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Employee Engagement in Relation to Retention at Virgin Media


Added on  2023/04/03

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This dissertation explores the impact of employee engagement on retention at Virgin Media. It discusses the meaning of employee engagement, factors that promote engagement, and strategies for improvement. The study is based on qualitative research and questionnaires completed by Virgin Media employees.

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I declare that this dissertation is the result of my own independent investigation and that
all sources are duty acknowledged in references and appendices.
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A lots organizations are in need of initiatives to improve the performance and progress
and take over their competitors. Although there is an important outcome on organizational
performance by training workers by learning and development and keeping them. Main point of
this study is to find the proof of such effect of workers engagement in organizational.
This study shows employee engagement in relation to retention at Virgin media in an
organization. The study was based on theory with an approach to show retention with
engagement. It is a qualitative research with interpretive epistemology. The research was
collected with questionnaires. Virgin media employees completed the questionnaires where 10 of
the workers filled in the questionnaire.
The study shows the link between employee engagements in relation to retention of
performance in Virgin media. The effects show the different variable insights of the workers.
While there is no employee engagement initiative established to work for all organizations, but
the research have shown it is worth seeing for better organizational progress. Furthermore, this
study shows recommendations for applying employee engagement initiatives for more study
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................6
1.1 Background and rationale......................................................................................................6
1.2 External content.....................................................................................................................7
1.3 Internal content......................................................................................................................7
1.4 Background to the host organization.....................................................................................7
1.5 Aims and Objectives..............................................................................................................8
1.6 Limitations and Ethical considerations..................................................................................8
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................9
2.1. Meaning of employee engagement.......................................................................................9
2.2. Factors that promote employee engagement in a company..................................................9
2.3 Effect of employee engagement on workforce retention in a company..............................10
2.4. Strategies that can improve the employee engagement concept in Virgin Company........11
2.5. Relationship of employee engagement on the performance of the organization................12
2.6. Summary of Literature Review..........................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................................................................14
3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................14
3.2 Research Philosophy............................................................................................................15
3.3 Research Approach..............................................................................................................16
3.4 Strategies and choices..........................................................................................................16

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3.5 Data Collection....................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION.......................................................................17
4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................17
4.2 Results from questionnaire..................................................................................................18
Theme 1: Employees in Virgin are ready and willing to accept the change.............................18
Theme 2: employees are willing to take new task in Virgin.....................................................18
Theme 3: Employees in virgin are ready to help each other as and when it is required...........19
Theme 4: Some workers in Virgin are able to identify the challenges and opportunities related
to future......................................................................................................................................20
Theme 5: Employee working in Virgin always keeps working on even in hard times.............21
Theme 6: Different situations are adopted quickly by employees working in Virgin...............21
Theme 7: Employees are completely focused towards their work............................................22
Theme 8: Employees are determined enough to give their best in Virgin everyday.................23
Theme 9: Employees working in virgin are so involved in their work that their day get passed
Theme 10: Employees working in are excited about their work...............................................24
Theme 11: Majority of the employees feel completely involved in their work........................24
Theme 11: People working in Virgin are inspired to meet organizational goals......................25
Theme 12: Virgin is dedicated towards diversity and inclusiveness.........................................26
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Theme 13: People working in Virgin are aware that their efforts and work impact
organizational goals...................................................................................................................27
Theme 14: The culture developed by Virgin is satisfactory......................................................27
Theme 15: The fiscal well-being of Virgin is stable.................................................................28
Theme 16: Virgin is accomplishing its corporate social responsibility.....................................29
Theme 17: The work carried out by Virgin positively impact life of people............................29
Theme18: Most of the employees believe that their job is secured within Virgin....................31
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................33
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................33
5.2 Recommendations................................................................................................................34
CHAPTER 6 PERSONAL REFLECTION..............................................................................................35
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1.1 Background and rationale
Employee engagement is often one of the most challenging aspect for today's business
establishments who are continually required to operate as per the changing trends and agenda of
their marketplaces. Engaging employees is considered to be driving force to attain constant
success in the business where it assists in getting competitive benefit in the market Bal, Kooij
and De Jong, (2013). It is not only referred as a prime agenda of large business enterprises but is
together considered as a beneficial element for small to medium size businesses. It is basically to
encourage the workers to take part in set of activities at the workplace in relation to decision
making practices. It is with another key element of the Human Resource Management (HRM)
where it is a responsibility hereby to encourage the employers to involve their set of workers in
the process of decision making.
The purpose of this research is to explore the beneficial issues of employee engagement
in relation to provide a substantial advantage in the marketplace. It is a fundamental factor of
achieving competitive advantage in marketplace. It is important for organisations where they are
striving to operate at a worldwide level and need to apply more than one of strategy Mone and
London, (2014). Employee engagement is also based on similar set of factors with a principle
responsibility of managerial bodies. It is to inspire workers to take part in the ongoing activities
of their workplace where this study is primarily carried out to establish some large measures of
employee engagement.
In relation to employees engaging in the decision of making procedures is referred to be
the most productive and efficient practice by the HRM. Employee engagement is fundamental in
the workplace it results in attaining high level commitment from the employees by motivating
them to work to set of work target given Saks and Gruman, (2014). This study is too carried out
to discover future means of employee engagement in Virgin Call Centres. It is to find out
whether they are any possibility of applying it to benefit them with organisational goals and
This study is based on subject matter of employee engagement to discover its existence in
Virgin Call Centres. It will hereby tend to outline a vital relationship among the concept of

