
The Role of Training in Business Performance: A Case Study of Tesco


Added on  2023-01-12

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentHigher EducationLanguages and Culture
The Role of Training in Business
A Case Study of Tesco
The Role of Training in Business Performance: A Case Study of Tesco_1

Current research is based on the role of training in improving business
performance. It is one of the famous topics that provide vast and detailed information
to investigator to develop a successful investigation. In this regard, training is
referring to the effective process that provide to staff members with the aim of
enhancing their abilities to do their set job activities. It also beneficial in motivating as
well as encouraging workers so that they can easily perform their task and give best
efforts for accomplishing their set targets. This is the reason that, this study is
undertaken as it helps in gathering detailed information about the role of training and
its impact over the improving performance of business organization. In this regard,
researcher set a specified aim that includes various variables that help in
undertaking this research in a successful manner. Along with this, research
objectives and questions are also developing to address the specified issue or
problem along with effective solution. Apart from this, various methods like primary
and secondary is used to collect relevant information about the research topic. With
the assistance of this, positive outcomes can be easily attaining and at the same
time also draw a valid conclusion at the end of the research.
The Role of Training in Business Performance: A Case Study of Tesco_2

Table of Contents
LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................................................
JUSTIFICATION AND CONTEXTUALISATION..............................................................
Chapter 4: Research Findings.........................................................................................
Chapter 4: Research Findings.........................................................................................
Chapter 5: Discussion......................................................................................................
Chapter 6: Conclusions, recommendations, limitations and suggestions to inform
future research.................................................................................................................
The Role of Training in Business Performance: A Case Study of Tesco_3

Title: “To understand the role of training for improving business performance.”
In a changing and fast paced corporate world, training play a crucial role in
developing employees’ skills and abilities at workplace. As it allows workers to
acquire new skills, knowledge, sharpen existing ones that motivates them to perform
better and at the same time also increase their productivity level. In competitive
world, every business organization investigating in employee training that may
support in improving workers retention rates, better customers satisfaction and at the
same time also develop creative ideas for products. One of the main advantages of
implementing effective training is to saves labour by reducing unnecessary time that
spend on the problem solving and at the same time also saves money of the
company. By this, firm can easily sustain for longer period of time by producing a
better workforce. As overall success of company is highly based on the employees
and their performance as well. This is the reason that, company needs to provide
better training programs to their staff members so that they feel motivated and also
increase their skills to do their best job.
The research is done on the role of training in the business performance. The
research proposal includes the aims and objectives of research and methods which
are used while research. The research is done on the company named Tesco which
want to know about role of training in improving business performance. Tesco is the
public company which is originated in UK. It provided services like selling groceries
in super market stores. The company was founded in 1919 and it was founded by
Jack Cohen. At present they provide services in 6800 shops and provide products at
low cost. Tesco is also providing services through online mobile applications and
deliver products at home. The company is improving business and is expanding
across other countries near the UK. The research is concentrating on identifying the
role of training for improving business performance. It is focusing on factors which
are affecting business performance and training. The study is concentrating on
strategies which would improve business performance. The research includes the
method and data collection techniques which were used by researcher while
completing research. Primary data and secondary data are the data which were
collected while performing the research.
Aims and objectives
The Role of Training in Business Performance: A Case Study of Tesco_4

Aims: To understand the role of training for improving business performance.”
To understand the concept of training for business performance.
To understand the importance of training for improving the business
To identify the strategies for providing training for business performance.
To recommend the ways to improve training for business performance.
To identify the effectiveness of current training program within Tesco.
Research questions
What is the concept of training and business performance?
What is the importance of training and business performance?
What are the approaches for improving training and business performance?
What are the ways in which company can increase business performance
with the help of training?
What is the effectiveness of current training program within Tesco?
It is one of the important sections of whole investigation as it is based on the
secondary source that provide theoretical framework to investigator towards the
specified area of study. In this investigator also includes various view point of
different authors to take right judgement at the end of the investigation. Mainly, it
includes various sources such as journals, articles, books, newspaper and many
more which can be beneficial for investigator to gather depth analysis towards the
specific research topic. As it includes various themes that includes theoretical
analysis along with different authors views points. This will directly contribute in
drawing a valid a reliable conclusion with the aim of making whole investigation
authentic and reliable in nature.
Theme 1: Concept of training and business performance
As identified by Frese, Hass and Friedrich (2016) Tesco is focusing on
training and business performance of the company. Training includes the process in
which employee are trained effectively to complete task. The process in which
candidates are taught about basic skills will help them to do work in an effective
manner. Author states that the training is the act of increasing knowledge and skills.
Training is considered job oriented and improved performance. It is the bridge
between task and what is demanded from employees. The employee has to
The Role of Training in Business Performance: A Case Study of Tesco_5

