
Impact of HR Practices on Employee Retention during Brexit


Added on  2022-11-25

49 Pages17532 Words361 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataPhilosophy
(The impact of human resource management practices in the NHS on
employee retention during Brexit)
Impact of HR Practices on Employee Retention during Brexit_1

Overview of research..............................................................................................................3
Background of the organisation..............................................................................................4
Significance of research.........................................................................................................5
Rationale for the research.......................................................................................................5
Structure of report...................................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................7
Theme 1: To understand the concept of employee’s turnover ratio.......................................8
Theme 2: To identify the need and importance of retaining employees in the organisation.10
Theme 3: To examine the impact of human resource management in respect of retaining
Theme 4: To investigate the impact of Brexit on human resource of NHS and how they deal
with it....................................................................................................................................13
Theme 5: To determine effective techniques of HRM practices..........................................14
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................16
Validity, reliability, and ethical considerations....................................................................21
FINDINGS and ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................27
Theme 1: To understand the concept of employee’s turnover ratio.....................................40
Theme 2: To identify the need and importance of retaining employees in the organisation.41
Theme 3: To examine the impact of human resource management in respect of retaining
Theme 4: To investigate the impact of Brexit on human resource of NHS and how they deal
with it....................................................................................................................................42
Theme 5: To determine effective techniques of HRM practices..........................................42
Conclusion and Recommendations................................................................................................43
Impact of HR Practices on Employee Retention during Brexit_2

Overview of research
Human resource are the asset for an organization that help business to gain growth and
success at marketplace. It is vital for an organization to ensure that its staff members are satisfied
at workplace as it directly influence on the implementation of activities and performance of a
company. Employee turnover ratio is one of the major challenge that is faced by organizations
and affect negatively on the overall productivity and performance (Ju and Li, 2019). For this,
many of the companies make use of employee retention strategies which is a part of human
resource practices in order to engage employees for longer time period. At the time of Brexit,
many of the company faced issue as its employees leave the organization continuously that affect
on the overall performance of organizations at marketplace. It is vital for an organization to
engage and retain its employees for longer time so that all the activities is implemented
effectively and the performance is maintained as well. There is negative impact of Brexit on the
human resource of organization and to deal with this company make use of different human
resources practices. The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of human resource
management practices in the NHS on employee retention during Brexit. A literature review
pertaining to research topic will be conducted. Apart from this, the research method used in the
present study along with their justification is explained. In the last, some of the suggestions is
given to organization in order to retain employees and decline employee turnover ratio in an
effective manner.
Background of the organisation
For the present study, National Health Service is taken into consideration as a base
company. It is an umbrella term for the publicly funded healthcare system of UK. The
organization is founded in year 1948 and headquartered in UK. It provides the majority of health
care in England involving primary care, long term health care, in patient care and so on. The
company serve over more than 1,00,000 patients every day and is not just a health service but is
also the part of fabric of British life. The company continuously features among the top reason
people feel proud to be British and is leading to Broad consensus between political parties to
protect it. The service provide by company involves a comprehensive range of health services
and free at the point of use for people ordinarily resident in UK. The company is gaining growth
Impact of HR Practices on Employee Retention during Brexit_3

rapidly and has around 1.7 million staff which is the fifth biggest employer in the world. At the
time of Brexit, the higher authorities of NHS is facing major issues as its employees leave
organization that directly leads to increase in employee turnover ratio of company. Due to this
issue, the overall productivity and performance of organization is declined and the brand is
developed negatively on the mind-set of people at marketplace. Moreover, It has also arise issue
of providing service to large number of people .This is sturdy will help in analysing the impact of
human resource management practices on employee retention during Brexit.
Research aim:
“To study the impact of HR practices for reduction in employee’s turnover ratio in the
organisation.” A case study on NHS.
Research objectives:
To understand the concept of employee’s turnover ratio.
To identify the need and importance of retaining employees in the organisation.
To examine the impact of human resource management in respect of retaining
To investigate the impact of Brexit on human resource of NHS and how they deal with it.
To determine effective techniques of HRM practices.
Research question:
What is the concept of human resource management?
What are the issues that faced by HR manager of NHS?
What are the significance of retaining employees in organisation?
How human resource management overcome with the impact of Brexit on NHS?
How human resource management can deal with the issue of employee’s turnover ratio in
Significance of research
The present investigation is based on the impact of human resource management practices
on employee retention during Brexit. This research is assistive in understanding the concept and
importance of employee turnover ratio. Apart from this, it help in identifying the issues faced by
organisations and how they deal with it (Kang and Sung, 2019). Additionally, it focuses on
towards using of human resource management practices that help in employee retention during
Brexit. With the execution of this study, investigator will be able to know about the impact of
Impact of HR Practices on Employee Retention during Brexit_4

