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Employee Relations: Definition & Impact


Added on  2020/02/05

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This assignment delves into the concept of employee relations, outlining its definition and significance within organizations. It examines various aspects of employee relations, including their influence on employee engagement, job satisfaction, and overall organizational performance. The analysis draws upon academic literature and online resources to provide a comprehensive understanding of this crucial field in human resource management.

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Employee Relations

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Table of Contents
Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10
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Employees relation is very importance in for the company. It refers as the relationship or
understand between top management and subordinates of an organisation. Behaviour of the
higher authority is very crucial for the smooth relationship with them. To make workers faithful
with company assist to fulfilment objectives of the corporation. This report is based on the NHS
( National Social Health) is British public health care system it operate in England, Scotland and
Wales. In this report the unitary and pluralistic frames of references that explain the roles and
implications of the main players of the organisation and assessment the impact of the trade union
on relationship of the workers with top management along with bargaining of meditation and
negotiation and evaluate the impact of the employee-relations strategies and policies in the
organisation (Newsom, Turk, and Kruckeberg, 2012). This report helps to find the impact of
human resource management on the relationship of the top and bottom level administration of
the company.
Task 1
Employee relationship refers as the understanding or relations between employer and
employees of company. It helps to increase in loyalty of the employees towards organisation. In
unitary framework of employees relationship approach where workers and owner or top
management and subordinates are share the common interest to achieve the organisational
objective. This formate of the relation assist to make employees loyal with their role and
responsibilities in the corporation. In unitary structure workers involvement in decision making
is high regarding function of enterprise (Zukauskas and Vveinhardt, 2015). At NHS the
employees are consider as important part of organisation they can attain the goals and objectives
and can earn high revenue by greater involvement and participation in many functions and
decision of NHS.
Pluralistic frameworks is described as the making organisation more powerful and
competitive with other players of the groups for their personal goals. In this approaches of the
relationship the dispute or conflicts are resolve by the negotiation and with bargaining. If the
dispute with higher management of the organisation can maintain or manage assist to bring
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positive change and NHS can obtain the growth and success (Ouimet and Zarutskie, 2014). It is
also helpful to company to earn the expected profit and market position.
NHS is health service provider organisation in UK, it using the unitary frameworks for
employee-relation, the main aim of the obtaining the approach is to improving the relationship
between the top management to successfully achieve the objectives of the corporation. It provide
maximum regulation over the subordinates of the NHS. It is assist to encouraged employees to
perform their role better during they work at organisation. Unitary framework helps to
organisation to provide favourable culture within the corporation, it provide the fair and equal
treatment to workers which helpful to improve their motivation for the role at NHS. Company
set their strategies in such a way as it keeps the employers as well as the consumers healthy by
providing better treatment.
Trade union is group of employees or workers of the organisation to share common goals
and interest during the perform their role and responsibilities in corporation. It affect the bond of
the employee and employer in competitive in nature so it would be enhance the competition in
the organisation which not favourable for NHS (Broom, Sha and Seshadrinathan, 2013).
Employees will start avoid the interest of the others groups for their personal growth. Union
strike increase the burden on the performance of the workers and organisation. Mostly company
suffer from union strike when they not satisfied with wage amount deliver by the firm. It directly
affect the relationship in positive and negative way;
Positive effect of the trade union: the positive impact are described as under:
Better communication: trade union helps to increase the conversation between top and lower
management. Union represent the issue of the workers in front of the employer. Many time
workers failed to clear administration about problems so union can easily present it to
Division in work: trade union assist to protect the interest of the workers by divide the workload
to responsible worker at workplace (Hancock and, 2013). It helps to reduce the stress of the
Help in getting fair wages: it aids employees to get appropriate remuneration for their services.
Trade union represent the workers so it is responsibility to protect their financial interest.