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employee engagement with that of its varied abstract means that supports in holding the efficient
set of workers for a long time period. A leading principle behind this study is one of its
determined clause of retention where a rising rate of employee turnover and absence can lead to
be a leading issue in present set of business Breevaart, (2014). As a result, to which, huge
number of research have carried out a similar set of study. However, it prime focus was
considering the issue of retention with a simple intention of referring to some other conceptual
problems like employee turnover and absenteeism. Present survey has focussed on concern of
framing and other relative benefits of employee engagement with an importance of getting
success in the future.
1.2 External content
This is in regard to specify the validity of the study where it is broadly linked to the
extrinsic means of research. A valid set of study is proven by its implicated resources that has
been opted at the time of making research. In context to which, the investigator in the present
survey has referred to determine the role of employee engagement to impact upon the retention
of employees in an organisation with a special context of Virgin Call Centres. For which, some
principle measures of data collection has been used by the surveyor over here as a way of
collecting liable set of data. The primary data sources usually necessitates the researcher to
directly interrogate the respondents of the study where in the present investigation, the managers
can be scrutinized by the surveyor by conducting a focussed group interview and probing them
with the help of a formulated questionnaire. Whereas, the secondary sources of data collection
postulates the researcher to gather apt information from certain authentic resources such as
books, journals, magazines, online publications and governmental reports, etc.
1.3 Internal content
It is basically with reference to discourse upon the reliability of the investigation by
referring to the tools adopted by the surveyor to carry out the study in a directional manner. In
context to which, the researcher is hereby required to opt from the most appropriate
methodologies. It will fundamentally represents as a mean of conducting a considerable study
with an ultimate achievement of its projected aims and objectives
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1.4 Background to the host organization
The background shows overview of Virgin Call Centres where it is an essential part of
Virgin Media. It is a subsidiary cooperation of Liberty Global that is actively operating in the
industry of telecommunications and mass media from last 10 years. It is currently headquartered
in Hook, Hampshire of UK and is working with more than 14, 004 number of employees at
present. Virgin Call Centres it serves as a base to the customer service department.
1.5 Aims and Objectives
This part is to outline the leading aims and objectives of the present research work where
these are the areas showed below-
The aim of this study is “To critically define the role of employee engagement in relation
to retention of employees in a company: Virgin Call Centres.”
Below show the objectives of this study that are based on the preceding intent of the
survey along with some framed questions for carrying out the research-
Research Objectives
To study in detail about the concept of employee engagement in Virgin Call Centres.
To ascertain the factors that promotes employee engagement in Virgin Call Centres.
To understand the effects of employee engagement on workforce retention in Virgin Call
To suggest appropriate strategies for improving strategy of employee engagement in relation
to motivate employees of Virgin Call Centres.
1.6 Limitations and Ethical considerations
There exists varied limited factors that are being dealt by the investigator at the time of
carrying out a study that mostly involves a constricted time span and a restricted budget. It is
therefore important for the surveyor to opt for a planned way of study with some applied tools
like Gantt chart to foresee a timely submission of research. It is along with yet another proposed
tool to manage the funds required to be invested at the time of conducting the study by referring
to the method of activity based costing.
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Ethical consideration is yet another agenda while carrying out a survey as a mean of
assuring a moralised context of research. It is promptly associated with a prime concern of
defending the privacy of acquired responses from the respondents by together taking their pre-
approval to make a willing participation in the investigation.
2.1. Meaning of employee engagement
According to, Gruman and Saks (2011) “employee engagement can be defined as a
positive attitude of employees at the workplace towards the organization and its value” It is
purported that an engaged worker is aware of business context and therefore work with other
team members to improve performance within the job and attain the objectives of business. In
this context, Macey et al., (2011) argues that “employee engagement is a kind of force that
motivates employees to perform the job roles at a higher level. It can be considered as a desirable
situation for a company which involves commitment, passion and efforts of the workers. This
aspect will show growth and decline in the organization. At the time of promoting employee
engagement within the workplace, it is important for the organizations to align HR and
management policies with each other so that existing staff can be motivated during their work.
Shuck, Reio Jr and Rocco (2011) have argued that employee engagement consists of
three areas: think, feel and act. Think is a cognitive commitment which defines an employees’
intellectual connection with the firm and gives supports in attaining the business aim and
objectives. On the other hand, feel is affective commitment explaining a strong emotional
connection of staff with the organization. In this, a team member can feel loyal, devoted and
have a sense of belongingness towards the enterprise. Act relates to behavioural commitment of
the employee in which they act as a support in the success of the company. Therefore, from the
above discussion on the employee engagement concept, it has been argued that it is the most
important part of business entity which aids in increasing productivity and profitability of the
organization through making significant contribution in respective areas.
2.2. Factors that promote employee engagement in a company
It is important for the company to design and communicate engagement strategy because
it is purportedly the essence to the key of success (Shuck, 2011). At the time of development of
any commitment tactics, an organization should consider workplace culture, leadership style,

