
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisation Sample Assignment


Added on  2020-11-12

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Professional DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
DevelopingIndividuals, Teamsand Organisations
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisation Sample Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1SECTION 1.....................................................................................................................................1a) Appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB) required by the HR professionalsacross the department (P1)...........................................................................................................1b) Completed personal skills audit for an employee: Jane Cambridge to identify training anddevelopment needs (P2)...............................................................................................................2c) Professional development plan (PDP) for Jane Cambridge in her HR Officer role (P2)........3d) Analysing differences between organisational and individual learning; training anddevelopment (P3).........................................................................................................................5e) Analysing the need for continuous learning and professional development to drivesustainable business performance (P4)........................................................................................8SECTION 2.....................................................................................................................................9i) Demonstrating the understanding of HPW’s contribution towards employee engagement andcompetitive advantage within Ritz Carlton (P5).........................................................................9ii) Evaluating different approaches to performance management with specific examples oftheir support to high performance culture and commitment (P6)..............................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisation Sample Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONA rising competition in today’s business environment is continually urging the organisationsto strategically manage their employees. It is with a special consideration of those who areoperating at a global level and thereby has a specific role of Human Resource (HR) personnel’sin it. They are significant to the enterprise in countless areas that ranges from strategic planningof resources to maintain a positive image of the company (Argyris, 2017). The areas that areprecisely maintained and controlled by the HR’s are proven to improve employee’s experienceduring their overall work tenure by together reinforcing the undertaken business operations.They are largely responsible to develop the team as well as its individuals to entirely develop theestablishment. The current report is also based upon the strategies undertaken by a chosenorganisation Ritz Carlton and its HR to continually develop their workers to work in accordanceto the fluctuating demands of their marketplace. SECTION 1a) Appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB) required by the HR professionals acrossthe department (P1)This is to discourse upon the parameters of KSB in the HR professionals of Ritz Carlton tosuitably operate in their respective departments. Considering this, they are responsible fordistinct set of operations and necessitates the HR’s of the cited enterprise to possess a relevantset of knowledge towards it (Burke and Noumair, 2015). Below are the areas of knowledge foran HR professional in Ritz Carlton- Employee relations- This specifies a vital knowledge of HR’s to maintain a securedemployee- employer relationship at the workplace. For this, they must be able to make atimely identification of their employee’s concerns and resolve the same with best possiblestrategies. Onboarding- This is basically in context to strong skills of onboarding procedure forreducing the rate of employee turnover (Dixon, 2017). It is basically a procedure in whichthe new joiners are allowed to adjust quickly in the new job for a smooth flow of theirwork. Human Resources Information Software (HRIS)- This is mainly in regard to the payrollsystem of HR’s having specialised tools to be used by the professionals, necessitating theHR personnel of Ritz Carlton to possess the skills for their timely usage at work. 1
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisation Sample Assignment_3

Performance Management- This further necessitates the HR professionals of the quotedenterprise to have effective skills of managing the performances of their workers in termsof handling their compensations, etc., (Hao, Yang and Shi, 2019). It in turn requires theHR’s to have some great skills of emotional intelligence and empathy, etc. The above specified skills further require the HR professionals in the quoted establishment topossess certain specific skills that helps them to fulfil the business needs. This includes-Strong communication- This is referred to be a vital skill required to be possessed by anHR in terms of communicating well with others. A strong command over both writtenand oral interaction is of utmost importance for the HR’s to clearly disseminate theinformation to others. It is also in terms of having effective interpersonal skills to interacteasily with the appointed workers at Ritz Carlton. Perfect analytical skills- This is in context to the skills of critical thinking in HR’s whoare frequently required to balance complex situations and strategically promote a positiveenvironment at the workplace for improving the overall performance of the business(Katzenbach and Smith, 2015). Lastly, both aforesaid skills and knowledge depicts an effective behaviour that an HR needsto possess in Ritz Carlton and are as stated below- Purpose oriented- This depicts the attitude of carrying a purpose in both words as well asactions of an HR professional that together aligns with their set business goals and itstimely attainment. Trustworthy- This being another vital trait defines the attitude of transparency that isrequired to be maintained by an HR to behave impartially (Manuti and et. Al., 2015). Versatile and adaptable nature- Change being a vital part of the organisation equallynecessitate the HR’s to be adaptable towards it and carry out a versatile attitude towardsfulfilling the fluctuating needs of the market. Solution oriented- An HR should be enough proficient in managing issues and therebypossess a certain level of originality (Reynolds, 2017). b) Completed personal skills audit for an employee: Jane Cambridge to identify training anddevelopment needs (P2)This is to carry out a personal skills audit of an employee named Jane Cambridge to furtheridentify the needs for training and development. It will be done by analysing the carried personal2
Developing Individual, Teams and Organisation Sample Assignment_4

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