
Contemporary leadership and management


Added on  2022-09-07

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPolitical Science
Contemporary leadership and management
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Contemporary leadership and management_1

Executive Summary
Leadership is defined as the dynamic relationship among the leaders of a business and the
other collaborators of the business. Contemporary management is very much significant in a
modern commercial establishment as it helps in planning and executing all the business
or9cess in a systemized modus.
The report shall be focusing on the similarities and the differences between the organizational
leaders and the management team of any business environment. The roles and responsibilities
of both leaders and managers shall be highlighted in this report from different perspectives.
Comparative analysis shall be conducted on the greatest leaders of the world based on the list
provided by Fortune. Critical analysis of the skills and behaviour of successful leaders shall
be conducted in this report as well. This report shall also propose the way of enacting and
measure the effectiveness of a development intervention.
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Table of Contents
Section 1.....................................................................................................................................4
Definitions of leadership and management............................................................................4
Similarities and differences between leadership and management........................................4
Similarities and differences....................................................................................................6
Justified conclusion................................................................................................................7
Section 2.....................................................................................................................................8
Introduction of the three leaders............................................................................................8
Leadership style followed by Margrethe Vestager................................................................8
Leadership style followed by Greta Thunberg.......................................................................9
Leadership style followed by Satya Nadella..........................................................................9
Success criteria of their leadership style..............................................................................10
Reason behind people following them.................................................................................11
Section: 3..................................................................................................................................13
Skills and behaviour required to become successful for a leader........................................13
Development intervention....................................................................................................14
Enactment of development interventions.............................................................................16
Measurement of its impact...............................................................................................16
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Section 1
Definitions of leadership and management
The art of motivating a group of people to achieve a common goal can be defined as
leadership (Thorpe 2016). The role of a leader is very much significant for the growth of an
organizational setting as well as in our society. The role of business leaders is to improve the
performance of the workers in a business setting. Leaders require traits that are beyond their
management duties. Communication, supervision, and inspiration are the three most common
traits of an effective leader. A leader must be having a clear vision of the roles and
responsibilities of each member of a project. The general characteristics of a good leader are
self-confidence, reactiveness in the time of crisis, level-headedness, openness to change,
willingness to take calculative risks in the workplace, perseverance in the face of failure,
creative and innovative thinking, management skills and effective communication skills.
The art of managing the scope, concept and objective of a business is defined as
management (Willis, Clarke and O'Connor 2017). The organization and the coordination of
all the activities of a business is usually monitored by the management team of the business.
The role of the management is to look after the resources of the business as well, as managing
the resources is very much required for the creation of high-quality services for the
consumers. There are diverse categories of management that are incorporated in our society
like operations management, supply chain management, financial and accounting
management, procurement management, sales management, and public relations
Similarities and differences between leadership and management
Getting people to comprehend and believe in the mission or the vision of a company
is the prime responsibility of the organizational leaders (Gopee and Galloway 2017). The
Contemporary leadership and management_4

organizational leaders require to motivate the workers so that the common goals of the
company are achieved without any sort of disruption. Whereas, all the administrative actions
required in business are conducted by the management team of the business. The daily
activities of the resources of a business is monitored by the management team rather than the
organizational leaders. Most of the employees in an organizational setting usually follow a
leader rather than a manager.
On the other hand, there are few similarities between the management and a leader as
well as they are one of the most powerful driving forces of the business (Bush and Glover
2016). They drive the business to glory and help in attaining sustainable development as well.
In complex business scenarios like recession or other economic breakdowns, leaders sets the
direction of a business project and management plans for the project. The organizational
leaders align all the resources required in the business where the management team
accumulates and organizes the staffs required in the projects. The organizational leaders
motivate and inspire the employees of the project, whereas, the management tries to control
the challenges they face. Thus, active collaboration is required to address the business risks
coming from adverse economic breakdowns.
Both of these stakeholders work with a wide range of people with themselves, both of
them are equally responsible regarding the creation of an accurate creation of the functional
structure of the business and the organizational structure as well (Nayani et al. 2018). Thus,
the fundamental blocks of business is maintained using the collaborative efforts coming from
both management and the organizational leaders. The entire block structure of the business
can get affected as well.
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Current perspectives on the roles and responsibilities of leaders and managers
Professional source
Based on the discussions of this newspaper article, it can be said that enhancement of
the participation of the workers can be improved using the support coming from the
management team of the organization (Hallinger and Hammad 2019). Maintaining the size of
the business falls under the responsibility of the management team of the organization as
well. The management is also responsible for maintaining the ethos of the business. The
article also suggested that the role of the leaders is to set a long term goal for the employees
of the business, the leaders must be helping the employees who are struggling at workplaces
due to different reasons. The leaders must be creating an environment where staff from
different cultural backgrounds can work professionally.
Academic source
According to Thorpe (2016), most of the company policies are created by
organizational leaders. This academic source also helps in understanding that the increase and
the decrease of the productivity of the workers can be maintained by the organizational
leaders as well. The academic source helps in understanding that the organizational leaders
play a huge role in addressing the challenges faced by the workers when the business
environment goes through changes such as technological changes.
On the other hand, as elaborated by Gopee and Galloway (2017), the role of the
management team very much includes the creation of the business strategies, the data source
stated that organizational policies are also created with the help of the management team of
the organization. All the major operations of a business are always headed by the
management teams of a business as well.
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