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management methods and other facts as it increases the success rate of the business as compared
to its rivals. In the context of the above Welch (2011) argues that satisfaction of personal
motivators at the workplace is the biggest factor that promote employee engagement in a
venture. If the organization has not able to meet the needs of the workforce then it would be
difficult to engage them into organizational activities. So, it is important to fulfil the personal
motives of the employees to increase their engagement at the workplace.
But Robertson and Cooper (2010) has asserted that “clarity of job expectations in front of
the employees have promoted employee engagement in a company” (Robertson and Cooper,
2010,). If this expectation is not clear to the staff members and company has not provided
aspects that will enable an employee to complete their tasks such as the requisite knowledge and
any kind of equipment to complete the assigned work then it will affect their commitment level
(ref). Also, if the management provide opportunity of advancement in career path for the
workforce and start to involve them into the decision making process, then it will promote
employee engagement at the workplace (Wollard and Shuck, 2011).
As the quality of the working relationships with peers, superiors and subordinates reflect
the employee engagement level at working area (Wollard and Shuck, 2011). The good
relationship between the workers and employer helps in endorsing the cited concept at the
workplace. Likewise, dual consideration provided to the employees at the Virgin group may well
aid in promoting employee engagement in the enterprise.
Evidence would suggest that management has properly demonstrated the duties and
responsibilities of each individual clearly at the time of induction which aids the candidates in
better understanding of roles and duties of each of them towards the organizations success.
Moreover, the strong and positive culture being experienced at Virgin group is perhaps proof that
employee engagement is an imperative practices that directly affects its operations. These are
things that will need to be considered and investigated within the primary research.
2.3 Effect of employee engagement on workforce retention in a company
Crawford, LePine and Rich (2010) has asserted that “a well engaged employee is less
likely to leave the job” (Crawford, LePine and Rich, 2010). In case, the workers have no
emotional commitment to their jobs then the chances of leaving the job becomes higher. Various
research studies show that when employee engagement is low, the intention to leave the
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organization by workers increases (ref). This is the most important reason in the present time of
high employee turnover in every kind of companies in the world. In this context, Albrech (2011)
suggests that the best engagement strategies of a venture has attracted huge amount of the
personnel, Organizations have started to prepare different commitment tactics to increase the
engagement of the employees in the right manner.
This has made significant impact on bottom line of company and gain more loyalty of the
staff members with the time. By supporting the above statement, Markos and Sridevi (2010) has
explained that employee engagement has made positive impact on workforce retention in a
company (Markos and Sridevi, 2010). It has minimized the turnover of the workers and has
increased their commitment level with the business. Along with this, it has raised the footfall of
talented employees within the workplace that help in achieve the organizational objectives in
appropriate way.
The effects of employee engagement programmes may also be ascertained from the
current performance of Virgin group. Since, the company started the employee engagement
practices in the organizational setting, there has been witnessed less number of workers resigning
from the job. It also aid the enterprise in attaining its objectives through the means of high
amount of profitability being ascertained in the past period. Moreover, the customer became
highly satisfied when the employees got engaged at work. The reason behind this is increased
productivity and delivery of quality services to the customers (Ongel, 2014). This again needs to
be considered when analysing results from primary research.
2.4. Strategies that can improve the employee engagement concept in Virgin Company
According to Shuck and Wollard (2010) in order to make employee engagement
initiatives successful, it is important for the company to tailor to the unique needs and
motivations of staff members” On the other hand, Gruman and Saks, 2011 has stated that “by
proving the growth and career development opportunities, the cited firm should increase the
employee engagement” This strategy will enhance the skills and capabilities of the workforce in
the right manner. Along with this, by providing proper training and development opportunities to
the staff, management can enhance the commitment level of them in the right direction.
Apart from this, Macey et al., (2011) has suggested that “by giving recognition and
rewards to the employees, Virgin Company can improve employee engagement”. Therefore, the
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Company should recognize the efforts of the staff all the time as it encourage them to boost their
performance to a greater extent. By giving good pay and other financial benefits it is argued, it
may increase the commitment level of the entire workforce and assist them to give more efforts
to attain the business objectives of cited organization. On the other side, Shuck, Reio Jr and
Rocco (2011) purport that “by focusing on the human capital energy, Virgin Company can
improve the employee engagement in the right direction”. It could therefore make staff more
productive and more capable to perform the work with higher concentration. In addition to the
above, another most prominent method of employee engagement at organizational setting is
through the means of allowing the workers to take part in the decision making process.
They are more likely to get motivated at work when proper consideration is given to them
at the organizational premises. These suggestions in respective matter will help them to get
engaged at work and it will further help in increasing their productivity. So with the help of the
above stated strategies, the cited firm can improve the employee engagement at the workplace
(Gurman and Saks, 2010).
2.5. Relationship of employee engagement on the performance of the organization
Harter (2013) denotes that employee engagement is the concept wherein the workers are
involved in enhancing their performance so as to fulfil the goals and objectives of the company.
In a competitive environment wherein each and every firm wants to gain an edge over each
other, it becomes necessary to involve workers in the most crucial decisions of the organization.
An employee can become engaged when they are highly enthusiastic towards his/ her own work
and also functions in the best interest of the enterprise. Barrick (2015) support this view by
stating that, there is a positive relationship between the employee engagements with that of the
organization performance.
This can be analysed from the outcomes of respective activities as it aids in promoting
safety in the enterprise, assists in gaining customers loyalty, intensifies the productivity of the
employees and increases the employee performance. Furthermore an engaged employee aids
supervisors in achieving the desired results of the company by putting forward significant efforts.
Moreover, as per the view point of the Mone and London (2014), it depicts that employee
engagement is highly witnessed in double digit development companies. Similarly, Virgin group
is a conglomerate company that serves a wide range of products and services to the customers. It

