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Developing Manager: A Comprehensive Analysis of Management, Leadership, and Personal Development


Added on  2024/06/10

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This report delves into the multifaceted role of a developing manager, examining key concepts such as management theories, leadership styles, communication processes, organizational culture, and personal development. It analyzes the practices of Hilton Hotel and Park Plaza Hotel in London, highlighting their management approaches and leadership styles. The report also explores the challenges faced by a team at Frankie & Benny's restaurant, applying team management and motivation theories to propose solutions. Finally, it outlines a personal development plan for an aspiring manager, focusing on enhancing leadership, communication, technical, and problem-solving skills.

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The Developing Manager

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Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
Task 2.............................................................................................................................................13
Task 3.............................................................................................................................................17
Task 4.............................................................................................................................................21
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This assignment focus on the concepts of developing manger and career improvement, the
assignment emphases on Hilton Hotel and Park Plaza Hotel, these hotels are that are located in
London. The assignment explains theories related to management and the difference between
the management approaches followed in these two hotels. The assignment also focuses on
leadership theories and the leadership approach followed in Hilton Hotel and Park Plaza Hotel.
In addition to this communication methods and organization culture related to these hotels
have been studied in this assignment. The assignment also helps to perceive the concepts of
team management and motivation with the example of Frankie & Benny's restaurant.
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Task 1
This report is written as an employee of PKF Hotel experts, the two hotels that are considered
are Hilton Hotel and Park Plaza Hotel. Both of the hotels are located in London are known for
their customer service and excellent hospitality.
Management is defined as a process of getting the people to work on a task and to achieve the
objectives related to that task. Management comprises of application of various theories and
practices for better performance and output (Drucker, 2012). Management is a combination of
four functions that are planning the schedule, supervisory, guiding the staff of organization and
evaluation of the employee, personal and department performance. A manager has to
accomplish these four tasks in order to apply the practice of management effectively.
Figure 01: Functions of Management
Source: E. Wright, 2016

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The management methods that are used by managers are different and they can be described
with the help of management theories. Various scholars and researchers have studied these
approaches to management and these this have helped to develop models of management
(Mintzberg, 2011).
The different approaches to management are as follows:
Contingency Theory of Management
According to the contingency approach, the approach to management should be depended on
the individual behaviour and the management circumstance that the manager faces
(Mintzberg, 2011). The theory suggests that the manager must be flexible to adapt according to
the individual behaviour, to get the best performance outcomes.
System theory of Management
According to this theory, the organization is a system formed by the interaction of open and
closed systems. The open system comprises of external factors and the closed system
comprises internal factors of the organization. In order to take the best decisions related to the
management, the manager must consider the influence of both of these systems.
Classical Theory of Management
Frederick Taylor gave this theory in 1900, the principals of this philosophy believe in improving
the productivity of the workers of the employee by implanting management practices that are
derived by process of observation.
Organizational Behaviour
The organization behaviour theory believes that the performance of the employee is a function
of the organizational culture. The manager of the organization must attempt to develop the
organization behaviour in order to have a better management performance.
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Quantitative Management
The quantitative approach to management applies the principals of mathematical modelling to
improve the management decisions. The approach helps to take right decision based upon
previous experiences (Bolden, 2016).
In Hilton hotel classical theory of management is followed, the management is consent about
the performance of the employee and arranges training and development with constant
performance management for better outcomes form the employee of the Hotel (Drucker,
2012). In Park Plaza hotel the management is a combination of organization behaviour and
system approach to management, the management of the Hotel try provides best internal and
external condition to the staff of the Hotel for better outcomes and performance.
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Leaders to tend to perform set of actions that inspire people working in an organization for
better performance. Leadership comprises of various factors such as creating a vision for the
organization, taking the strategic decision, and motivating the employees for better
performance (Yukl, 2013). The theories of leadership are used to elaborate on the different
approach that is used by the leader to apply leadership in their organization; the theories are
also used to create a unique method of leadership for various circumstances. The different
leadership theories are as follows:
Figure 02: Various Approaches to Leadership
Source: P. María, 2015
Autocratic leadership
The autocratic approach to leadership believes in the single power and does not believe in
sharing of power. This approach to leadership is seen to be beneficial for crisis control and
while achieving aggressive goals for the company (Yukl, 2013). The limitation of this approach
to leadership is that the employees feel demotivate and the quality of decision may not be

