
Ethical Guide to Criminal Justice


Added on  2020-02-05

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Human ResourceManagement
Ethical Guide to Criminal Justice_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSintroduction....................................................................................................................................1task...................................................................................................................................................1Difference between personnel management and human resource management and whichwould be better and why..............................................................................................................1Human resource management function and their benefits..........................................................2Evaluation of the roles and responsibilities of line HR managers...............................................3Impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management........................3Analysing the reasons for human resource planning in organisations........................................4Comparison between recruitment and selection process between small and large businessorganization.................................................................................................................................4Evaluating effectiveness of the recruitment and selection in two organizations.........................5Assessment of the link between motivational theory and reward system...................................6Importance of job evaluation.......................................................................................................6Evaluation of various reward systems in different organizations and contexts...........................7Alternatives for performance appraisal methods.........................................................................8Reasons behind employee turnover and appropriate recommendations......................................8Usefulness of the exit interview..................................................................................................9Impact of regulatory and legal framework on employee redundancies and dismissalrecommendations.........................................................................................................................9conclusion......................................................................................................................................10references.......................................................................................................................................11
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INTRODUCTIONHuman Recourse Management (HRM) is a process of hiring and developing employeesso that they become more valuable for organization. There are different functions of HRM suchas conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruitment of right people for the job,training and development programs, etc (Gopee and Galloway, 2013). The current researchproject is based on human resource management and its benefits to a small businessorganization. Regarding this, Cambridge satchel has been chosen as a part of study which is agrowing SME of UK. It manufactures leather bags and accessories as per the demand ofcustomers. The current investigation focuses on personnel and HR management and theirimportant for small business enterprises. Further, it also shed lights on recruitment and selectionprocess of the organization and importance of various motivation tools for reducing employeeturnover. TASKDifference between personnel management and human resource management and which would be better and whyPersonnel management (PM)Human Resource management (HRM)It is a traditional approach ofmanaging employees.It is a modern concept of managingpeople and their skills in theorganization.Personnel administration, labourrelations and employee welfareare considered as the majorfunctions of PM (Longeneckerand Fink, 2013).HRM focuses on development,acquisition, motivation andmaintenance of human resource inan organization. It is based on assumption thatemployees are major input forgetting appropriate and desiredoutput of the firm. It assumes that people are verysignificant and valuable assets forattaining organizations goals andobjectives (Sanders, Cogin andBainbridge, 2013). Designing of job is based ondivision of labours. Job design is based on team workrather the number of labours. Decision making process followsHRM includes employee1| P a g e
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a centralised system in which topmanagement takes all decisions asper the rules and regulations ofthe firm (Gravells, 2010). participation and competitiveenvironment at the time of makingimportant decision for organization.Lack of training and developmentopportunities.In human resource management,company highly emphasises ontraining programmes. It is routine function. It is known as strategic function. As per the above discussion, human resource management is more important andbeneficial aspect as compared to personnel management. So, Cambridge satchel should useHRM rather than PM because human resource management completely focuses on planning,monitoring and controlling aspects of resources whereas personnel management majorlyconcentrates on linking management with the employees (Pool and Sewell, 2007). Human resource management function and their benefitsMajor functions of HRM are recruitment, selection, training and development andperformance management. All these functions and their benefits are described as under: Recruitment: It is most important function of HRM of Cambridge satchel for identifyingthe needs of firm to employ someone for a specific post. It focuses on hiring right peoplefor right place and on right time. Formulation of job description and personnel specificare also important task of recruitment function which helps in completing selection ofright candidate (Nienaber and Roodt, 2008). Selection: This function can be defined as a process of choosing right candidate from allapplicants as per the requirement of vacant post. This function uses different methods forscreening applicants such as questionnaire, group discussion and interview, etc. Training and development: For increasing skills and experiences of employee, HRM ofCambridge also focuses on training and development of new and existing employees. It isbeneficial for making leather goods and bags as per the needs and requirement ofcustomers (Cooke, 2012). Performance management: This function of HRM of Cambridge satchel focusses onperformance of SME, different departments and employees. It helps in developing a linkbetween resources, system, employees and strategic objectives of an organization. It is2| P a g e
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