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profitability can be undermined by the diverse kinds of products it renders as well as it operation.
Therefore, employee engagement is the most crucial part of the business entity in order to
succeed and gain a competitive edge over its rivalry firms.
Several studies demonstrate that an engaged employee presents three common behaviour
which intensifies the performance of the organization. A motivated and self-involved employees
displays the inclination to work and be a member of the company, and therefore more inclined to
remain with the company (Korschun, Bhattacharya and Swain (2014). They go on to explain
that another behaviour that is likely to be seen in an engaged employees is that they are likely to
devote extra efforts, time and initiation so as to help the organization to move towards success.
In addition to this, an engaged employee is more likely to inspire and motivate colleagues to
function or work with great vigour and enthusiasm.
In contrast to this, Kehoe and Wright, (2013) asserts that, when the workers are
disengaged they are more likely to show commitment towards their work. Likewise, there are
numerous other outcomes of the same which includes, settling with the less satisfied job and
wasting their time and efforts by working the respective firms and causing dissatisfaction
amongst customers due to low performance. Along with that it has been examined from past
research that companies net and operating profit has significantly increased in a specific time
period when there was demonstrable high employee engagement activities undertaken by the
management. On the other hand, the profit ascertained in other period was quite low due to the
low level of engagement activities undertaken by the firms.
Furthermore, in the opinion of Anitha, (2014), it has been witnessed that employees that
are not engaged cost far more to the enterprise than those that are engaged. Research determines
that these persons are absent from work approximately 3.5 times in a year. Along with that they
are even less productive for the organization as in the case of Virgin group. In the past period,
the company could not retain its employees as no such initiative was taken to engage employees
at work. Additionally, the cost of holding effective workers at the organizational setting was also
very high.
2.6. Summary of Literature Review
The above section clearly explains the significance of employee engagement for the
virgin group company. It has been ascertained that there is a positive relationship between the
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employee engagement and performance of the concerned company. The reason behind it is that
the employees are more likely to perform with greater vigour and efficiency when proper
consideration is being paid to them thereby increasing the profitability of the enterprise. In order
to attain maximum productivity and profitability of the enterprise, it is recommended that it
should make necessary actions so as to engage the employees in the work. For this purpose
numerous strategies has been proposed such as proper communication, meeting the job
expectations of the employees, providing them the freedom to conduct the work as per their
convenience, allowing them to take part in the decision making process of the enterprise. Apart
from this, it has been assessed that the company needs to emphasise on employee engagement
programmes so that the workforce can be retained for longer duration. The reason behind it is
that employees get motivated and feel connected with the organization when management makes
significant efforts to retain them.
3.1 Introduction
Research methodology is a vast concept wherein the scholar selects specific methods,
designs and approaches for ongoing research. It is a guidebook for the researcher to conduct the
activities in the prescribed manner that serves greater advantage and aids in meeting the
objectives of the research. Furthermore, due justification is being provided with the each method
being selected to be applied in the respective field (Mackey and Gass, 2015). This will provide
the learners with the better understanding and knowledge of diverse principles and theories that
can be used to conduct the research.
However, the aim of the present study is to examine the role of employee engagement in
relation to retention of employees in the virgin group company. Therefore, to fulfil this
objectives, data is being collected from diverse sources which helps the scholar in making due
judgement about the data collection methods that needs to be selected.
Along with that the methods or ways in which the data shall be evaluated is also
mentioned and justified in the following section. Last but not the least, all the methods and
theories selected will help the research to meet the objectives as well as assist in getting answers
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regarding research questions (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). The research will be based
qualitative data so it will be carried out by the researcher.
3.2 Research Philosophy
Research philosophy is an immense subject which has no specific definition. However,
the four major research philosophy being presented includes realism, interpretivism. Pragmatism
and positivism. The two philosophies that has been used broadly in most of the research is
interpretivism and positivism. The former is generally used to interpret the results in case when a
qualitative research has been undertaken.
Contrary to the above, positivism approach has been used by the scholar for the present
study on employee engagement in retaining them at organizational level (Flick, 2015). The
reason behind selecting the particular approach is that the researcher needs to find real facts on
the study. For this reason, quantitative analysis will be made to accumulate data or past facts. To
see employees that left in the past years from the virgin group will be collected and evaluated.
Ontology is essential paradigm and also important element of the philosophy of
knowledge. The scope of ontology can be generalised from philosophy to other fields like
medicine, information science and etc (Smith, 2015). Ontology also studies how various existing
entities can be grouped together on the basis of similar attributes. Further, it also tries to find out
the similarities that exist between the research processes. Ontology is also useful in finding out
relation between the objects that exist. On the other hand, people who deal on ontology try to
understand why a particular thing occurs and how it is related to other things.
Epistemology is regarded as one of the core branches of philosophy which deals with the
aspect of procuring knowledge (Friend and Jessop, 2013). It is more concerned with the natural
sources and scope and limits of knowledge. This branch of philosophy chiefly aims to discover
the true meaning of knowledge. In this philosophy, evidence and reasoning are very much
essential to acquire specific knowledge about the research topic.

