2E-BUSINESS SYSTEMS Week 3: Building E-commerce Presence The e-commerce trend is growing day by day. The small and the medium size enterprises know the importance of the e-commerce. That is why the enterprises have decided to shift their focus to ecommerce. They are investing money n e-commerce. The consumers prefer to buy products online from the websites sitting at home. That is why the organisations have decided to adapt the information system and to online retail landscape. The modern day e-commerce scenario can be compared to traditional commerce scenario. In the earlier times, the online retail missed out huge part of the consumer population due to several issues. The online retailers thus have taken the initiatives to root out the issues and have taken important measures to carry out the business activities efficiently online. The retailers’ initiative has been proved to be successful. Lots of customers feel comfortable shopping online. Many retailers and the business stills have concerns regarding the business aspects. The retailers are planning to integrate the online business with the physical business. They must ask the people to visit the physical store. The retailers must ask the customers to come to the store for getting promotions on the websites. The customers must be provided with coupons while carrying out shopping online. The retailers will have to take initiatives to create e-commerce website. At first, the business will have to sign up for the e-commerce platform. After that they must sign up for the merchant account for collecting the online payments. In this way the online marketing strategy can be set up. The retailers will have to try to get the solution for the integrated bookkeeping. Convenience is important for the customers. It is the responsibility of the retailers to provide the convenient shopping experience to the customers. The retailers must take certain initiatives.
3E-BUSINESS SYSTEMS They must supply the extensive inventory. They must provide excellent customer service. The retailers by offering extensive inventory, excellent customer service and the low prices can attract the customers. For this reason, every business will get the opportunity to compete with each other over the Internet. The retailers will have to assure security of the website. olution is fast and flexible. The future retail as well as the e-commerce is dependent on sales and retain customers. The conversion rates is increasing quite fast.
4E-BUSINESS SYSTEMS References Evans, M. (2017). From Section 8 to Living Great: Time is a Terrible Thing to Waste Join the ECommerce Marketplace Today [A Step-by-Step Report]. Flanagin, A. J., Metzger, M. J., Pure, R., Markov, A., & Hartsell, E. (2014). Mitigating risk in ecommerce transactions: perceptions of information credibility and the role of user- generatedratingsinproductqualityandpurchaseintention.ElectronicCommerce Research,14(1), 1-23. Neacsu, T., Woods, L., & Sheldon, D. (2015). Ecommerce SEO: An advanced guide to on-page search engine optimization for ecommerce. Sisodia, S. (2016).Identification of growth driving factors for ecommerce 2.0 at Tata unistore ltd. NIFT.