
The Nurse Professional Assessment 2022


Added on  2022-08-21

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NURS20160 Assessment 1
The Nurse Professional Assessment 1
Evidence-Based Patient Centred Practice Worksheet
Student Name: Student Number:
Research Topic: The Attitude of the Nurses in Providing Nursing Care during
Creating the question
Brief explanation of the nursing intervention (no more than 1 paragraph):
Answer. A pandemic is a condition, which is associated with a disease
condition and that affects the population of a huge geographical area. It is very
important for the healthcare workers including the nurses to be willing to
provide a proper care to the affected people, without fearing for encountering
that disease condition themselves. They must be active in their social duty to
spread awareness to the common people about the safety guidelines as the
first intervention. The second intervention must involve attending the
requirements of their patients and the third interventions must involve
promoting safety against that disease condition around the whole community.
What do you want to know?
Answer. This research will be aiming for determining the willingness of the
nursing staffs to fulfil their duties during a pandemic outbreak of an infectious
disease condition.
Is this a quantitative (PICO) or qualitative question (PEO)?
Answer: This can be considered to be a qualitative question (PEO)
Please complete the appropriate search tool
P: Nursing Staffs
E: Pandemic outbreak
O: Willingness to continue their
What is your PICO/PEO question?
Answer: During a pandemic outbreak of an infectious disease, how willing are
the nursing staffs in continuing their duties to provide the patients their
needed care?
What synonyms could you use for your
PICO/PEO search terms?
P: P: Nurses
I: E: Pandemic Infections
C: O: Willingness to provide proper care
Which databases will you use for your search?
Answer. Google scholar and pubmed databases will be searched for finding
the appropriate scholarly articles to answer this PEO question.
What filters will you use for your search and why?
Answer. The articles that were published within last five years will be included
in this research study. The recent studies can be considered to be more valid
than the others (Leung, 2015). The articles written in the English language will
be considered only. The scholarly studies focusing on the nursing staffs will be
chosen, since the PEO question is focused on the population of nurses only.
Database Search
Please write out your first search here:
e.g. Pressure AND (Injury OR Sore OR
Ulcer) AND (Monitoring OR Assessment)
AND nurs*
Number of results from each
Database (please list separately):
e.g. Medline: 1178
Science Direct: 3
The Nurse Professional Assessment 2022_1

NURS20160 Assessment 1
Filters: English, published after 2009,
peer reviewed
Answer: Nursing staff AND Pandemic
AND willingness to provide care.
Answer: Google Scholar: 21,000
Pubmed: 305
Total results: 21,305
Do you need to refine your search?
Answer: Yes.
Please justify your answer: The search
results included the studies of all times.
There were many studies that were
focused on the other healthcare
workers as well besides the nursing
How have you refined your search?
Answer: The publication time was
customized in those databases and
the articles that focused on the
nurses only were shortlisted
Write out your next search here (if
Number of results from each
Total Results:
Do you need to refine your search?
Please justify your answer:
How have you refined your search?
Total Results:
Write out your next search here (if
Number of results from each
Total Results
5 Articles and Analysis
APA reference Article 1:
Chilton, J. M., McNeill, C., & Alfred, D. (2016). Survey of nursing students' self-reported knowledge
of Ebola virus disease, willingness to treat, and perceptions of their duty to treat. Journal of
Professional Nursing, 32(6), 487-493. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2016.05.004
Does this article directly relate to your
PICO/PEO question? Yes/No
Answer: Yes. The study directly
focuses on the analysing the aspect of
the willingness of the nursing students
to treat the patients with Ebola Virus
Disease (EBV) during a worldwide
pandemic outbreak.
If no – is there a good reason for
including it?
Where does the article fall on the
Evidence Pyramid?
Answer: The study used a survey
design as evidence to fulfil their aim.
Thus it is a cohort study and it falls
under moderate level of evidence.
Who are the authors and what are
their credentials?
Answer: The names of the authors
were, Jenifer M. Chilton, Charleen McNeil,
& Danita Alfred.
All them have PhD qualification and
are registered nurses. Chilton and
McNeil are assistant professors and
The Nurse Professional Assessment 2022_2

NURS20160 Assessment 1
Alfred is a professor.
Study Aim:
The study aimed for examining three main aspects in the nursing students.
Those three aspects were the knowledge on EVD, the willingness of the
student to treat the EVD patients and finally their perception of duty towards
the patients with EVD.
Study Population:
The nursing students of two
Briefly describe the study method
(20 words max):
The study was based on a cross-
sectional survey design, which
involved 313 participants.
The students had a moderate level of knowledge on EVD. However they are
willing to treat the patients with EVD and consider that it is their duty to help
the patients with EVD.
How are the results useful to your question?
Answer: This study answers the research question that the nursing staffs
display complete willingness to treat the patients with an infectious pandemic
disease condition.
Can the results be applied to the Australian healthcare context?
Answer: The study was conducted on the American students. Thus it cannot
be directly linked with the Australian healthcare context.
What are the limitations of the research?
Answer: The study design was based on the questionnaire developed by the
researchers and that cannot be considered to have a high level of validity.
The biasness of the data can be resulting from the fact that the study was
conducted during the time of an outbreak of EVD pandemic. The event was
most likely to have an effect on the minds of the participants.
APA reference Article 2:
Natan, M. B., Zilberstein, S., & Alaev, D. (2015). Willingness of future nursing
workforce to report for duty during an avian influenza pandemic.
Research and
theory for nursing practice,
29(4), 266-275. DOI: 10.1891/1541-6577.29.4.266
Does this article directly relate to your
PICO/PEO question? Yes/No
Answer: Yes. This study was focused
on the nursing students and their
willingness to report to their duty
during the avian flu pandemic.
If no – is there a good reason for
including it?
Where does the article fall on the
Evidence Pyramid?
Answer: This is also a moderate level
of evidence, since the study used
primary data.
Who are the authors and what are
their credentials?
The names of the authors were
Shirley Zilberstein and Diana Alaev.
They both are registered nurses.
Study Aim:
The study aimed for using the theory of self-efficacy to determine the level of
willingness among the nursing students to report to their duties during an
avian influenza pandemic.
Study Population:
Israeli Nursing students.
Briefly describe the study method
(20 words max):
The Nurse Professional Assessment 2022_3

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