
Evaluating Change: A Critical Analysis of Organisational Transformation


Added on  2019-09-30

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Faculty of Business and LawACADEMIC YEAR 2017/18ASSESSMENT BRIEF: Coursework 2: EssayModule Code:UMOD68-30-3, UMOD69-30-3, UMODDQ-30-3Module Title:Managing Organisational and Individual ChangeSubmission Deadline:27th February 2018Assessment ComponentB (Coursework 2)Assessment Weighting:42 per cent of total module markAssessment InstructionsCritically review a specific organisational change and outline the lessons this demonstrates aboutthe successful management of organisational change within organisationsMarking Criteria Tutors will mark the essay based on the following assessment criteria:Knowledge and understanding of relevant theories (T)Analysis linking theory and practice (A)Critical evaluation and coherent argument (C)Meeting these assessment criteria will require the following:T (Theory)Relevant theories and models are selectedRead extensively and use a wide range of theories Demonstrate understanding without describing in detailExamples of relevant theories, perspectives, and models can be found in the core text, module handbook, study units 6 to 12 lecture and seminar materials, and readings on the course blackboard site. You are expected to do your own literature search beyond the level of detail/ content that is presented in lectures.A (Analysis and Application)Detailed exploration of your chosen organisational change Make use of theories and literature to demonstrate insight and to expose key issues. Illustrate your answer with a good range of relevant illustrative examples from the organisational change to build your analysis.C (Criticality) Demonstrate critical thinking. This means making clear arguments that emphasise the relevance and importance of particular insights. For example:Maintain a focus on answering the question throughout and develop a line, or lines, ofreasoning or argumentIntroduce your main argument at the beginning of your essay and then develop the details of how you reached this. Your introduction should also tell us how you are answering the question and structuring your essay.Make points that are evidenced with details from examples from your experience anddiscuss relevant aspects of your chosen theories/ approaches Question the applicability and usefulness of the theories and literature: did it help youto analyse the organisational change?Compare and contrast the relevance of your chosen theories/ models. Are they usefulin gaining insight into the organisational change?Comment on the limits and relevance of different theories and models to help you answer the question 1
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Later in this document you will find the mark sheet that contains further details of assessmentcriteria, which will be used to mark your coursework and exam.GuidanceMake sure you understand the question and ensure you:Do a critical review not a descriptive review of a specific organisational change (for example, do not simply state what happened, but build on this by explaining why it is important). Description should be kept to a minimum the emphasis is on discussion, analysis and argument.Discuss with relevant theories/ approaches the lessons that can be learnt about the successful management of within organisational changeChoosing the Organisational Change2. The specific organisational change can be sourced from personal experiences of organisational change, OR examples of change management you are familiar with, OR your own choice of case study. You can discuss either a successful or an unsuccessful organisational change and evaluate lessons about what (could have) made it successful NOTE: You CANNOT use the MYBANK Case(from the core text or any other source); 3. Do not use any case study or organisation used in any other level 3 module (e.g. Strategic Management or another module). This will help you to ensure you are analysing an organisational change and management of change and NOT a business change case or a review of strategic change etc. If you have any doubt, check your choice of case with your seminar tutor. 4. If you decide to use a published case study rather than your own experience you need to ensure the analysis is your own work and not a repetition from other sources. We use Safe Assign so assessment offences (e.g. plagiarism) will be detected. 5. You also have the option to generate your own case study from an organisation you have access to (for example through meetings/interviews or a family member etc.). This gives you the option to build your own case based on others’ experiences. Be careful to ensure you can obtain sufficient details.Remember:1. Use your feedback on your coursework 1 to help you consider what you need to do to earn a good mark for coursework 2.2. Read the frequently asked questions given at the end of this document AND do attend the Q&A lecture for this coursework.FormatAll work should be word processed in 12 point font Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial and doublespaced.Please use the following file format(s): .doc / .docx (please note that files submitted in formatsassociated with Apple Mac computers are not able to be opened, and thus, not able to bemarked. It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit your coursework in the appropriateformat) Please ensure that you provide the following details on the first page of your coursework:Student NumberModule Name and NumberWord Count Coursework questionWord Limit2500 words (+/- 10% which is a minimum of 2250 words and a maximum of 2750 words).Writing beyond this maximum limit will not be read or marked2
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Word count includes everything in the main body of the essay (including headings, tables,citations, quotes, lists, acronyms and numbers expressed as digits or in words. etc.) The reference/ bibliography pages and any Appendix at the end are excluded from theword count. Appendices are not expected, if you do decide to use appendices remember these willNOTbe marked. The marker may or may not refer to the Appendices: do not dependupon material contained in Appendices to develop the discussion in the main body of youressay..Referencing:Please ensure you adhere to the principles of good academic practice and ensure you use theUWE Harvard system to reference your work. Failure to properly reference your work to originalsource material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may result in failureof the assessment or have more serious implications. For further guidance on correct referencing go to:Submit only your own work and do not plagiarise from other sources or students. When you submit your assignment Safe Assign will compare your work to those of other students (current and past) as well as other materials available on internet. Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found here:Instructions for submission Please note that the submission deadlines are absolute and based on UWE server time, thereforeyou are strongly advised to submit work well ahead of the deadline dates to avoid situationswhere penalties could be incurred. If penalties are imposed it will result in late work submissionsbeing capped or not accepted for marking.Make sure you submit your own work and do not plagiarise from other sources or students. All modules within FBL, including this module, use Safe Assign software. When you submit your assignment Safe Assign will compare you work to those of other students (current and past) as well as other materials available on internet. UWE will take action if Safe Assign suggests your work includes material that is ‘copied’ from other sources.Component B:Element 2 – Essay27th February 2018 at1.59 pm online via blackboardPlease upload your completed essay and any appendices as a SINGLE Word documentPlease ensure you allow sufficient time to upload your script, noting thatthe system becomesbusier and slower as the deadline approaches. Only your final upload will be counted. Ensure allyour information is submitted at one attempt to avoid ‘overwriting’ your intended submission.Always check and retain your receipts. Late submission in the 24 hours following the deadline will be accepted but the assignment markwill be capped at 40%. Submissions after 24 hours will not be accepted. For full guidance on onlinesubmission through Blackboard, see:Submissions of coursework by any other method (including a paper copy, on disc, by email or byfax) are NOT permissible for this module unless specifically agreed in advance of the submissiondate.3
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See the module handbook for further details on UWE policies and submission information forthis assignment.Before submitting your work, please ensure the following:That you have proof read you work thoroughly to ensure your work is presented appropriately That your document is saved as the appropriate file extension (.doc or .docx)That you have addressed all the required elements of the assessmentThat you have referenced in accordance with the guidance providedThat you have addressed each of the marking criterionThat the submission is in the correct formatFeedback Students will normally receive marks and feedback on their submission within 20 working days ofthe submission deadline (not including any public holidays or university closure days). Any delay inreturning students’ work will be communicated by the module leader via Blackboard. For further guidance on feedback, please refer to the module handbook.Extenuating Circumstances If you are experiencing difficulties in completing a piece of assessment on time due to unexpected circumstances (for example illness, accident, bereavement), you should seek advice from a Student SupportAdviser at the earliest opportunity.Please note the module leader cannot grant extenuating circumstances or extensions. 4
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