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Axiology is another branch of philosophy that analyses judgment about the value.
Typically it is engaged with the assessment of the role of researcher’s own value on all stage of
the research process (Creswell, 2013). This also aims to clarify what is undertaken in the
research study to explain and predict the world. It deals in qualitative research wherein
researcher needs to make value in the study. On the basis of nature of study, information is
gathered from the field.
3.3 Research Approach
There are two kinds of research approach commonly used by the scholars to give a
pathway for ongoing study. Generally inductive approach is used when the investigator wants to
depict a theory wherein, it collects data after successful observation, then hypothesis are drawn
based on this theory.
Contrary, to the above, deductive approach is used mainly in quantitative research
wherein the investigator moves from generalized to specific concept after making relative
hypothesis (Silverman, 2016). Nonetheless, in the present study, deductive approach has been
selected by the researcher so as to ascertain the impact of employee engagement on the employee
retention. For this purpose, theoretical analysis has been made based on which hypothesis are
evaluated and then a conceptual framework that is the results regarding the same is derived.
3.4 Strategies and choices
Research design can is a layout in which the research needs to be conducted by the
scholar. It provides with an overview of what to how to do. There are numerous kinds of
research design which can be used by the investigator that includes exploratory, descriptive,
causal and experimental. Exploratory is generally used in those cases wherein the researcher
wants to explore any situation or theory. Contrary, descriptive design is used in order to describe
a particular theory or statement (Tarone, Gass and Cohen, 2013).
In the current study, the concerned design is most suitable as it allows the scholar to
describe about the effects of employee engagement on employee retention at virgin group.
Moreover, descriptive design focuses on a specific aspects such as employee engagement is the
main emphasize of present research. The other two research design is generally used in those
cases wherein the investigator needs to determine a cause and effect relationship between any
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two components and involves in conducting experiments in case of the causal and experimental
design respectively.
3.5 Data Collection
There are two methods collecting data in order to conduct an appropriate research that
renders effective results. These includes primary and secondary sources. Secondary comprises of
information accumulated from books, journals, newspaper, articles, magazines and other relevant
areas (Smith, 2015). Scholar in the present research will be collecting data from both secondary
and primary source wherein information will be accumulated by the means of referring to audit
of Virgin group of the last financial year. Furthermore, books regarding employee engagement
has also been referred by the researcher. These information is used in the second chapter to
conduct the literature review. Apart from this, primary data is also used to prepare themes (Levy
and Lemeshow, 2013).
It is further sub divided into two part quantitative and qualitative data. The former can be
used when the information is used by the medium of mean, median, mode, regression,
correlation, etc. While on the other hand, qualitative data is highly used in those cases wherein,
the data is collected by the means of interview, questionnaire, focus group, role playing,
observation, etc. Although, in the present research report, the scholar will be using questionnaire
so as to gain qualitative information on which themes has been prepared. In addition to this, both
closed and open ended question will be asked by the scholar so as to gain clear reviews of the
employees of Virgin group.
4.1 Introduction
The chapter of findings is considered as one of the most important chapters of the
dissertation. Furthermore, researcher uses different tools and techniques in order to derive
suitable findings from the data collected through various sources. It can be asserted that for the
present dissertation, scholar has gained information from primary sources. A well-structured
questionnaire has been used for the purpose of collecting information from 10 employees of
Virgin (Amelina, 2012). Apart from this, it can also be expressed that findings of dissertation has
been presented with the help of using method of thematic analysis. Different types of charts and
tables have been used by the researcher in order to present findings of present research.
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4.2 Results from questionnaire
Theme 1: Employees in Virgin are ready and willing to accept the change
From the data collected through a well-structured questionnaire, it has been found that
majority of the employees working in Virgin are willing to accept the. It can be expressed that
data has been collected from 10 employees and out of 10, majority which is 4 employees agree
with the statement mentioned above (Bal, Kooij and De Jong, 2013). Furthermore, 3 employees
strongly agree, 1 disagrees and 2 strongly disagree with this fact.
Theme 2: employees are willing to take new task in Virgin

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From the primary data gathered, it has been found by researcher that employees working
in Virgin are willing to take new tasks as and when it is required .Here, the data for present
dissertation has been collected from 10 employees and it has been found that majority of
respondents, that is, 4 strongly agree with the statement (Breevaart and, 2014).
Furthermore, 2 employees strongly disagree, 2 disagree and the remaining 2 agree with the fact
that employees are willing to take new task as and when it is needed.
Theme 3: Employees in virgin are ready to help each other as and when it is required
Information collected from primary sources reveals the fact that people working in Virgin
are always ready to help each other and take initiatives. It can be expressed that the selected
business enterprise has developed an effective culture which always promotes team work among
all its staff members. The information has been collected from total 10 respondents and it has
been found that majority which is 4 employees agree whereas 3 strongly agree with this fact. On
the other side of this, 2 respondents strongly disagree whereas 1 respondent disagree with the
same. In terms of percentage, it can be asserted that 40% of the total respondents agree that
people working in Virgin takes initiatives and help each other (Mone and London, 2014). The
culture of help and assistance directly results in carrying out smooth flow of all operations and
activities within the selected business enterprise. Along with this, it also supports in developing
strong coordination among all members working in organization.
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Theme 4: Some workers in Virgin are able to identify the challenges and opportunities related to
The data collected from primary sources also reveal the fact that there are some people
working in Virgin who are able and capable enough to identify future challenges and
opportunities. Here, the researcher has used 10 employees working in Virgin as a sample size
and it has been found that 40% of the total respondents strongly disagree and 10% of the
respondents disagree with the above mentioned fact. On the other side of this, remaining 40%
of total respondents agreed and remaining 10% were strongly agree with the same. This shows
that there are certain employees among overall staff who are able to proactively identify the
future challenges and opportunities. It has been found from the data collected that some people
working in Virgin are highly effective and capable to identify the key challenges and
opportunities available in future (Saks and Gruman, 2014). On the other hand, some workers
need to attend training sessions in order to become more effective in terms of doing their work.
Document Page
Theme 5: Employee working in Virgin always keeps working on even in hard times
From the primary data collected, it has been found by the researcher that employees
working in Virgin are self-motivated and they keep going on even in situations when things are
very tough. This can be justified by the fact that out of total 10 respondents, majority which is
80% of them agree with this fact (Truss and, 2013). However, one employee disagreed and
the remaining one was strongly disagreed with the statement. In hard times or tough situations,
workers keep on carrying out their activities and motivating their respective co-workers to give
their best in overcoming the issues faced by organisation.
Theme 6: Different situations are adopted quickly by employees working in Virgin

