
Employer-Employee Relations and Impact


Added on  2020-06-05

19 Pages6110 Words41 Views
Employee Relations
Employer-Employee Relations and Impact_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Different frames for handling employee relations............................................................11.2 Impact of change in trade unionism over employee relations..........................................31.3 Roles of key players in employment relations.................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................62.1 Procedures for resolving conflicts....................................................................................62.2 Key features of employee relations in conflict situation..................................................72.3 Effectiveness of procedures of resolving disputes...........................................................83.1 Role of negotiation in conflict..........................................................................................93.2 Negotiation strategies and its impact..............................................................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................114.1 Influence of EU on industrial democracy and its change after UK exit EU..................114.2 Methods to gain employee participation and involvement in decision making process124.3 Impact of human resource management approach on employee relations.....................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTIONEmployee relation refers to the relationship between employee and employer in theorganisation. This is important thing for the organisation to manage such relationship so that theycan attain growth of their business. Organisation that has good employee relations program isable to provide fair and consistent treatment to its employees. It helps the employees to devotemore time to job and make them loyal toward the company. Tesco is grocery sector company inUK that is providing their services in effective way to number of people (Ahmad and Shahzad,2011). This company has effective employee relationship and it is the key to the growth of thiscompany. Different programmes and seminars are organised by cited company so that they canmake more effective production by utilizing positive efforts of its worker. In the present report,there is an explanation regarding different perspective of handing employee relationship asunitarist, pluralist, radical and impact of change union on it. Furthermore, the role of differentplayer in this regard, handing of different conflict situation, procedure of solving conflicts, roleof negotiation, strategies, influence of EU on industrial democracy of UK, method of employeeparticipation in decision making are also elaborated. TASK 11.1 Different frames for handling employee relationsPositive relationship among the employees of company is important part for the success of theorganisation. It helps to attain the goals and objective of the business. Therefore, Tesco adopteffective theories to mage such relationship. Following are the different perspective in thisregard-Unitary approachIn this perspective, employees and worker of the company is working in harmony so that theycan achieve goals of the organisation (Avey and et. al., 2010). If there is any conflicts andconfusion arise among them then leader and manager of the company play important role tomaintain positive environment in the company. Therefore, there is no need for union as theemployees are free to communicate their issues and problem without any hesitation to managerand senior team. Every organisation want to adopt this way so that they can be effective inestablishing positive relationship among supervisors and subordinates. Corporate always try to1
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