
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight


Added on  2023-01-19

12 Pages3039 Words1 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big Data
Hospitality Consumer
Behaviour Insight
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................4
Covered in PPT. .....................................................................................................................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
P3 Examine the stages of the consumer decision making journey and map a path to the
purchasing for a given tourism service...................................................................................4
P4 Explore why it is important for marketers to map a path to purchase and understand
consumer decision-making in the tourism sector...................................................................5
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7
P5 Compare and contrast key differences of hospitality decision-making process in context of
B2C and B2B. ........................................................................................................................7
P6 Evaluate the different approaches to market research and methods of research used for
understanding the decision making process...........................................................................8
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9
P7 Evaluate how marketers can influence the different stages of tourism decision making
process giving specific tourism examples..............................................................................9
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight_2

Hospitality industry is one of the broad group of businesses which responsible for
delivering the services to the consumers. Respective industry broken into majorly in three areas
such as accommodation, food and beverages and travel and tourism. In today's era travel and
tourism is one of the most growing sector as people are enchanted towards various places to
visit. So it is the major area for travel and tourism sector to provide one of best services to
consumers after accessing their needs and wants in proper manner. This report is based on the
Butlins which is a chain of large seaside resorts in the market of UK. It is well known in market
for its campus, tour packages and many more facilities. This report is based on the understanding
the consumer behaviour to give one of best products and services in order to remain competitive
in the marketplace. It by including the behaviour and factors which directly influence their
buying decision. Further it includes the impact of digital technology on consumer trends with the
journey of consumer in taking appropriate decision by building the map for purchasing the
services. It also includes the various approaches of market research and methods in decision
making process by using the examples.
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight_3

Covered in PPT.
P3 Examine the stages of the consumer decision making journey and map a path to the
purchasing for a given tourism service.
Decision-making process is very much crucial for an organisation as well as consumers,
as they have to pass from long path to reach at desirable goals and objectives. For an
organisation it is very much essential to acknowledge that not a single step not overlap with one
another as it takes time and cost also. Consumer decision-making process helps to identify the
consumers needs and wants and put one of best efforts to achieve them. Here are the full fledge
process of consumer decision-making:
Need recognition:
it is the first and foremost stage of consumer decision-making process that helps to
understand the buying behaviour and purchasing patterns of consumers (Kustos and et.al .,
2019.). In context of Butlins they track the interest of consumers so that they can communicate
by various methods such as email, messaging and pop up ads to acknowledge properly about
their needs. In context of consumers they get benefit that they able to evaluate options from
various websites that provide similar services which saves cost and time of them.
Information search:
Information search is potential stage in consumer decision-making in which service
provider gather crucial knowledge and information about the consumers such as taste and
preferences, purchasing patterns, past experiences so that they can amend in their services to
give one of best experience and loyalty to them (Mariani and et.al ., 2018). In context of Butlins
they search the information from various ways as such from past visit and social media tools to
better serve to them.
Evaluation of alternatives:
For strong consumer decision-making it is very much potential to evaluate the best
alternatives, for an organisation it is very much crucial to come out various alternatives by taking
feedbacks, opinions and views from consumers in order to improve the level of services to plan
Hospitality Consumer Behaviour Insight_4

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