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Data collected from primary sources with the help of a well-structured questionnaire
highlights those employees who are working in Virgin and easily able to adapt various situations.
Out of the total, 10 respondents from whom information has been collected, majority that is 50%
of employees agree with the above mentioned fact (Harter and, 2013). On the other side of
this, 10% of respondents strongly agree, 10% disagree and the remaining 30% strongly disagree
with the same.
Theme 7: Employees are completely focused towards their work
It has been found from the data which has been collected though questionnaire that
people working in Virgin are well aware and completely focused on their duties. The data
collected from the 10 employees reflects that majority of respondents which is 80% agrees that
employee are completely focused on their duties (Kehoe and Wright, 2013). On the other side of
this, 10% of the total respondents strongly agree and the remaining 10% of the respondent
strongly disagree with the same.
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Theme 8: Employees are determined enough to give their best in Virgin everyday
It has been found by the researcher that employee working in Virgin is self motivated and
each day they are giving their best towards success of organisation. Out of the total 10
respondents from whom information has been gained, majority which is 50% agrees with the
above mentioned statement (Knobe and Nichols, S., 2013). On the other side of this, 40% of the
respondent strongly agrees with the same. It has been observed by the researcher that it is the
self-motivation of employee which is supporting Virgin
Theme 9: Employees working in virgin are so involved in their work that their day get passed
Document Page
The finding of primary data collected, depicts the fact that workers are highly
concentrated in doing their work and this results in making the day pass very quickly. Here, 40%
of the total 10 respondents agree with the fact whereas 20% employees strongly agree with the
same. On the other hand, 10% workers disagree and the remaining 30% employees completely
disagree. The self-motivation of employees in virgin supports them to give their best and be
involved in the work which has been assigned by the management (Korschun, Bhattacharya and
Swain, 2014).
Theme 10: Employees working in are excited about their work
It has been found by the researcher that majority of the employees get excited about
going to the workplace. Here, 80% from the total 10 respondents agrees with this fact whereas
10% strongly agree with the same. On the other side of this, only 10% of the total 10 respondents
strongly disagrees and feels that employees are not excited about their work (Harter and,
Theme 11: Majority of the employees feel completely involved in their work

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The data collected from questionnaire also reflects the fact that most of the workers are
completely involved in their work. Here, 40% of the total 10 respondents agree whereas the other
40% strongly agree with this fact. On the other hand, 20% of the remaining respondents disagree
with the above mentioned statement (Mone and London, 2014). It has been observed by the
researcher that people working in Virgin are completely involved in their work and this has
helped the organization to accomplish its objectives.
Theme 11: People working in Virgin are inspired to meet organizational goals
Document Page
The findings of primary data collected, also highlight that most of workers in Virgin are
inspired and motivated enough to meet their goals at workplace. Out of the total 10 respondents,
majority which was 50% agree and the remaining 30% strongly agree with the same. On the
other hand, 10% respondents disagree and the remaining 10% strongly disagree with the above
mentioned fact. It has been observed that the company is using wide range of motivational tools
and techniques in order to encourage and inspire all its workers (Kehoe and Wright, 2013).
Furthermore, the employees are highly motivated in terms of completing their work.
Theme 12: Virgin is dedicated towards diversity and inclusiveness
It can be expressed that 70% of the total 10 respondents agrees that Virgin is dedicated
towards diversity and inclusiveness. However, 10% of the total respondents strongly disagree
and the remaining 20% strongly agree with this fact. It has been found by the scholar that people
from different culture, social and educational background works together. Furthermore, the
selected business enterprise is managing its diversified workforce in the best possible manner
(Knobe and Nichols, S., 2013).
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Theme 13: People working in Virgin are aware that their efforts and work impact organizational
It has been found that majority which is 70% of the total respondents agrees that the work
carried out by them impact goals and objectives of business. On the other hand, 10% disagree
and the remaining 20% respondent strongly disagrees with the above mentioned information. It
has been found that each and every employee working in Virgin is aware that its efforts has
direct impact on overall goals of virgin and thus they are giving best of their efforts for
accomplishment of the same.
Theme 14: The culture developed by Virgin is satisfactory

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The findings of primary data collected, highlight the fact that majority of the people
working in Virgin are satisfied by the culture it has adopted. Out of the total 10 respondents,
majority which is 80% agrees with this fact whereas the remaining 20% strongly agree with the
same. It has been found by the researcher that the culture does not promote any form of
discrimination at workplace and this has created sense of satisfaction among workers (Korschun,
Bhattacharya and Swain, 2014). Along with this, the culture also lays emphasis on promoting
team work and management of diversification in the best possible manner.
Theme 15: The fiscal well-being of Virgin is stable
From the information collected, it has been found by the researcher that Virgin’s fiscal
well-being is very stable. Out of the total 10 respondents, majority which is 40% agree and the
other 40% strongly agree with this fact. On the other side of this, 10% of the total respondents
disagree and the remaining 10% strongly disagree with the same. It has been found by the
researcher that Virgin is financially very stable and this has contributing in overall development
of the employee associated with it. The workers are also satisfied with the kind of monetary pay
and incentives provided to them.
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Theme 16: Virgin is accomplishing its corporate social responsibility
The researcher has also found that Virgin is carrying out its corporate social
responsibility in the best possible manner. The data has been collected from 10 respondents and
it has been found that majority which is 80% of employee agrees that Virgin operates in socially
responsible manner. On the other side of this, 20% of the employees were strongly agreed with
the same. Overall it has been found by the researcher that the brand which is Virgin is well
aware of all its roles and responsibilities towards society and it also place efforts in
accomplishment of the same.
Theme 17: The work carried out by Virgin positively impact life of people
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It can be expressed that the work and operations carried out by Virgin has direct and
positive impact on the lives of people. Here, majority which was 70% of the total 10 respondents
strongly agrees with this statement. Furthermore, 20% of the respondents agree with the fact. On
the other hand, there were 10% of the total respondents who strongly disagree and said that the
operations of Virgin are not affecting lives of people positively (Breevaart and, 2014).
Overall, it has been found by the researcher that the work carried out by Virgin is affecting the
lives of people positively and the organization is making efforts for the same in best possible

