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Hotel Properties Act 1956 pdf


Added on  2021/02/19

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Hotel Properties Act 1956

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MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
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Hotel Properties Act 1956 contains rules and guidelines and rules in context to
monitoring and controlling all the activities performed within the hotel premises. The act has
been formulated in order to set liabilities and responsibilities of hotel, its members and
customers towards each other (Robayna, 2018). The present study shows rules mentioned in the
Hotel properties Act 1956 regarding legislative risk to be considered by managers and employees
of a hotel. Further, the assignment describes several provisions of the act regarding data
protection, health and safety, risk management, licensing of hotel, hygiene to be maintained in
the food, etc. under Hotel properties Act 156.
Hotel Properties Act 1956
Hotel properties act 1956 is a law formulated in the English legal system in order to
maintain smooth workings within the hotel establishing rights, duties and liabilities of the hotel.
The main purpose of formulating Hotel properties Act 1956 is to set liabilities and
responsibilities of all the members and employees of hotel towards their customers (Kale, Taye
and Chaudhary, 2019). This act shows detailed description regarding several rules and standards
that hotels need to comply with at the time of providing services to their clients. In addition,
there are also some provisions that helps the hotel management in deciding the liabilities of the
hotel towards any loss or damage beard by the customers within the hotel premises or at the time
of amenities provided by hotel to its customers.
Legislative risks to be considered by managers and employees of hotel
The Hotel Properties Act 1956 contains a range of legislations and rules that helps the
hotel in understanding their responsibilities towards their customers. These laws contain several
areas that are needed to be considered by the managers and employees while performing their
jobs. The Act asks them to analyse each legislative risks in context to different areas of workings
if hotel in order to avoid attraction of any kind of penal provisions towards them.
Some major areas of risks to be considered by managers while performing their job for
the hotel are as under:
As per the provisions of Hotel Properties Act 1956, contains provisions that provides
description regarding different liabilities of managers and employees of the hotel in order to
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provide safeguard to the clients from any kind of fraud or misshapen within the hotel promises.
further, its is responsibility of managers and other employees of the hotel to perform their task by
taking into consideration each liability of them (UK: Can Hotels Limit Their Liability For
Negligent Loss Of Guests’ Valuables?, 2019). Non complaints of any law may result in attracting
penal provisions against the defaulter.
The provisions mentioned in the hotel properties act 1956 mainly sets liabilities of the
hotel, its managers, employees and other members regarding maintenance of safety and care for
the clients. Along with this, the act also says that the managers of the hotel are also liable to
determine all the laws and provisions applicable over the hotel, and formulate their plans,
procedure and strategies for performing several activities within the business in such a way so
that each regulation could be fulfilled by the hotel.
Data protection
It is the major area to be taken into account by the managers and employees. The as per
the legislative rules mentioned in the hotel properties act 1956, it is responsibility of managers,
proprietors and other employees of the hotel top protect all the secret data relating to hotel. It is
liability of managers and the employees not to share any secret information regarding workings
and business of the hotel. Further, as per the provisions of Hotel Properties Act 1956, in case,
any manager or employee leaks any secret information of the hotel, they would be liable to pay
compensation to hotel (ARJUNAN, 2018) . In addition to this, court may pass order regarding
bearing any other type of damages to the hotel for their act against hotel.
Further, as per the provisions of Hotel properties act 1956, the managers and employees
also liable to protect the personal information of clients. Due to legislative requirements, hotel
asks some personal details from clients such as their address, copy of id proof containing various
personal information of them, phone number etc. The act held managers and employees liable to
maintain secrecy of the data relating to the personal information of customers. In case, any of the
personal information is being shared through any source, the defaulter member of hotel would be
liable to pay damages to the clients equal to the amount of loss or damages suffered by them due
to leakage of their personal information.
Health and safety

