
Employee Relations Case Studies Analysis


Added on  2020-07-22

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Employee Relations Case Studies Analysis_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 The unitary and pluralistic frames of references....................................................................1P1.2 Impact of changes in trade union upon employee relationship...........................................2P1.3 Role of main players in employee relations........................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P2.1 Procedures which a firm should follow, while dealing with different conflict situations. .4P2.2 Key features of employee relations in condition of conflicts.............................................5P2.3 Evaluation of effective procedures used in conflict situations...........................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7P3.1 Role of negotiation in collective bargaining.......................................................................7P3.2 Impact of negotiation strategies and plans in conflicts situations.......................................8TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8P4.1 Influence of EU (European union) on industrial democracy of UK...................................8P4.2 Modes and steps implemented in Aldi to increase the participation of employees inmanagement................................................................................................................................9P4.3 Human resource management and its impact upon employees relationship....................10Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Employee Relations Case Studies Analysis_2

INTRODUCTIONEmployee relationship is so important for successful growth and development of thebusiness, Aldi have so many occasion to improve its competency level and profit ratio. Theintroduction includes the unitary and pluralistic frames of references within the firm and alsoasses the changes in trade unionism which have effect on employee relationship. This reportcovers the role of the main players in employee relation and procedures which Aldi is following,while dealing with different conflicts and dispute situations. The importance of developingemployee relationship is to reduce the disputes and conflicts within the organization for Aldi isalso explained. Negotiation role in collective bargaining and its strategy which influence thesituation is also given. The introduction evaluate the impact of EU on industrial democracy inUK and balance the methods to obtain the employees participation in decision making processfor Aldi. Finally, it ends up with the impact of human resource management on employees'relationship.TASK 1P1 The unitary and pluralistic frames of referencesUnitary approachThe unitary measure for maintaining relations in industry and employee is based onmotivation, co-ordination, target sharing and goals as well as the positive atmosphere of theorganization. Unitary approach is based on the productive and well-organized business cultureadopted by the management of Aldi organisation. In this approach the managers evoke somedisputes which are occurred because of the poor management system. Both employees andemployer work together to achieve the goals and objectives of the business in desired manner.The things dispute and conflicts are identified and resolved between managers and unions withcollective bargaining strategy and effective negotiation. This states that the unitary approach is amanagement strategy of relationship of employees in which employees and trade union worktogether to accomplish the desired goals and to increase the growth of the business.Pluralistic approachThe pluralistic approach is very unique or dissimilar from the unitary approach. In thisapproach the trade union act as representative of the employees to communicate all the problemsand demands of the employees to the top level managers. In this approach, authority ofmanagement legitimacy is not accepted directly. It is a fact that disputes and problems between1
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workers and management is important on some level to create competition among them, whichcan lead to innovation of new ideas and creativity. In this approach it is required that all therights of the employees are protected. The analysis of corporate culture of Aldi identifies that themanagement does not support the pluralistic approach for maintaining the organizationalrelationship among employees. Aldi's management encourage and motivate their employees toleft the union for effectively maintaining an environment of peace and harmony. P1.2 Impact of changes in trade union upon employee relationship. The trade union act 2016 represents the trade union as a group of employers andemployees, who work together to prevent their rights from exploitation. Trade unions workcollectively in the firm to encourage and improve corporate culture; it also helps in increasingthe amount of satisfaction among employees, which helps in achieving organizational goals andobjectives effectively(Ocampo, 2015). The trade unions are generally categoriesed into fourtypes in UK and these are industrial, craft, white collar and general. General union is a group ofunskilled and skilled employees who monitor and perform different work in various firms.Industrial union is a group of employees who work in the same organization but in differentdepartments. Craft unions are also known as compact groups of upgraded and skilled employeesperforming same tasks in different firms.Professional workers are known as White Collaremployees who perform similar work in various firms. From the above context, it can be statedthat the trade unions have influence upon culture and industrial relationship at Aldi. It is a bigtrade union which covers all bigger retail organisations and incorporating their firm activitiesacross UK. It is identified from the human resource assistant that distributive, union of shop andallied workers has a positive and direct impact upon business management of Aldi. Employees ofthe organisation can solve their issue and conflicts by contacting trade unions effectively.Changes and Modification in trade union can improve the development of the firm andencourage the management to follow the rules and regulations. Effective changes grow up thetrade union which develop an effective environment of industrial relationship within thebusiness. Thus, human resource assistant defines trade unions’ impact upon firm which ensuresthe growth and development of the firm.P1.3 Role of main players in employee relationsEffective and efficient employee relation is very essential for the firm. It is important forthe regular development and growth of a firm and also increase the determination and2
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