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Democratic leadership
The democratic leadership is used by leaders who believe in the participation of the employees,
they believe that company can be developed well with the support of the employees and tend
to take employee-friendly decisions (Goleman, 2017). The advantages of this approach to
leadership are that it helps to grow better organization culture and employee relation but this
approach may not be very helpful in crisis management.
Laissez-faire leadership
According to this leadership method the leaders do not participate actively in the process of
decision making, they believe in employee independence and check the results that are derived
by the employee (Yukl, 2013). The advantages of this leadership style are that the employee
feels motivated in the organization but due to this approach the employee of the company may
take the wrong decision and it may also affect the final performance of the employee.
Action-orientated leadership
The action-orientated leaders believe in motivating the employees by accomplishing the roles
of the organization by themselves in an excellent manner (Goleman, 2017). The advantages of
action-oriented leadership are that as the leaders themselves are involved in work the leaders
know various aspects of the work. The limitation of this approach to leadership is that this
approach is not applicable in workspaces that have a large variety of work to perform and are
bigger in size.
The leadership approach used in Hilton Hotel is democratic leadership; the leaders of the hotel
take the views and opinions of the employees and the managers of the company for taking the
decisions. In addition to the leaders are concerned about the employees and organise various
training and development programs for them (Goleman, 2017). The leadership approach that is
used in Park Plaza is a Laissez-faire approach and democratic approaches, the leaders seek
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active participation of the employee in taking a decision but are not involved in daily work and
believe in employee independence.
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During communication the sender deliver a message to the other source with the help of a
communication medium (Bedwell et al. 2014). Verbal communication is with the human voice
or through the voice from machines. The examples of non-verbal communication are through
emails, posters or any written media.
During communication, the sender sends the message to the source through a medium. The
receiver is present inside the same media and decodes the message from the receiver and
provides a feedback (Bedwell et al. 2014). The quality of communication is affected by the noise
in the medium of communication.
Types of Communication and Barriers to communication
Communication is of two type of verbal and non-verbal communication. In Verbal
communication, the speech is used as a medium of communication and during non-verbal
signals or written text is used as a medium of communication (Knapp et al. 2013). Based upon
the line of communication, communication is divided into two types lateral and liner. In liner
communication, communication happens between personals at same rank in the organization,
in lateral communication, communication happens between the persons of different ranks and
position. The communication process can also be divided into formal and non-formal
communication. The non-formal communication is used for non-professional communication
and the formal communication is used for professional communication.
Figure 03: Barriers to Communication

