
Organisational and Individual Development Analysis


Added on  2020-07-22

14 Pages3967 Words57 Views
Developing Individuals, Teams andOrganisations
Organisational and Individual Development Analysis_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3SECTION 1......................................................................................................................................3a) Knowledge, skill and behaviour required in HR professional.................................................3b) Personal audit..........................................................................................................................4c) Professional development plan................................................................................................6M1 personal reflection.................................................................................................................7d) Comparison between organisational and individual learning, training and development.......8e) Needs for continuous learning and professional development................................................9M2 Learning cycle theory..........................................................................................................10SECTION 2....................................................................................................................................101) Contribution of HPW in employee engagement and competitive advantage........................102) Performance management approaches..................................................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
Organisational and Individual Development Analysis_2

INTRODUCTIONEmployees are assets of an organisation and their contribution supports the firm inaccomplishing its objectives. Development of these staff members assist in improvingperformance of workforce. Training and development is an essential function of HumanResource Management (HRM) (Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017). By providing necessarytraining to the employees, HR managers improve skills of the individuals so that they canperform well and can contribute in the accomplishment of objectives. Current report is based oncase study of Jane Cambridge. Individual is working as HR officer in Marks & Spencer. Currentassignment will discuss about knowledge, skills and behaviour required in HR professionals.Furthermore, it will conduct skill audit in order to identify strength and weakness of HR officer.Study will compare organisational and individual training and development. Furthermore, it willanalyse contribution of Human Resource Planning (HRP) in employee engagement. SECTION 1a) Knowledge, skill and behaviour required in HR professionalDevelopment of an organisation depends upon the employee of the firm. If they havenecessary skills and talent, then these people can contribute well in the success of business unit.In the absence of skilled workforce, entity can get failed to meet with its organisational goal.Marks and Spencer is a firm which hires candidates by looking at their knowledge and talent.These highly skilled workers support in raising performance of the corporation (Budhwar andDebrah, 2013). As per the given case scenario, Jane Cambridge is working as HR officer in M&S. Personis highly responsible to manage the workforce. But individual is required to improve his skillsand knowledge so that he can perform his duties well. There are several skills, knowledge andbehaviour that is essentially required in HR officer of cited firm (Cummings and Worley, 2014).These are explained as below:Relationship building skill: HR manager of the company have to deal with manyemployees. It is essential for the person to develop strong relationship with other staffmembers. By this way, individual can make effective coordination with people and can
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make them understand their role and responsibilities in Marks and Spencer. Further, HRmanager is responsible to analyse issues of the business and then should resolve theseissues (Erez and et.al, 2013). In order to identify the work based problems, HR officer ofthe company is required to build strong relationship with staff members so that root causeof problems can be identified and effective action can be taken to resolve these issues.Technical skill: It is another most important skill and knowledge which is required to beimproved in Jane Cambridge. With improving technical skill, HR officer will be able toperform his duties well. It will support in managing operations well and improvingefficiency level of the operations. By this way, errors can be minimised and individualwill be able to perform well (George, Haas. and Pentland, 2014). Communication skill: It is most essential knowledge and skill that need to be improved inHR officer of Jane Cambridge. Human resource officer is responsible to coordinate withothers. Individual has to make other staff aware with their role and responsibility. Apartfrom this individual has to give training to them so that they can develop theirknowledge. By improving communication HR officer of cited firm will be able to interactwith staff members well and individual will be able to analyses their training needs. It isthe only ways through which human resource officer can make other understand withtheir responsibilities in the organisation (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). Motivational skill: Jane Cambridge needs to improve motivational skills. HR officer hasto be able to encourage others so that staff members can perform their duties well. This isthe only way through which Human resource manager can enhance business performanceand can contribute in achieving goal of the organisation (Panahi, Watson and Partridge,2012).b) Personal auditHuman resource officer of the company needs to assess their skills in order to identifyskills within the person. For that, personal audit is the best way through which HR officer canconduct self-evaluation and can identify improvement areas. This audit supports the person inmeasuring strength and weakness (Purce, 2014). By this way, HR officer can prepare
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