Brexit on human resources of an organization and how it will affect on the overall growth during
Brexit. This study is highly significant for investigator as well as it help in analyzing the
influence of HRM practices in employee retention. Moreover, it further help scholars in
performing future study systematically and effectively on the related topic.
Rationale for the research
One of the main purpose of conducting this investigation is to analyze the impact of human
resource management practices in NHS on employee retention during Brexit. In addition to this,
it help researcher in identifying the significance of retaining employees within an organization
along with the impact of Brexit on HR practices. It also assist in gaining insight about how NHS
Deal with the issue of employee turnover and the techniques adopted by it in order to retain its
employees. This study is advantageous for investigator in both professional and personal context.
With reference to professional, it help in gaining knowledge about human resource practices
used by organization and how it help in declining employee turnover ratio at workplace which
further help investigator in future where it work or perform the job. In context to personal, it help
in learning as well as improving skills such as data collection, time management, decision-
making, data interpretation and so on. Furthermore, it will also help investigator to conduct
future studies effectively and systematically that leads to attainment of opportunities in future.
Structure of report
It is considered to be an important part of an investigation which represent the overall
structure of the report along with what information are specific sections includes. it help
researcher in getting an idea about the direction in which activities are needed to be performed
which further help in implementation of research activities timely and effectively. The section
consist within the present study is given below:
Chapter 1: Introduction
It is the first section of dissertation that provides a basic understanding about the research
topic selected for investigation which allow reader to have understanding within the area of
study. In addition to this, introduction section includes a detailed overview of the research,
background of the selected organization, research aim and objectives, reason of this study,
significance of study and so on. It is important for researcher to effectively implement this
section as the overall study is mainly depend on it.
Chapter 2: Literature review
Impact of HR Practices on Employee Retention during Brexit_5

It is the second section of research that focuses over performing in-depth knowledge and
analysis of information that is already being collected by different authors and scholars in the
related area. In addition to this, it help in determining the nature of studies and to get an overall
idea about what direction to choose in order to perform research and to achieve aim and
objectives. Here in, the data is mainly collected with different sources such as books, articles,
journals, online polls and many more. By the assistance of this section, primary data will be
developed by researchers and gap is identified in an effective manner.
Chapter 3: Methodology
This section mainly explain detailed information about the tools and methods used by the
researcher in order to conduct the present study in a proper manner. It is important part of
dissertation as it assist in getting idea about reliability and validity of studies. It is because the
method to this for collecting as well as analyzing the information ensure in getting idea about
accuracy of data presented within the study. The research methods used in the present study
along with their justifications or the reason behind selecting is explained in this section.
In the present study, interpretivism research philosophy Will be applied by researcher. In
addition to this, inductive approach is used as a research approach. Both the secondary and
primary data collection methods were applied and probabilistic sampling methods will be used to
select large sample size for investigation. A questionnaire will be developed in order to collect
primary information and is considered as a research instrument selected for the study.
Chapter 4: Data analysis and interpretation
In this section, the information which is collected from the primary as well as secondary
sources will be examined by investigator for presenting the actual finding of research conducted.
In addition to this, in this section the secondary data will be evaluated with the assistance of
thematic analysis that categorized information in subsections. Moreover, primary information
will be assessed by frequency distribution analysis due to which an effective outcome can be
Chapter 5: conclusion and recommendations
It is the last part of dissertation and in this part the finding extracted from data analysis
section will be summarized in order to provide a source conclusions of the overall understanding
gained through collection and examination of data. It is an important section as it assist in
identifying whether the aim and objective of research get accomplished or not. Moreover, it also
Impact of HR Practices on Employee Retention during Brexit_6