complete the task with the skills and without help of others. Hence company
employees need to complete work in effective manner. In the case of technological
post employee need to provide training for using soft wares.
As per the perception of Perlines and Araque (2015) training is affecting
business performance and business performance is dependant on employees
training. Business performance is a record of business in which way business is
expanding. Track records of employee are kept in the company, thus track records of
business and projects are kept and calculated by the company. It is calculated
through key performance indicators and balance score card. Employee performance
is affecting the company performance as well. Thus the company needs to perform
in an efficient way that company performance is improved. Due to training
employees would improve performance, and they would work in a better way.
Therefore business performance would improve the image of company in front of the
other companies in market. Through the process of training the complete track
record of employees would be kept and employees would be motivated to work in an
effective manner.
Theme 2: Importance of training and business performance
According to Mensmann, and et.al., (2018), training is important for the
company and for development of employee which are working in the company.
Training is affecting business performance and is affected and influenced by training.
Training is improving the employee performance and also employee morale is
increased by training. Through training, employee can understand responsibility and
duties which will build confidence of the employee that are working in the company.
The weaknesses of employees are addressed and the skills of employees are
improved. The training development program is building confidence of the employee
and they would help each other in performing the task.
The author stated that training is increasing innovating and the new strategies
and the products are introduced. The employee are earning and doing the
experiments which will result in innovative techniques which will be useful for the
company. New ideas are generated among the mind of the employee which are
accomplished and shared among the team members. According to Ferraz and
Gallardo-Vazquez (2016), these would affect the company and Tesco would
increase productivity and standards of the products as well. The company would get
The Role of Training in Business Performance: A Case Study of Tesco_6

the quality performance by satisfying the needs of employees. The customers would
be satisfied with the company and customers would invest in the company and
would buy products of the company. Due to the training, employees would work in an
effective way and company would improve performance. Training would build morale
of employees, and they would be motivated to work in an efficient way. Therefore the
company must come up with new and innovative ideas which would attract the
employees of the company, and they would perform better.
Theme 3: Approaches for improving the training and the business performance
According to Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright (2017) there are various
strategies which would improve training of employees. Training could be made
flexible and accessible, employees of the company are working all the time and there
is difficulty for employees which are working in organization. Therefore the training
programs must be flexible for those employees which are not able to participate in
training programs. Training programs must include effective learning tools to provide
training to employee which are working in the company. The managers are not
participating in the training programs which would not let the managers learn new
According to Jain and Sharma (2019), managers are provided with remuneration and
rewards for training employees. So the managers would use the latest techniques for
motivating employees of the company. The company must use tools for employees
which are from remote areas, and they do not know how to use technology.
Therefore these types of employee must be provided with effective tools, flexible
training and mentorship as well. These would result in the change in employee
performance and employee would benefit company as well. Match different learning
options and the preferences of learning would be helpful for employees and they
would work in the company and also would improve their performance by way of the
training. By different learning and development programs, employees would be
motivated and rewards system would also attract and motivate them to work
effectively. Hence, employees would be working in the company and will also have
an effect on employees performance, therefore they would work better in a more
efficient way.
Theme 4: Ways in which the company would increase the business performance
The Role of Training in Business Performance: A Case Study of Tesco_7

According to Kopnina and Blewitt (2018) Tesco is saving time and cost by training
employees. Training is organized by company for employees. The company is
investing large amounts in the process of training but once employees are trained
they would give huge profits for the company which would come up with the amount
which was invested by the company in training. It is constantly changing
performance of employees and due to the company performance changes. The
company must hire the best employee to provide training. Therefore employee would
learn new things. Programming languages must be taught in an effective manner.
According to author Wellin (2016) Tesco needs to improve the performance of
the company by the process of training. Company employees are trained because
the employee performance is affecting company performance. In companies there
are many temporary workers which have joined the company for entertainment and
not for building careers. Therefore those employees are also trained according to the
law. The company would hire employee with skills and abilities. These would build
the image of the company in front of public awareness. As Tesco is a public
company. The company needs to keep the image safe and clean in front of the
public. These factors are affecting company performance however employees are
the pillars for improving the company performance. The company would increase the
business performance and employees would be affected by this change in the
organization. Therefore employer need to provide the training for dealing with these
problems and the employees would need the proper time and proper training for
managing the issues which would be raised while working in company. So these
would affect company performance it would have positive effect on employee and
the company.
Theme 5: Effectiveness of current training program within Tesco.
According to Caldera, Desha and Dawes, (2017) training is one of the
important activities for every business organization to increase skills and abilities of
staff members so that they can easily perform their specified roles and
responsibilities. With the help of this, company can easily improve their productivity
level and at the same time also reduce their employee turnover as well. As Tesco is
famous business organization that operate their business at global level with the aim
of generating larger profitability level. The main focus of this company is to make its
staff members more productive because its overall success is highly based on its
employees. This is the reason that company provide proper training and
The Role of Training in Business Performance: A Case Study of Tesco_8

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