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Source: K. Sinha, 2016
The obstacles to communication are the factors that restrict effective communication. These
barriers are different for different communication aspects and dependent on the sender and
receiver (Bedwell et al. 2014). Some of the barriers to communication are the personal
difference, organization structure, emotions, and relationship.
The communication methods that are followed in Hilton Park hotel are emails and meetings, for
lateral communication the process of emails is followed between the employees of the
organization and for liner communication informal meetings are conducted. In Park Plaza Hotel
the process of communication is done with the help of emails and letters, in addition to this the
Hotel also practice of employee notice boards is also followed for communication. The other
methods that are used in Park Plaza hotel for communication are meetings and formal talks.
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Organization culture of a company is made by the combined participation of policies of the
company, leadership, people, and working atmosphere (Alvesson, 2012). The organisation
cultures have an impact on business performance and brand image. Four types of
organizational culture are clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market.
Clan Organization culture
The clan organization is formed by collaborative participative of the staff, there is strong
leadership and human participative and development is in the focus (Schein, 2010). The Clan
organization culture considers employee relationship imporatant.
Adhocracy Organization culture
The adhocracy culture is formed by the creative and innovative approach of the company, in
the adhocracy organization culture the focus is kept on innovation and development (Schein,
Hierarchy Organization culture
In hierarchy organisation culture the focus is kept on the control and focus is kept on employee
performance, the leadership is mostly autocratic and success of the employee depends upon
performance (Alvesson, 2012).
Market Organisation culture
In market organisation culture competition is the spirit of the company and the focus is kept on
the customers of the company (Schein, 2010). The market organization culture is found in the
company that face heavy competition from the market.
Change is defined as the process of modification or adjustment in the current process,
structure or behaviours of the company (Carnall, 2018). The process of successfully applying the
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change in the organization and create productive impacts is known as change management..
Demographical changes are related to changes in size or composition. Economic changes are
related to changes in the financial operation of the company and legislative changes that are
related to legal change (Hayes, 2018).
Culture that is followed in Hilton hotel is clan organization culture, the hotel is governed by
powerful leaders, and they believe in employee participation in the hotel and the leaders plan
actively for employee benefits (Schein, 2010). The organization culture that is followed in Park
Plaza hotel is adhocracy organisation culture the leaders and the manager of the company
believe in the creative participation of the employee of the company.

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Task 2
This report highlights review of my personal potential area manager of the company. The
report considers factors such as assessment of personal management skills and SWOT analysis.
The report also considers objectives and targets for personal development.
The management skills that I have are as follows:
Communication Skill
Being an assistant manager communication is one of the most important skills that supports me
to effectively deliver my messages to the customers and the staff (Jackson, 2011). This skill
helps to create a better relationship with another person.
Interpersonal skill
Interpersonal skills supports better social connections, with this skill I am able to provide better
customer care to the customers and understand the issues of my team members properly.
Time Management
I have excellent time management skills this skill helps me manage multiple tasks on the same
day and with this skill I am able to give better performance in my field (Jackson, 2011).
With the planning skills that I have, I am able to work well as my schedule is made for the day,
this skill supports management of the plans of the hotel well.
Relationship Management
I have good relationship building skills, this helps to maintain long relationship with the
customers of the hotel as well as the staff of the hotel. Due to this skill, I am able to make
friends easily and deliver which helps me to deliver proper service.
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Team Work
I can work well in a team and the team members can get associated with me easily, this skill
helps me to manage the team performance and work with multiple teams at the same time.
Knowledge Building
I always make sure to improve my knowledge and skills regularly, I attain online, and offline
class to sharpen my skills related to hospitality and management. This skill helps me grow well
to perform well in my career.
Good Very Good Excellent
Communication Skill Very Good
Interpersonal skill Good
Time Management Excellent
Planning Very Good
Very Good
Team Work Good
Knowledge Building Excellent
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The personal SWOT of my skills and capacities help me to identify my weakness and strengths
easily. The SWOT of my personal assessment is as follows:
Excellent professional qualification
Experience in the specialised sector
Expertise in subjects that are
important for professional success
Relationship building
Communication skill
Team Work
Lack of personnel management
Work-life balance deficiency
Un-healthy lifestyle
Aggressive nature
Opportunity to reach a higher position
in career
Ability to take more qualification
Getting better knowledge about
Unhappy leaders and higher
Low job contentment level
The narrow scope of development in
the same job

