major objectives such as enhancing profitabilitylevel along with market share. Apart from this development of proper websites support company in knowing whethercustomers are served in proper manner or not. At present, majority of customers prefer to buytourism services with the help of online websites developed such as schemes introduced bycompany are shared through websites and it is considered as one of the most appropriate way forattracting customers (Holm, 2006). On the other hand, changing market trends is encouraging targetmarket to purchase services online as it is considered to be more convenient for them. In short,4
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without developing proper website no tourism company can operate in the market for longer periodof time and it will have adverse impact on the business operations. Further, it becomes easy fororganization to distinguish itself from those of its competitors present in the market anddifferentiated services can be offered to target market as per their expectations. 1.3 Aim and objectives The main aim behind carrying out the present study will be “To analyse the role of tourismwebsite in influencing purchase behaviour of customers: A study on Thomas cook UK”. Further,for accomplishing aim of the study following objectives will be set which are as follows:To determine the significance of developing tourism website in the modern eraTo identify the range of factors affecting purchase behaviour of customers To analyse the key benefits of designing effective websites for tourists of Thomas cookTo recommend the effective was through which Thomas cook can influence purchasebehaviour of its target market Research questionsWhat is the significance of developing tourism website in the modern era?What are the range of factors which influences purchase behaviour of target market?What are the main advantages of designing effective websites for tourists? 1.4 Analysis and frameworkThe present study being carried out will be descriptive in nature where main stress will beon providing description of the topic being chosen for study. Through this design it will be possibleto carry out research thoroughly and this can lead to accomplishment of overall aims and objectivesof the research. Further, inductive approach will be employed where results move from specific togeneral, interpretivism philosophy will be used where it becomes easy to interpret results (Mitchelland Jolley, 2012). Data will be collected from 50 customers of Thomas cook and technique ofrandom sampling will be employed for the same. Data will be analysed through qualitativetechnique where different themes will be formed on the basis of which it will become easy to knowthe overall response provided by the target market. So, these are some of the researchmethodological tools which will be employed for conducting present study. B LITERATURE REVIEW Significance of tourism websiteAccording to Kolb (2006) in the modern era every tourism company has started to developits own website so as to share important information linked with services with its valuablecustomers. Further, it allows business to operate efficiently in the market and acts as developmenttool. Moreover, rising competition is encouraging company to provide proper support to the5
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customers by sharing important information with them and this directly assists in accomplishmentof desired aims along with objectives (Kolb, 2006). Every tourism business wants to enhanceawareness in the market for which it is required to design proper websites so that customers maynot about the range of services. In short it allows business to gain competitive advantage andenhances overall performance of enterprise in the market. As per view of Kotler, Bowen andMakens (2006) to deal with challenges in the market it is must for every business to have properwebsite so that more stronger relationship can be build with customers and company is being able todeal with sustainability issues. Through websites firms are able to share important information withcustomers such as discount, offers and other type of additional services introduced and on the basisof this purchase decision is taken by target market. Apart from this, decision making process ofconsumers is complex in nature and when customers are not having appropriate informationregarding services then it is not at all possible to influence them to purchase tourism services(Kotler, Bowen and Makens, 2006). Tourism websites are designed with the motive to satisfy the need of the target market inefficient manner and this enhances customer base of enterprise. Further, market trend is changing atfaster pace and without obtaining accurate information regarding services customers cannot beinfluenced to purchase the same (Li and Petrick, 2008). Therefore, its importance has enhanced inthe modern world and it provides ample of opportunities to business enterprise operating in thetourism market. However Hall and Page (2014) argued that the design along with content of tourismwebsite matters a lot where customers generally reads the content being shared through the website.Information linked with additional offers, discount etc are regarded to be more effective andthrough this large number of companies attract its customers in the market. Moreover, firm has toensure that design of the website is attractive and information is easily accessible which isconvenient for customers (Hall and Page, 2014). Further, information linked with different destination places is important and such type ofdata is required by target market as this can provide them value for money experience. On the otherhand, development of appropriate website supports business in creating positive brand image in theminds of target market which is regarded as one of the main aim of business behind carrying outoperations in the market. As per view of Mancini (2012) through development of appropriatewebsites different photos along with videos are shared by enterprise with its customers and itdirectly acts as source of attraction (Mancini, 2012). Strengthening customer base is considered tobe one of the main aim of every company and this is only possible when management providesproper support to its valuable customers by sharing information with them on continuous basis. 6
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