
Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data


Added on  2023-06-09

66 Pages15045 Words165 Views
Leadership ManagementTheoretical Computer ScienceData Science and Big DataArtificial IntelligencePublic and Global HealthHealthcare and ResearchStatistics and Probability
Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data
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Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data_1

Big data in healthcare has key significant importance as it is used to predict the outcome of
diseases prevention, mortality as well as saving of medical treatments. Big data is become a
database where the information produced is used for treatment in addition to supervision of
the diseases. The healthcare industry has slow for leverage of vast data to make improvement
over the health care operations. Value based programs are incenting the health care providers
to investigate new methods to leverage health data for quality measurement as well as
efficiency of health care. Into the propose sector, privacy of patient’s data is a key focused of
the healthcare providers. Based on market adoption, big data revolution into the healthcare
domain is at early stage with potential to create value and business development. Trend into
value based health care delivery is fostering collaboration of stakeholders to make sure that it
provides value to the patient’s treatment and privacy of healthcare data and information. The
study is used of systematic review methodology for creating a categorization of the big data
use into the healthcare. This paper studies an analysis of healthcare data using big data in
healthcare sector.
Keywords: Big data, patient’s privacy, healthcare domain, healthcare data
Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data_2

Conducting this research has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life. The
contribution of this research to enhance my knowledge base and analytical skill has been
paramount. It gave me the opportunity to face challenges in the process and overcome them.
This would not have been possible without the valuable guidance of my professors, peers and
all the people who have contributed to this enriching experience. I would like to take this
opportunity to thank my supervisor _________________________ for the constant guidance
and support provided to me during the process of this research. It would not be justified if I
did not thank my academic guides for their important and valuable assistance and
encouragement throughout the research process. I would also like to thank my friends who
had provided me with help and encouragement for collecting primary data and valuable
resources. The support of all these people has been inspiring and enlightening throughout the
process of research in the subject.
Heartfelt thanks and warmest wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data_3

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................8
1.1 Epistemology...............................................................................................................9
1.2 Research questions......................................................................................................9
1.3 Impacts and significance...........................................................................................10
1.4 Personal reflexivity....................................................................................................11
1.5 Structure and overview..............................................................................................11
Chapter 2: Background............................................................................................................13
2.1 Definition of terms.........................................................................................................13
2.2 Big data evolution in healthcare.....................................................................................13
2.3 Ways to leverage of big data..........................................................................................14
2.4 Big data applications for healthcare...............................................................................15
2.5 Role of big data analytics into the healthcare industry..................................................15
Chapter 3: Literature review....................................................................................................16
Chapter 4: Theory....................................................................................................................16
4.1 Big data analytics theories in healthcare sector.............................................................16
4.2 Theoretical framework of the study...............................................................................17
4.3 Social representation theory...........................................................................................18
Chapter 5: Methodology..........................................................................................................22
5.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................22
5.2 Research Philosophy......................................................................................................22
Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data_4

5.3 Research Approach........................................................................................................24
5.4 Research Design.............................................................................................................25
5.5 Data Collection methods................................................................................................26
5.6 Data Sampling and Analysis..........................................................................................28
5.7 Ethical Consideration.....................................................................................................30
5.8 Limitations.....................................................................................................................30
Chapter 6: Anticipated timeline...............................................................................................31
Chapter 7: Outputs and contributions......................................................................................33
7.1 Outputs of the study based on data collection................................................................33
7.2 Impact of contributions..................................................................................................55
7.3 Limitations of the study.................................................................................................55
1. Survey questionnaire........................................................................................................63
Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data_5