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Theme18: Most of the employees believe that their job is secured within Virgin
The data collected from primary sources highlights that majority of respondents strongly
agrees that their job is secured within the Virgin. Out of the total 10 respondents from whom data
has been collected, majority which is 50% strongly agrees with the fact. However, it has been
found that 10% of the total respondents were strongly disagreeing and the remaining 40% agrees
with the same. The findings of research clearly highlight that workers are satisfied with the
overall job security which has been provided to them Amelina, (2012).
In addition to this, it can be stated that employees within Virgin are well focused towards
acceptance of change so that goals and objectives can be accomplished effectively. It has been
witnessed that the employees working in Virgin are willing to accept the change. It also indicates
that employees working in Virgin are willing to take new tasks as and when it is required. Along
with this, it helps in creating positive work environment so that long term goals and objectives
can be accomplished effectively.
It has been noticed that if such aspects within organisation are well maintained then
sustainable opportunities can be attained effectively Amelina, (2012). Information collected from
sources reveals the fact that people working in Virgin are always ready to help each other and
take initiatives.
Document Page
It has been noticed that by having an improved focus on overall aspects the employees
are ready to take initiatives. However, improved focus on initiatives allows to create positive
work environment. The culture of help and assistance directly results in carrying out smooth
flow of all operations and activities within the selected business enterprise. Along with this, it
also supports in developing strong coordination among all members working in organization. It
reflects that employees are having work coordination improvement in order to have application
of key tools and objectives Breevaart (2014).
By having a concern regarding methods like team work the activities are being
accomplished effectively. It has also been noticed that level of high motivation also allows to
ensure about long term sustainability. If employee’s morale is high then it will impact the work
performance in positive manner. Motivation is one of key way which allows to ensure that about
improvement in work productivity. It also helps in accepting change for continuous improvement
in performance Coleman and Ringrose, (2013).
On the basis of literature review and primary information collected by giving recognition
and rewards to the employees, Virgin Company can improve employee engagement. With an
assistance of this, employee participation can be advanced in critical manner. Company should
recognize the efforts of the staff all the time as it encourage them to boost their performance to a
greater extent. Along with this, study also reflects that by employee satisfaction and engagement
the overall performance of company can be advanced effectively in order to meet objectives.
Analysis of overall report also indicates that organizations have started to prepare different
commitment tactics to increase the engagement of the employees in the right manner Harter
This has made significant impact on bottom line of company and gain more loyalty of the
staff members with the time. By having an improved focus on such values the business firm can
advance overall performance in desired manner. Evidence would suggest that management has
properly demonstrated the duties and responsibilities of each individual clearly at the time of
induction which aids the candidates in better understanding of roles and duties of each of them
towards the organizations success Kehoe and Wright, (2013). Company started the employee
engagement practices in the organizational setting, there has been witnessed less number of
Document Page
workers resigning from the job. It also allows business entity to advance overall performance and
lead business firm to impressive level of success.
5.1 Conclusion
This work shows an amount of academic procedures to understand the concept of in
employee engagement in relation to retention. It has been noted by Shuck, (2011) equally being
the main encounter in organizations existed with in last few years. According to
James,Mckechnie and Swanberg (2011), here by there has been a large development in retention
which has resulted to the survey of employee engagement. For organizations to maintain their
competitive advantage over their opponents commitment and engagement has been noted out by
Shuck, (2011) equally the key features needed to reach the success.
Certainly, some writers (for example; Mone and London, 2014) suggest that engaging of
employees lead to better engagement and employee commitment in an organization. Though
writers such as (Fox, 1974) remain the view that commitment does not ensure better work as
here is a chance of workers engaged in less important jobs not straight to impacting
organization's efficiency. Nevertheless, the outcomes from this study display obviously that
organizations can improve efficiency and improve level of performances by engaging their
workers by having a change in the organization.
Study display numerous initiatives used by Virgin Media to obligate and encourage a
change in their employees and have learning and development in place to reduce retention. The
outcome after the results show that Virgin Media clearly shows its targets and goals to
employees confirming that their them at work. Strong message of organization's change has been
recognised by authors such as Boxall and Purcell, 2011 as vital advantages to effectively engage
employees. Motivation, Pay, Promotion from individual development opportunities are in
addition, used by Virgin Media to engage its workers.
As Freeman and Medoff (1984) suggests that organizations effectively occupy change in
workers by engaging in a range of activities and bonding. Heery (2010) said that workers are
more loyal and engaged to an organization when they feel valued and see the organization
helping them to achieving their individual career targets and goals. According to Boxall and

