
Stages of Problem Solving in Hilton Hotel: A Case Study


Added on  2019-12-18

13 Pages3854 Words160 Views
Stages of Problem Solving in Hilton Hotel: A Case Study_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Develop a set of won responsibility and performance objective..........................................11.3 Explanation about improvement...........................................................................................31.4 Explanation about motivation techniques.............................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................42.1 Develop solutions to work based problem............................................................................42.2 Explanation about style of communication...........................................................................52.3 Identification about time management strategy....................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................63.1 Role of people in team..........................................................................................................63.2 Analysis of team dynamic.....................................................................................................63.3 Way to complete task............................................................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................74.1 Evaluation of tools for developing solution .........................................................................74.2 strategies for solving problem...............................................................................................84.3 Implementation of strategy...................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Stages of Problem Solving in Hilton Hotel: A Case Study_2

INTRODUCTIONIn every business organization, employees play a very crucial role in order to attaindesired success and results. Every business enterprise desires skilled and qualified employees soas it can develop competitive advantage in the market. Business enterprise requires to recruitsuch skilled personnel’s through which it can make effective production and profitability. Everyindividual have their own skills, talent, ability and knowledge which make them distinctive fromother (Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2005). The following project report has provided a depthknowledge and understanding about employees skill, talent and role in the organization throughwhich form can attain desired success. In addition to this various motivational techniques whichimprove employees performance has been also discussed in this report. Furthermore, asystematic process for solving work based problem and strategies for time management has beenstudied in this report. At the end part of the report defined team dynamic and methods fordeveloping solution to problem in the organization.TASK 11.1 Develop a set of won responsibility and performance objectiveEmployability skill is very essential for every employees through which they can attaindesired objective of organization. People should use various methods and criteria for improvingtheir personality and professionals. Employees play a very essential role in the organizationthrough which it can attain desired success within a time period. In the absence of skilledemployees firm can not survive its business functions and activities. The entire process ofbusiness and activities of Hilton hotel is largely depends upon the employees performance. Themajor objective of Hilton hotel is to earn maximum profitability and market share along withdeliver high quality customer services (Koziolek, 2010). For this purpose, all employees haveresponsibility to give their best contribution and make business operation effective andsuccessful.Being an HR manager in the Hilton hotel I have various roles and responsibility towardorganization. Hilton hotel have major objective is to deliver effective customer satisfaction andearn maximum profit ability and market share in the UK. Cited venture aim is to render highquality of services to customer and again strong brand image in the market. For this objective, asa HR manager I have responsibility to manage the business activities and function in suchmanner as I can effectively gain effective outcomes (Chun and et.al., 2013). Employees are very1
Stages of Problem Solving in Hilton Hotel: A Case Study_3

essential part for business growth so as a HR manager I have responsibility to identify the issueand requirement of personnel related to working and make them satisfy at workplace. I haveanother responsibility to motivate and encourage employees for higher performance andproductivity. In this manner, I can provide monetary and non monetary rewards to them andappreciate their performance in the organization. In the Hilton hotel, customer or guest are veryimportant part so I have also some responsibility toward them. I am liable to improve the qualityof customer service by effective monitoring of employees performance and provide effectiveenvironment by maintain healthy relationship with them.1.2 Evaluation of own effectiveness against defined goalIn the Hilton hotel , as a HR manager I have various roles and responsibility so as I candevelop effective working environment and manage employees in an appropriate manner. Citedventure main objective is to provide high quality of services to customer and earn maximumprofitability and market share. For this objective, I have responsibility to organize trainingprograms so as employees can learn the criteria of effective working. In this manner, myanalytical skill can assist me through which I can identify the requirement of improvement in theemployees. In order to motivate and encourage employees, my effective communication skill canaid me through which I can share my idea and inspirational thought with personnel. Being a HRmanager of cited venture I have responsibility to maintain healthy relationship with employees.In this manner, my communication skill will also assist me (McCoy and et.al., 2012). This willassist in managing employees and attaining the desired objective at workplace. In addition tothis, for manage the high workload situation, my time management skill can also aid me throughwhich I can manage the large numbers of projects at a single time. In order to attain the objectiveof Hilton hotel, I have to develop effective policies and working practices so as employees canmange their work and retain In the organization for long time. In this manner, my decisionmaking power can assist me through which I can take business related decision in an appropriatemanner and attain objective within a time (Erlandsson, 2013). Furthermore, I have effectivepresentation skill through which I can effectively conduct meeting and give presentation aboutbusiness plan, policies, strategies in front of human resource. However, I have lack of effectivetechnical skill which resist me in developing report by use of computer and any other equipment.I have lack of knowledge about computer program. In addition to this, I have ineffectiveleadership skill through which I am unable to motivate and inspire people at workplace for2
Stages of Problem Solving in Hilton Hotel: A Case Study_4

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