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Objectives are defined a task that is required to perform to achieve desired outcomes out of
work, objectives are specific in nature and targets are the aims that are required to achieve by
in limited time frame . Based on the SWOT analysis to improve my performance in the
professional area, I have identified certain goals and targets. This objectives and goals will help
me to overcome my weakness and help to boost my strengths to perform better in the
workplace, the goals that I have identifies are as follows:
To improve my personal management I will read books and take a course on self-
management, the time that will be required in this will be 3 Months
To improve my unhealthy lifestyle I will start to exercise and do yoga, the time required
to achieve my goal will be 6 months
To overcome my aggressive nature I will start taking a meditation class, the time that
will be required for this will be 6 Months
To improve my performance at Job I will improve my management skills the time
required for this will be 6 months
To improve contentment level in my life I will start taking hobby class, and give some
time daily to my hobby, the time required for this will be 3 months
In addition to this, I will review my performance weekly to examine the improvement in the
work that I am doing for personal improvement.
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Task 3
Frankie & Benny's restaurant Case
In the new restaurant, the team is facing certain issue related to the motivation and team
development. The team is facing difficulty to work with each other and the team performance
is also low. In order to overcome this challenge, the following concepts of team management
and motivation can be applied. These management concepts will help to derive better results
from the team and help to solve the issues.
Tuckman’s Teambuilding theory
In the first stage of team formation it goes through the forming stage, in which the team
is unclear about the goal of the team problems regarding personal differences in the
team arise.
The second stage of team development is the storming in this stage the team
performance is minimum and there are struggles in the team.
In the third stage, the team members settle the personal difference with each other and
the team performance improves.
The last of team management is performing stage performing which the team preforms
well and and struggles are minimum.
The Frankie & Benny's restaurant is going through the initial phase of team building that is
forming the stage and it is required for the manager to effectively apply the team building
exerciser for improvement.
Two Factor Theory
Motivation is defined as an internal factor the helps the person to perform well on the various
challenges that she/he faces. There are various theories suggested developing motivation in the
employee of the organization (Sanjeev and Surya, 2016). Application of this theory to the work-
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related context helps reduce the impact of challenges the company is facing regarding
employee motivation.
The two-factor theory of motivation suggests that job satisfaction and employee motivation are
the functions of two factors. These two factors are hygiene factors and motivation factors. The
Hygiene factors include job working condition, employee relation, policies and rules and basic
salary. The motivation factors are an achievement, responsibility, personal growth, and
recognition. These theories suggest that to improve employee motivation at the company has
to work on the development of both of the factors.
Currently, in the Frankie & Benny's restaurant, the hotel management should take care that the
hygiene factors are good in addition to the motivation factors. The hotel can give the employee
of the company with recognition and awards for good work based upon weekly and monthly
performance. The hotel administration can also provide extra incentive to the workers if they
work extra for the company (Stello, 2011). In addition to this, the hotel management can also
work on improvement of policies, employee relationship, and personal growth of the
employee. This will improve the job satisfaction and employee motivation.