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Involvement in decision: it assist to made the decision of the organisation by securing rights of
the workers such as the work duration, fair wages, health and safety of the employees at
workplace (Mishra, Boynton and Mishra, 2014).
Negative impact of the trade union:
The unfavourable impact of the trade union for the management is strike that decrease the
production of the organisation that affect the financial stability of the company.
Sometimes strike affect the employees interest as well. Due to being part of the union individual
lose their own identity.
There are few major player in the organisation which perform many role to improve and
enhance the relationship of the bottom and higher management. At the NHS these following key
player such as the suitable work culture or environment, qualitative supervisor and group
representative and manager of the organisation (Butts, Casper and Yang, 2013).
Working environment: it is the major player of the organisation. It is assist to NHS to make
positive relationship between the both higher authority and lower management, better understand
between them provide freedom and interest to work comfortably and achieve the objective of the
organisation. In the organisation there are many individual to provide their services to
accomplish the goals of the organisation. Every employees have their own belief, values,
language and nationalities. So better work environment helps eliminate the discrimination at
workplace and provide equal opportunity for growth.
Qualitative supervisor and team leader: leader is person who lead the team toward the
achievement of the objectives of the business by motivate them. Leader is responsible for the
improving the performance and productivity of the workers (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014) . A
good motivator or leader is very essential for the organisation to company growth and success by
providing instructions and suggestion of the works such as the handle the customer at NHS.
Supervisor is a person who monitor the work according to the requirement, he review the
progress the assign role to employees and provide essential suggestion to them for better
performance for that particular task.
Manager: it is the person in the company who responsible for the all activities within
organisation. He is liable to create coordination among the employees regarding the assigned
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task for the completion firm objectives. Manager is also accountable to resolve the conflict of the
workers and build an effective communication structure to maintain the positive relationship
with higher authority. The primary task of him is to assign the duties to workers and provide
proper guidance to meet the goals.
Conflict is common things at organisation. It occur when the distinct perception, attitude,
perception persons work together in the corporation. It cause of the lack of coordination and
cooperation among arise the dispute in the company. Negotiation between the British Medical
Association (BMA), NHS workers and the regulatory bodies over junior doctors which are recent
hired and the contract have been made between these two groups. For this purpose committee
members having vote to begin strike for the contract which is sustain regulate by the ministry
structure of the NHS use it own system to resolve the conflict among them at workplace (Men
and Stacks, 2013). To settlement the issue by following hierarchy steps they first to identify the
reason behind the conflict then find the procedure which suitable to solve difficulties and the last
one is to develop a the practice and methods to implement the solution of problem at workplace
of the NHS. These are describe as under:
find the reason: it is the primary task of the management to find the cause of the particular issue
which is arise in the NHS. Mostly the conflict occur due to poor communication and lack of
training and development of organisation. Unhealthy working culture at there, various
personality, attitude and view of the employees. Unfair remuneration to the worker. It is very
essential to deal with these serious issues. Sometimes members failed to reach at the reasons of
the issue so problem still occur and increase.
Strategy of solving the issue: the next steps is the company has to manage the work and
subordinates in a effective way. A proper blueprint regarding the wages and other problems of
the workers (Prottas, 2013). It is assist to organisation to solve the conflict by applying the rules
and regulation at there and provide the safe and healthy work place.
Apply the idea: the strategy of the human right protection and manager has to transfer over the
all employees within the NHS workplace. This are implement to all the individual from top to
bottom management and maintained the communication structure in the organisation.
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Employee relation have significance in the success of the organisation. The vital feature
covered the relation with employee, giving recognition and reward to the employee for their
successfully perform their role and responsibility to achieve the objectives of the corporation. It
aid in enhance the performance of the employees which assist to increase the productivity of the
organisation. The another key feature is providing flexibility to the working. It is cover the break
from the work, giving leave them on requirement and paid for it continue working create
negative view in the mind of the employee regarding the their role and decrease productivity and
efficiency (Barling and Frone, 2016). Other feature is increasing in the role and responsibilities
at the work, proposed a favourable strategy for subordinates of the organisation change in the
task create the interest for the job and increase positivity towards the works which helpful to
achieve greater productivity vice versa. Suitable policies assist to top management to make
relationship smooth with bottom level employee it can aid in the enhance the productivity and
efficiency of the employee when the strategy of the organisation is unfavourable with the
employees objective and preference so company will suffer in accomplishment of its goals .
Effective communication is another key eliminate of relation proper transfer of the information
at the work place helps to maintain understanding between the all level authorities of the
organisation. An appropriate flow of the message among the various departments of corporation
fill the gap and remove the possibility of the misunderstanding among them which lead the
conflict and affect the relationship. Poor communication increase the problems in the
organisation it affect the employee morale negative by create confusion between the top
management and lower management.
The above described key features assist to increase the relationship between the employee
and employer which assist to successfully meet with mission and vision of the company by
increasing the productivity, understanding and trust toward each other within the organisation
(Gounaris and Boukis, 2013).
The effectiveness of the conflict resolve procedures are directly relate with the strategy
and the policy of the organisation. It is the network of the relationships. So the organisation is

