
Software Engineering Project Management


Added on  2019-09-18

6 Pages2834 Words384 Views
Course: COMP1632 Systems Development ProjectContribution: 50% of course60: Systems Development Project - CW1 - Individual Coursework - Released Term 1 - MAC PDF file required Greenwich Course Leader: MrsKeeranJamil Due date: April 2017 TBCThis coursework should take an average student who is up-to-date with tutorial workapproximately 100 hoursLearning Outcomes:A, B, C Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing or buying coursework from someone else and submitting it as your own work.Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the University. All material copied or amended from any source (e.g. internet, books) must be referenced correctly according to the reference style you are using.Your work will be submitted for electronic plagiarism checking.Any attempt to bypass our plagiarism detection systems will be treated as a severe Assessment Offence.Coursework Submission RequirementsAn electronic copy of your work for this coursework should be fully uploaded by midnight (local time) on the Deadline Date.The last version you upload will be the one that is marked.For this coursework you must submit a single Acrobat PDF document. In general, any text in the document must not be an image (i.e. must not be scanned) and would normally be generated from other documents (e.g. MS Office using "Save As .. PDF").There are limits on the file size. The current limits are displayed on the coursework submission pageon the IntranetMake sure that any files you upload are virus-free and not protected by a password or corrupted otherwise they will be treated as null submissions. Comments on your work will be available from the Coursework page on the Intranet. The grade willbe made available in the portal.You must NOT submit a paper copy of this coursework. All coursework must be submitted as aboveThe University website has details of the current Coursework Regulations, including detailsof penalties for late submission, procedures for Extenuating Circumstances, and penalties for Assessment Offences. See http://www2.gre.ac.uk/current-students/regsfor details.
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SpecificationThe Case Study Student attendance register (SAR) system for the CIS DepartmentThe Department of Computing and Information Systems (CIS) at the University of Greenwich (UoG)operates an intranet to support its core academic operations. Various subsystems on the CIS Intranet haveread-only access to parts of the main UoG Academic Information System (AIS) which deals centrally withstudent registration, finances and progressionYou have been asked to develop a system to record student attendance to teaching sessions. A teachingsession can be a Lecture, a Tutorial session or a Lab session. Each session is associated with a lead memberof staff and a room, lecture theatre or lab section. Courses run over periods of 13 or 26 weeks, following aset pattern.The system should allow a course coordinator to maintain lists of students associated with the course,assign them into one of multiple lecture occurrences and into smaller tutorial/lab groups associated totutors and rooms/labs. The list of students comes from the central AIS system that records all students registered on a course.Each student is uniquely identified by their Student ID (SID). The course coordinator can add other studentsto the register list. These are students who are attending the course but they have not yet registeredofficially to the course. These must be centrally registered UoG students to a valid programme for CIS andthey are identified by their SID or their unique computer systems user ID, also maintained centrally withinthe AIS. These students will be attached to the course as “temporary registrations”. Once the studentregisters officially to the course, their inclusion into the register lists for the course will automaticallybecome “permanent”.Tutors on the course can print blank registers for the current week for their own sessions. Students signnext to their name on the list during the teaching session. Following this the tutor will enter the studentattendance onto the system by entering a “tick” next to each attending student’s name for that session.During some lecture sessions, a lecturer can pass around the class a customised PDA with an integralbarcode reader. Attending students will scan their student card barcode using the reader to record theirattendance at the session. Following this, the lecturer will dock the PDA at a cradle at the school office thatwill record all attendances onto the register system.The system also provides individual attendance records and attendance statistics to tutors, managers andadmin staff within the school. Students can only see their own attendance record by logging onto thesystem. Finally, the system should provide a hyperlinked version of a register with links to otherinformation on each system coming from the central AIS system, such as registration status, holds, studentphotograph, programme name and a list of courses the student is officially registered on.You are part of a system development team to do the analysis, design and development of their new hybridsystem. They have a tight deadline of 4 months for the system to go live, staff should be trained within 2weeks and the analysis, design and development of the new system should be within the budget of 40,000pounds as decided by the Vice Chancellor.
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You are required (individually) to model the current business system and propose a new, integratedsoftware SAR system that will include all current functionality and enhancements needed.Your job is to elicit the exact requirements from the client (your tutors). This can be done in Q and Asessions during class and on the MOODLE discussion forum. However, you will (as good software engineers)confirm in writing any assumptions and conclusions you make from these discussions. For example,assumptions and conclusion can also be made about the different stakeholders and any conflict of interestthey may face. THIS SHOULD BE DONE VIA the discussion forum. In this way everyone will have access to all theassumptions, and you will have a confirmation from the teaching team.Deliverables You are required to INDIVIDUALLY produce a report documenting details on your projectmanagement approach, as well as the initial requirements analysis of the new system. The reportshould be brief and to the point. The report should be around 3000 words and must include the following:a)A Rich Picture serving as an initial exploration of the primary issues and stakeholders; Includeany assumptions you had to make throughout this process.b)A root definition (and CATWOE) to be used as a starting point for the proposed design;c)A list of functional and non-functional requirements;d)A conceptual analysis containing:Detailed use case diagram accompanied by two narratives (which you deem to be the mainfunctionality) of the scenario. Students here should create a detailed use case diagram, with <<includes>> and<<extends>>. The idea is for them to focus on how the staff will use the system.e)As part of your project plan identify the SMART objectives as well as the key stakeholdersrelevant to your project. Assumptions should be stated clearly.f)Attach the Gantt chart for your project plan. You should make sure the Gantt chart is printed inan appropriate scale and only includes the work packages and activities (the individual tasksshould not be included in the Gantt chart). You should make sure the individual activities areclearly identified, and that any dependencies and parallel activities are made clear. Other relevant information for your report:Please include a table of contentsPlease make sure to provide a screenshot of your MS Project files in your report. You cansubmit the MS Project files separately as well, as a zip file in the relevant CourseworkSubmission area by the indicated deadline. Please remember that large diagrams are best reproduced on a separate page. You mustensure that the diagrams are readable! Remember that this coursework is an opportunity toshow what you have learned throughout this first semester of this course. Please make sure that any assumptions made, need to be stated clearly in the report.
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