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Decision-making is the process of reaching a conclusion based upon study of the facts and
figure that are available to the decision maker (McKenz et al. 2011). Decision-making is a
complex task and involves a combination of many skills such as analytical skills, vision, and
experience in the respective field. As a manager at Frankie & Benny's restaurant the various
decisions that I need to take are as follows:
Programmed and non-programmed decisions
Programmed decisions are taken to overcome repetitive challenges, as a manager, I will be
familiar to take such decisions. Un-programmed choices are not repetitive and they are likely to
occur randomly (Lunenburg, 2011). Being a manager of the Frankie & Benny's restaurant, I have
to face uncertain situation and take decision and take the best possible decision for the
Tactical and operational decisions
The operational decision is related with the decision of daily operation, in the Frankie & Benny's
restaurant this decision is related to the volume of food to be cooked, a number of the
customer to arrive on the day (Albright et al. 2010). The tactic decisions are related to the long-
term impact and are taken by collaborative concern. I have to take the tactical decision such as
the location of the kitchen, number of staff to the employee.
Individual and group decisions
As managers I have to the decisions that are likely to impact myself are an individual decision,
these decisions are the daily routine and personal task allocation (Lunenburg, 2011). As a
manager, I also have to take group decision this decision is related to a group schedule, team
planning and work allotment. These decisions are taken after consideration of view and onions
of the group that is impacted by it.
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The following steps can be taken by the administration of the Frankie & Benny's restaurant for
improvement in the hotels:
The employees must be awarded for their performance by the administration on weekly
basis to improve the motivation
The administration should also focus on the training and development of the employees
The administration should provide the employees with discount coupons to avail the
services of the brand
The weekly meeting must be taken by the managers to improve employee relations
The administration must make sure that the employees are feeling safe, for this, the
administration must make arrangements of various safety tools and training for the
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Task 4
Frankie & Benny's restaurant is a part of The Restaurant Group Plc and I have been working
here as an Assistant Manager, the following report consists of my professional development
plan and examination of my own skills which assists my grow and develop in the professional
career. The skills that I have that support my position in the hospitality industry are as follows:
Leadership skills help me guide and mentor, this skill helps me to become a better manager and
improve the performance of the employees (Jackson, 2011). This skill is crucial for professional
development and improvement.
Communication skill
Better communication skills helps me to maintain a relationship with the employee of Frankie &
Benny's and the customers of the hotel, this skill is crucial for development in the hospitality
Technical skills
Better technical skills help me to examine the quality of the service and guide the employees of
the hotel for improvement. This skill helps me to improve my current rank in career.
Problem-solving skills help to address the problems of the ground level and upper level
effectively (Jackson, 2011). I am experienced with the common problems that are faced by the
ground level staff and knowledge to provide them with the best possible solution.

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The Planning skills that I have helps to make better schedules on the basis of weekly, daily and
monthly scale. This skill helps me to serve better at a higher position in the hospitality industry.
This skill helps me to perform better in my career and personal life.
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Personal Development Plan
Leadership skill Read books and take
an online course
90 Days Improved team
performance and
team management
Communication Skill Take communication
30 Days Better body languages
and interpersonal
(McGrath, 2014)
Team Spirit Read books related to
team management
45 days Improved
coordination with
Self-Management Take an online course
on mediation and
180 days Improved daily
Technical Skills Take a course in
management and
read books
45 Days Better display of
hospitality skills and
feedback from co-
workers (McGrath,
Additional Language Take a class on the
French language
180 Days Better speaking and
writing ability in
Personal Fitness Join a gym 180 days Improved body
flexibility and less
Professional Give more time to the 90 Days performance
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Performance job improvement

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This assignment provides detail understanding of the concept of developing manger. The
assignment assistances to study the various approaches to management and their merits and
demerits in addition to this the assignment also helps to understand the leadership theories.
Various types of communication and obstructions to communication are also studied in this
assignment. Study of organization culture and their types with change management helps to
perceive the concept in detail. The tools of personnel management that are used in the
assignment are very useful for personal development. This tool helps to improve identify
personal strength and weakness and grown in professional life.
Document Page
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management, business, and administration, 15(1), pp.1-9.
McGrath, M., 2014. Personal development plan. Leading the Way, 11(1), p.21.
Document Page
McKenzie, J., van Winkelen, C. and Grewal, S., 2011. Developing organisational decision-
making capability: a knowledge manager's guide. Journal of Knowledge Management,
15(3), pp.403-421.
Mintzberg, H., 2011. From management development to organization development with
Impact. Od Practitioner, 43(3), pp.25-29.
P. María, 2015 ( Online available at last
accessed on June 2018)
Sanjeev, M.A. and Surya, A.V., 2016. Two factor theory of motivation and satisfaction:
An empirical verification. Annals of Data Science, 3(2), pp.155-173.
Schein, E.H., 2010. Organizational culture and leadership (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.
Stello, C.M., 2011. Herzberg’s two-factor theory of job satisfaction: An integrative
literature review. In Unpublished paper presented at The 2011 Student Research
Conference: Exploring Opportunities in Research, Policy, and Practice, University of
Minnesota Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development,
Minneapolis, MN.
Yukl, G.A., 2013. Leadership in organizations. Pearson Education India.
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