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not able to build the relationships and the chances of succeeding is not very high. There are many
procedures to solve the conflict at NHS. These are describe as under below:
Negotiation: it is way which assist to resolve the conflict between the parties through the
transfer the words in effective manner and ultimate stage of this procedures both parities agree
over a common thing of the problems. In this way parties think that own view and opinion,
desire and need at there conflict parties ready to make an agreement regarding their issues.
Mostly negotiation is conduct informally within an organisation. It is economically and quick in
solving the problems of the top and lower management (Park and Shaw, 2013).
Mediation: it is another procedures of the solving of the conflict of the organisation. It is a
person who help to solve the issue both parties through communication. It aim to create mutual
understanding between parties to reach at common point where top and lower management
demand are meet. In this method decision not put forcefully over the parties, this procedures help
to bring cooperation between the conflict groups of the organisation.
Arbitration: in this methods of the conflict settlement the third person who do not discriminate
between both parties in the making an agreement of the common demand of respective parties.
The third person carefully listen the issues of the both parties and has to made fair decision and
some rights for the appealing are given. Each party has the right or the opportunity to present the
evidences and arguments.
The above discuss procedures of the conflicts the NHS can choose best method of the
conflict settlement within the organisation and successfully achieve the objective and goals.
The concept negotiation of the wages and the other condition of the employment by the
organised body of employees is the process of collective bargaining. The term is a mechanism
where the subgroups, trade unions and employers negotiate. There is a collective agreement
where all the responsibilities, right and privileges of the workers, terms and conditions are to be
mentioned in the agreement of the collective bargaining. They have the right on the medical
services and they are related to the someone's life so it demands on a proper training and good
salary is provided (Ouimet and Zarutskie, 2014). Employees from the trade unions to protect
their interests. The trade union of doctors from NHS demand for the education and training and
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have a freedom to speak and have the proper wages. The below presented are the stages of
negotiation are follows :-
Preparations – Doing the research and have to prepare the case. There are so many
collective reasons so that negotiations will be done.
Opening – In this, one side represent the proposal and other one is responds. It goes on
both the parties and present their interests and demands (Posthuma and, 2013).
Trading – One party will make an agreement according to the interest so that both the
parties can bear the trading.
Agreement – Agreements are made on the behalf of both the parties and it is made under
the consideration of the mutual interest (Fossum, 2014).
When the unions of the trade negotiate the outcome is different from the other
negotiations. They set or decide their own rules and regulations and assign the responsibilities to
their workers to do work and negotiate that. In this form there are different groups which are
doing collective bargaining for their demands and the needs and politics is also a part of the
collective bargaining. There is a negotiator which represents the trade union for all the
requirements of the group so that they can do the good work. Collective bargaining and
negotiation are taken in used in the same process so that conflicts can be solved. Negotiation
helps in setting or reducing the issues or the conflicts which are mostly generated in the
industries it decreases the freedom of the administration when they use their power in the
unethical manner (Moen, Kelly, and Lam, 2013). Collective bargaining and negotiation is very
helpful in increasing the production levels when the workers are satisfied that's why they work
Negotiation has the improvement of the dialogues rather than the conflicts and
confronting. The process is carried out between the two parties on a common conclusion. It is
better than the adjustments where the third party decides which be in favour of them or not in
favour of any of them. It is a situation of win or lose. There is being used in the case of conflict
between NHS. In present scenario, negotiation is done between the parties which will mutually
agree and understand each others needs and interests. The process will be completed or adjusted
by the dialogue, if there is a disagreement between the parties then there is a sense of agreement
using collective bargaining. It is just like a participation and the involvement and the rules to be
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followed are to be imposed are decided by both the parties (Anitha, 2014). Sharing of a decision
making or rule making power between the employers and the union. This will help them to
decide mutually that what is significant and needs to be shared and by whom. There are several
strategy which are based on the negotiation to use the dependants on the prerequisites of the
situation or the conflict. Negotiation is very much important and necessary for every organisation
to resolve the barriers or the issues of NHS so that the staff members feel encouraged and
motivated. This help in establishing the trust and the confidence and having a mutual
understanding between the employer and trade union. One it is started to grow then they start
dealing with the situations and conflicts together rather than each other. When they are doing the
agreement of collective bargaining then they are less bounds to change the groups of union
(Shuck and Reio, 2014). It is a way to help the employers as they have to face the new members
every time and settle their disputes so that it improves and enhance the relation of the industries
in UK.
The necessary arrangements done for the workers which includes the responsibilities and
decision making power so that authorities can be do the distribution of the labour in the
workplace is known as industrial democracy. An important role is played by the European
legislation for the managers so that they can take the decisions on the behalf of NHS. The
corporates or the entities can provide an appropriate the information about the rights and duties,
responsibilities of the workers. It involves the labour which help in taking the decisions so that
company can grow. So the persons which are involved in the decision making process of Mark
& Spencer has become functional. Staff members of the corporate have fulfil their duties in a
proper manner and this is used in the motivating and performing the employees so that company
can achieve the growth and the success (Trivisonno and Barling, 2016). The departments of the
entity has appointed the labour appliances and the role is to suggest the enterprise about the
growth of the establishment and the strategies of the enterprise which can be adopted and used
for the development of the company.
Thus, EU has the great influence on the democracy of the industry in UK. Strategies
which are used in the corporate of UK and by adopting the measures the staff members of the