Table of Figures
Figure 4.1: Theortical framework of the research study..........................................................17
Figure 7.1: Age group of the respondents................................................................................34
Figure 7.2: Gender of the respondents.....................................................................................35
Figure 7.3: Designation of the respondents..............................................................................36
Figure 7.4: Process streamlining big data in the industry........................................................37
Figure 7.5: Derivation of policy actions of big data is useful for healthcare data assessment 38
Figure 7.6: Clinic workflows assure confidentiality................................................................40
Figure 7.7: Satisfaction of patients is a cost effective way to evaluate hospital services........41
Figure 7.8: Big data analytics in healthcare market is gaining interest...................................43
Figure 7.9: Driving growth of big data analytics.....................................................................44
Figure 7.10: Electronic health record is best application of big data in healthcare.................45
Figure 7.11: Machine learning is most accurate algorithms to predict future healthcare trends
Figure 7.12: Utilization of big data in the telemedicine, healthcare and public health practices
are helpful for healthcare industry...........................................................................................49
Figure 7.13: Clinical decision support system help to analyze medical data and provide health
Figure 7.14: Quality reporting tools can reduce hospital acquired conditions and patient
safety events.............................................................................................................................52
Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data_6

Table of Tables
Table 7.1: Age group of the respondents.................................................................................32
Table 7.2: Gender of the respondents......................................................................................33
Table 7.3: Designation of the respondents...............................................................................35
Table 7.4: Process streamlining big data in the industry.........................................................36
Table 7.5: Derivation of policy actions of big data is useful for healthcare data assessment..37
Table 7.6: Clinic workflows assure confidentiality.................................................................38
Table 7.7: Satisfaction of patients is a cost effective way to evaluate hospital services.........40
Table 7.8: Big data analytics in healthcare market is gaining interest.....................................41
Table 7.9: Driving growth of big data analytics......................................................................42
Table 7.10: Electronic health record is best application of big data in healthcare...................44
Table 7.11: Machine learning is most accurate algorithms to predict future healthcare trends
Table 7.12: Utilization of big data in the telemedicine, healthcare and public health practices
are helpful for healthcare industry...........................................................................................48
Table 7.13: Clinical decision support system help to analyze medical data and provide health
Table 7.14: Quality reporting tools can reduce hospital acquired conditions and patient safety
Table 7:15: Summary output of regression analysis conducted for hypothesis 1....................52
Table 7.16: ANOVA table of regression analysis conducted for hypothesis 1.......................52
Table 7.17: Coefficient table of regression analysis conducted for hypothesis 1....................53
Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data_7

Chapter 1: Introduction
The research is based on analysing healthcare data with big data. The technologies of
big data are made impacts in the fields related to the healthcare such as medical diagnosis
from imaging of data into medicine, quantifying the lifestyle data into the healthcare industry
and others. Raghupathi and Raghupathi (2014) stated that it is evidence that in existing
mounds of the big data, there is hidden knowledge which changes life of a patient and
changes the world itself. The big data technologies have the potential to unlock the
productivity bottlenecks and also improve the quality as well as accessibility of the healthcare
system. Big data has consisted of a wide range of definitions into the healthcare research. Into
the healthcare industry, big data is encompassed of higher volume, higher diversity,
environmental as well as lifestyle information gathered from the single individuals to larger
cohorts in the relation of the health (Agarwal & Dhar, 2014). The concept of big data is not
new, but it is a way to define the changes in the healthcare. Healthcare is a prime example of
three Vs of the data such as velocity, variety as well as volume. In order to add of Vs, the
veracity of the healthcare data is critical towards the development of transactional research.
Medical imaging is provided of information on the anatomy as well as organ function to
detect diseases states (Archenaa & Anita, 2015). As the size of data is increased,
understanding of dependencies among data and designing of accurate methods demand the
new computer-aided techniques as well as platforms.
Costa (2014) argued that there is rapid growth into the healthcare organizations and
number of patient’s results in greater use of the computer-aided medical diagnostics as well
as decision support system into the clinical settings. Integration of computer analysis with
proper care has the potential to help the clinicians into the improvement of diagnostic
accuracy. Integration of medical images and electronic healthcare record improves efficiency
Analysis of Healthcare Data using Big Data_8

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