
Functions and Roles of Human Resource Management


Added on  2020-01-28

14 Pages4099 Words34 Views
Leadership ManagementPolitical Science
Functions and Roles of Human Resource Management_1

ContentsIntroduction..........................................................................................................................................4Task 1...................................................................................................................................................41.1 Describing differences between personnel and human resource management..........................41.2. Explaining functions of HRM system.......................................................................................41.3 Defining roles and responsibilities the line HR managers.........................................................62.1 Explaining which type of legal and regulatory aspects are required for setting HRM environment......................................................................................................................................62.2 Recommending requirements of human resource planning for the firm....................................72.3Explaning comparison the whole recruitment and selection process with larger organization...73.1 Explaining the link between motivational theory and reward systems......................................83.2 Describing value of job evaluation for firm...............................................................................83.3 Evaluating various reward systems in different organizations and contexts..............................83.4 Suggesting possibly better alternatives for performance appraisal for organization.................94.1 Explaining different cause for employee exits from corporations............................................94.2 Defining how might staff exits differ from one firm to another...............................................104.3 Explaining how does the existing regulatory and legal framework effect staff redundancies as well as dismissals...........................................................................................................................10Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................11References..........................................................................................................................................12
Functions and Roles of Human Resource Management_2

Functions and Roles of Human Resource Management_3

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management is administration of staff members and other activities in theorganization. It plays important role for enterprise to maximise the efficiency and performance ofemployees (Stredwick, 2013). Solution PT is a IT organization which provides informationtechnology services to its consumers in the United Kingdom. The present report describes aboutdifference between human resource and personnel management in the corporation. It introduces thevarious type of implementation of human resource functions of organization. Further, it describesthe roles as well as responsibilities of HR managers in the enterprise. In addition to this, it explainslinks between and motivation theories and rewards system in the company. It represents thetechniques for performance appraisal in the organization. It reveals the different type of reason forexits of staff members from enterprise. TASK 11.1 Describing differences between personnel and human resource management There are many differences between HRM and personnel management.Personnel managementHuman resource managementIt is older approach which creates issues tomanage operations of corporations. It is new method which helps the firm to handleits business activities and employees in aappropriate manner. Personnel management mostly considers onlabour relationship, management and staffmembers welfare in the enterprise (Nyberg andet.al., 2014). It also focuses on training and development,maintenance and motivation of employees in thefirm.It understands employees as input to meet outorganizational goals.HRM considers staff members importantresources to get the organizational objectives.Job designing is executed on the base of divisionof labour.In this process, it is implemented on the basis ofteam work which contributes effectively forcorporation to acquire the objectives in a betterway.Personnel management does not focus ontraining and development approaches.HRM considers these practices to raiseperformance of employees (Samnani and Singh,2013).According to my recommendations, human resource management is a better method than personnelmanagement. So Solutions PT can consider HRM approach which can aid to procure its goals andobjectives by using effective strategies. Further, it can contribute effective role for the organization
Functions and Roles of Human Resource Management_4

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