involved recommendation section that mainly presents suggestions for the improvement of
current work and future practices to be adopted by organization for retaining its employees for
longer time period.
Literature review is one of the important part of investigation that emphasize in analyzing
and evaluating the data which is already gathered in order to extract out meaningful information.
In addition to this, it is considered as Vital aspect of a dissertation as it help investigator in gather
secondary information in an appropriate and systematic manner. There are different sources that
is beneficial and advantages for investigator in gathering secondary information regarding the
impact of human resource management practices in the employer retention during Brexit (Xiao,
2021). Along with this, literature review consist of viewpoint of different authors associated to
research question. One of the main objective of this section is it properly identify research gaps
within the previous studies. It is analyzed that by collecting data from the viewpoint of different
authors are critically reviewed for developing better understanding associated with the nature of
topic which leads to development of further actions and attainment of valid conclusion. In the
previous studies, the data were available about employee turnover ratio along with the
importance of retaining employees within an organization. In addition to this, the information
available about HR practices and its impact on the productivity and performance of an
organization but has insufficient data about then human resource practices used for reduction in
employees turnover ratio within an organization. It also does not consist employee retention
during Brexit. This is the main gap and in order to overcome with this gap, researcher will need
to follow all the research questions properly. This will support in attainment of research
objective and also help in fulfillment of missing data gap. Literature review help researcher in
determining the further pathway to be followed in order to perform primary investigation that is
based on understanding and evidence of secondary data. The research question of present
investigation is mentioned below:
Theme 1: To understand the concept of employee’s turnover ratio.
As per the view point of Christina pavlou, (2018), employee turnover rate is basically the
measurement of number of employees who leave a company within a specified time. In addition
to this, the loss of talent mainly for a period of one year in the workforce is also known as
Impact of HR Practices on Employee Retention during Brexit_7

employee turnover rate. The loss may involve the departure of employees due to terminations,
resignations, transfers, retirements and so. In context to human resource management, employee
turnover or staff turnover is the rate at which an employer loses employees. It is stated that
measuring employee turnover can be helpful to company that want to examine the reasons for
turnover or also know about the cost estimation to hire for budget purposes. Employee turnover
basically reflects how stable the workforce is in a manner that what percentage of staff members
depart during a given time frame (Employee Turnover Ratio, 2019). It is important to keep in
mind about ratio so that human resource management will describe the past effectively. It is
determined that it does not predict the future as it can decrease or increase without any early
warning. There are mainly two types of employee turnover that is voluntary and involuntary. The
voluntary employee turnover measures employees who dominated the employment relationship
within the company whereas in voluntary measure the rate for employees who were asked to
depart. In the present time, it is analyzed that modern business is about to continuous change and
stability. It mainly indicates how people management practices as well as procedures work
within the organization, and human resources practices perform and vice versa. It is determined
that employee turnover ratio is one of the significant concept for a company as it has negative
influence on the overall performance and image of an organization it is mainly a challenge for a
business entity and to be deal with this is vital in order to remain competitive at workplace and to
gain growth. It is determined that it is normal when staff member leave office during the long run
but the major issue arise when they are living company day by day as it developed a negative
working culture and also generate dissatisfaction within the staff member. Every organization
want that they have less turnover rate so that they can grow more at marketplace. If a company
has low rate of employee turnover ratio then it is effective and also impact positively on its brand
image. It is important for every organization that they should take corrective measures for
retaining its staff members for longer time period as it not only help in saving the cost of hiring
new employees but also improve the performance of an organization. It is important for higher
authorities of respective company that they should focus on gaining knowledge about the reasons
why its employees leave the organization and resolve it rapidly. It assist in finding the solution to
resolve the problem and retain employees for longer time period.
It is determined that there are various factors that arise employee turnover ratio or there are
various reasons why staff members leave organization. One of the main reason is lack of growth
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