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A hotel is responsible to take care about health and safety of its customers. There are
various laws and acts under English legal system that make the hotel liable to provide amenities
to its customers while taking into account the health and safety measures towards their clients.
As per the provisions mentioned in hotel properties act 1956, it is responsibilities of
managers of the hotel to develop their effective safety measures within the hotel. Providing
safeguard for customers and their luggages, is one of the most important task to be completed by
hotel's managers (Luggage and belongings, 2018). Further, along with managers, provisions of
Hotel properties act 1956 also held employees of the hotel employed in the safety department of
hotel are also responsible to perform their tasks properly and take care about the safety of
customers arrived into the hotel.
Moreover, the act also contains provisions that says that managers and proprietors of the
hotel are also liable to provide the amenities to customers while taking into account the health
care of customers. Managers and employees relating to the cleaning department are responsible
to maintain cleanliness within the premises of hotel. Maintenance of cleanliness is one of the
most important measure through which hotel can take care about the health of hotel.
Food hygiene
There are some of the laws that contains rules regarding hygiene of food. The legal
system of UK contains rules and laws that makes it essential for hotels to provide hygienic foods
to their customers. Further, there are also some laws that provides details regarding maintenance
of minimum standard of quality in the foods to be served to the customers.
Risk management
Risk management is nothing but a process of analysing and evaluating different risks
involved in with the business and formulation of effective strategies and plans through which
these risks could be minimized or eliminated from the business. Risk management is an essential
part of each type of business organisations in order to maintain smooth running of the hotel.
The constitution makes it compulsory to take licence for opening some specific types of
businesses. Hotel is one among those businesses for which the proprietors are needed to take
licence. Opening a hotel without fulfilling licensing requirement may result in imposition of
penalties over the hotel. Therefore, before performing any activity in the hotel, its managers are
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required to analyse all the licensing requirements and take all the licenses accordingly. It would
lead in smoothly running of the hotel without imposition of any legal penalties over it.
Thus, it can be said that there are various legal requirements mentioned in the Hotel
properties act 1956 that provides guidelines to the hotel in order to maintain effective monitor
and control over several business activities of the hotel (Napitupulu and Hermawan, 2018). The
act contains different rules and regulations that makes the managers and employees responsible
towards their customers.
There are various legislative requirements such as maintenance of hygiene, taking care
about health and safety of the customers, fulfilment of licensing requirements, etc. These laws
are required to be fulfilled by the hotel. Non compliance of any of the requirement may result in
imposition of penal provisions upon the defaulter party. In addition, the act also contains various
rules that decided the actual responsibilities and liabilities of all the activities performed within
the hotel premises. These laws help the hotel in determining the legislative liabilities of any act
having overriding effect over any provisions mentioned in any law applicable over the hotel.
With the study of above assignment over the provisions of Hotel properties act 1956, it
can be said that the act has been formulated in the English legal system in order to set the legal
responsibilities and liabilities of hotel and its members against clients of the hotel. The act
contains a range of key areas that helps the managers and employees in analysing their
legislative responsibilities that leads in providing them guidelines regarding completion of their
job in the most effective manner.
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Books and Journals
Robayna, M. S., 2018. When incentives aren't enough: challenges in Chapter 40R Massachusetts
Smart Growth Zoning Overlay District Act implementation (Doctoral dissertation,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
Kale, R.D., Taye, M. and Chaudhary, B., 2019. Extraction and characterization of cellulose
single fiber from native Ethiopian Serte (Dracaena steudneri Egler) plant leaf. Journal of
Macromolecular Science, Part A, pp.1-8.
ARJUNAN, D. K., 2018. 10 Company Law in Malaysia. Company Law in East Asia.
Napitupulu, D. R. W. and Hermawan, B.E., 2018, September. Weak Regulations and Application
of Mining Laws that Are Not Profitable for Countries or Locations of Community Mining.
In 2018 International Conference on Energy and Mining Law (ICEML 2018). Atlantis
Luggage and belongings. 2018. [Online]. Available through :
UK: Can Hotels Limit Their Liability For Negligent Loss Of Guests’ Valuables?. 2019. [Online].
Available through :
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