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Purcell (2011), new workers are further motivated to leave an organization if poor training and
development are inside an organization.
Virgin media is seen from the study outcomes to show employee performances, and
providing them with feedback. Though, the study outcomes show that the workers opinions are
not often asked for at workplace. Obtaining workers views and acknowledgment of their
performances are suggested by writers in the literature such as Crowley and Hodson (2014) as
having positive influence on organizational performance. Boxall and Purcell, (2011) say that
employees effort to achieve and exceed minimum organizational goals when they receive regular
appraisals and feedbacks from their bosses.
According to Mone and London (2014), when an organization achieves its
responsibilities and achieves expectations, employees remain obliged to respond with the sense
of job safety and satisfaction. It is common that numerous drivers and barriers of employee
engagement affect performance levels in an organization. While there is not a one driver of
employee engagement that works for every organization, it is though, a vital part for success in
an organization Heery (2010).
5.2 Recommendations
Study results display a great number of employees are not currently satisfied with a new
change within the organization. Based on the research, Virgin Media shows employees not keen
on change because they feel that over-engage with tasks that physically and emotionally drain
them. Employee engagement when very high can lead to ‘over engagement’, therefore resulting
to employees having difficulties in maintaining a healthy work – life balance therefore a failure
in productivity (Heery, 2010). Over engaging of employees apart from leading to reduced
productivity could also lead to stress and burnout (CIPD, 2010). Workers who observe improved
levels of support from their company tend to give better levels of engagement and participation
at workplace.
Study shows that most frustration of employees based on results are related to
psychological needs. It shows a great number of employees are contented with the way company
is ran and do not feel a change will help the organizational.
Document Page
Large number of employees feel that Virgin Media does really want to change some
things at the workplace but the employees are not that keen on it much. Virgin Media will have
to increase involvement in decision-making and ease hierarchical between managers and
employees to boost the change in behaviours from workers Heery, (2010). Therefore including
the workers in decision making and getting feedback from them can help make a change in the
Considering the time and cost limitations limiting this study, more research can help to
find out on the background and behaviours in depth of change in an environment in an
organization. Possibly the objective of forthcoming research must not just be about the impact of
employee engagement on organizations change but on how to engage and participate with
different workers and groups working towards reaching same organizational objectives and
The dissertation involved undertaking a research project to produce a 9,000 word
document. The study was entitled Employee engagement in relation to retention at Virgin Media
within UK. The literature-based on the study used a variety of sources such as books, websites,
journals and questionnaire. The research aimed to critically assess employee engagement and
retention in Virgin Media in UK. The study developed academic perspectives and concepts of
engagement and retention to determine the impact on engagement within organizations in UK by
looking at Virgin Media.
This piece of study reflects the obstacles and challenges faced in the development of
carrying out the study. According to Saunders (2007) the student would be capable to notice
probabilities for developments from the reflections. Student has been able to see in evidence of
the employee engagement in Virgin media as discussed in the literature review. As of this
research, the student has developed more knowledge on not just employee engagement but also
in research methodologies. The study carried out has taught a lot of insight to retention and
engagement at Virgin media.
Due to the difficulty and duration of this study, time management was vital. Initially
progress in the dissertation was slow, due to uncertainties about the subject and the need to
Document Page
reduce the scope of the area. However, as the study developed, a strict timetable was scheduled
to ensure that the work would be completed within the time frame.
Some of the parts took longer than expected, In future I would ensure that an appropriate
eventuality plan was in place to ensure that any delay in completing work was accounted for.
Another problem when completing this work was following to the word count. A huge amount of
research was conducted and the subject chosen had a broad scope which leads to reaching the
word count. To save time and create a concise piece of research it is important to create a plan to
ensure that the word count is not exceeded and resulting in more work removing text.
If I was to do this study again I would certainly make a strict timetable to make sure that
time was used and managed in an effective manner, conduct a lot more of research prior to the
study work towards the word limit. The main skill which was developed was time management
and organizing. This will be vital within in the Virgin media workplace and is definitely an
important skill to maintain.
Although limited time and funds were major constraints faced by the student, however
valuable results were gathered worthy of further exploration by future students. As no research
can be completely cost-free Collis and Hussey, (2009), there will be limits to which the
researcher can go to acquire materials needed for the research. The researcher also noticed that
there is rarely an ideal situation in the course of a research as the result from the research was
contrary to what was envisioned prior to the study. Hence, the need to carry out a research with
an open mind to ensure credible results independent of the researcher's view.
This research has boosted my knowledge of employee engagement and has increased my
eagerness in further comprehension of its impact on organizational performance. The demands of
this research, considering the need to produce credible result within a limited time and confined
resources, has helped in improving my organizational and managerial skills.
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Survey for virgin employees
Disagree Neither
agree or
Agree Strongly
Employees in my
willingly accept
Employees here
are willing to
take on new tasks
as needed.
Employees in my
organization take
the initiative to
help other
employees when
the need arises.
identify future
challenges and
Employees here
always keep
going when the
going gets tough.
In my
employees adapt
Document Page
quickly to
When at work, I
am completely
focused on my
job duties.
I am determined
to give my best
effort at work
each day.
I am often so
involved in my
work that the day
goes by very
I get excited
about going to
I feel completely
involved in my
I am inspired to
meet my goals at
My organization
is dedicated to
diversity and
I understand how
my work impacts
the organization
business goals.

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I am satisfied
with the culture
of my workplace.
My organization
fiscal well-being
is stable.
My organization
operates in
My organization
work positively
impacts people
I am satisfied
with my overall
job security.
Document Page
Letter to Virgin Media for survey
Faculty of Business and Society
University of Glamorgan
Trefforest Campus
CF37 1TH
United Kingdom
December, 2016
Dear Sir/Madam,
Let me start by introducing myself. I am currently an undergraduate student at University
of South Wales, studying human resources degree in my last year, and conducting a study on
Employee engagement in relation to retention at your organizational Virgin for my dissertation.
This is an independent educational study and the results will be highly valuable in
examining current initiatives and proposing feasible solutions to employers. It is however,
strictly confidential as the information you provide is protected under the UK Data Protection
Act. We look forward to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Sawar Anjum
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