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entity can increase their operational activities and can achieve the leading position. When the
functional and the operational activities is increasing according to time by that Mark & Spencer
can increased the growth, as the employees are the main aspects of the enterprise.
In the decision making process participation of the workers is necessary for the corporate
and it creates the employers in the NHS. There are various discernment regarding the
involvement of the labour in governing so that the staff members can participate and involved in
the issues of the decision making (Chang and et. al., 2015). There are different methods for
taking the decisions on the behalf of the organisation by which workers can participate. The
below mentioned are some of the methods of decision making process:-
At the board level participation of the workers is necessary so that representatives of the
NHS can describe their issues that what the problems arise in the company before the board and
by this the workforce of the the entity can take part in the process of the decision-making.
Participation and involvement of workers through ownership (Carter and, 2013). In taking
the part of the managerial process the company has to encourage the apprentice so it is helpful in
making the working members as the shareholders of NHS. When the employee of the company
become capital holder then staff members get inspired and the process of involvement of
4.3 - The impacts of the human resource management is mentioned for the NHS :-
Success and the failure of the entity depends on the relationship between employee and
employer. Human resource development plays a key role in binding the employees together
which helps in strengthening the bond among the employees (Godard, 2014). HR activities plays
the key role in involving all the employees into productive which gives the opportunity to all the
employees. The human resource department must ensure the several group activities are being
organised at the workplace to bring all the employees on the common platform. Organise the
various activities in the organisation and get together in the workplace according to the taste,
preferences and the convenience. The employees must be encouraged and also involved to
participate in the kind of the extra curricular activities. Workers of the company are able to relax
from the routine work. The HR have to coordinate with the team leaders in the top performers so
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that they can do their work in time and can achieve the goals which are pre decided. When new
employee joins in Mark & Spencer then the company has to provide induction program and
provide the training so that they can perform well and coordinate with the other workers and by
the performance of the employees company can achieve the growth and earn maximum profit.
The HR with the line managers must have to communicate the responsibilities of the employees
to do the best and can avoid the level of dissatisfaction. By the good relations among employees
and employer company can attain the leading position (Klarsfeld and, 2014). Different
principles which are related to human resource development which includes the commitment,
integration in the business and implementation with suppliers, remediation by grievances
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From the report of the employee relation management helps to increase relationship
between higher and lower management of the NHS, it can assist to organisation to solve the
conflict at workplace through effective communication system, and most appropriate method of
dispute settlement is collective bargaining and negotiation between the conflict parties. To
increasing and solving of the issue of the organisation strategies and methods are should
formulate by the top management and Human resource management of the company to
successfully implementation of the rules and regulations at there. The second scenario the
dispute of the trade union and junior doctors of association of British Medical and NHS. For
attaining the success or the growth of the organisation, NHS must resolve the situation otherwise
the conflict will arise more that could be affect the organisation objectives.

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