
Human Resource Management - Part 1: Introduction


Added on  2021-01-02

20 Pages6135 Words75 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Human Resource Management
Table of Contents
PART 1:...........................................................................................................................................3
Human Resource Management - Part 1: Introduction_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
a) Introduction........................................................................................................................3
b) Purpose of HR function and its importance to organisation along with current problems and
future plans for growth...........................................................................................................3
c) Strength and Weaknesses of current selection methods.....................................................5
d) Potential Improvements adopted by Chocolate Presence for enhancement of selection
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7
a) Person Specification- Receptionist Role............................................................................7
b) Advantage and disadvantages of current methods of advertising jobs in organisation.....8
c) Recommend job advert for receptionist vacancy to be placed...........................................8
PART 2:...........................................................................................................................................9
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
a) Benefits of training schemes and internships to Microsoft and its employees..................9
b) Identifying working arrangements and evaluating benefits of offering to Microsoft and its
c) Microsoft motivates workers through designing job roles...............................................13
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................14
a) Definition and importance of employee engagement in effective employee relations....14
b) Approaches to engaging workers and these improve communication in workplace.......15
c) Key elements of UK employment legislation and influencing HR decision making .....16
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................19
Human resource management is a quite vast approach which involves various practices
such as recruiting, hiring, deploying and managing employees in a business concern. It is
basically a strategic approach that aids organisations in dealing and managing with their
employees (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). This report is further divided into two parts, where
Human Resource Management - Part 1: Introduction_2

first part is based on a UK based business concern ' Chocolate presence' which deals in
customising chocolates and gift cards for its customers. Second part of this report is made on the
basis of Microsoft, a US based business concern which has its headquarters in Redmond,
Washington. This report contains functions and purpose of HRM along with selection process
and its strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, this report also throws light on employee
relations and their current scenario.
The first and second task is based on Chocolate Presence which deals in customised
based gifts cards and handmade chocolates all across world for its clients.
a) Introduction
Human Resource Management is the process of managing people and its resources. It is
practice of hiring, managing, recruiting and deploying employees of an organisation. They are
responsible for putting and creating effect and overseeing policies regarding relationship of
entity and its workers (human resource management, 2017)
This is required in every organisation in order to run business and its activities very effectively.
Similarly, It is also significant for Chocolate Presence for facilitating professional growth of
individual working in organisation. It is important for maintaining better relationship with
management and union and helping individual to work in groups or team.
The assignment covers purpose and importance of HR functions which helps in solving
current problems and make future plan for growth. It also includes strength, weaknesses and
improvement of selection methods.
b) Purpose of HR function and its importance to organisation along with current problems and
future plans for growth
Human Resource Management
Human resource management is a process that involves recruiting and selecting
employees on the basis of their skills along with managing human resource present in an
organisation in an effective manner (Budhwar and Debrah, 2013). Also it deals with conducting
induction programmes, providing training and development sessions, motivating employees and
so on. All these activities help in growth and welfare of an individual in a business concern.
Human Resource Management - Part 1: Introduction_3

There are various functions of HRM which need to be performed by every organisation
for running business successfully and effectively. Some of functional activities of HRM are
described below:
Recruitment and Selection- Recruitment and Selection is the process which helps to
select best candidates among pool of applicants for given position. Recruitment is positive
procedure as all individual get an opportunity to apply for vacant post whereas selection is
negative because only few are selected out of many. It is major functional activities performed so
that best and suitable person get selected.
Reward Performance Management- Every business concern provides monetary as well
as non monetary benefits for work done by employees. It helps in raising satisfaction level of
employees. Both these are key factors that lead to employee retention for a quite longer period of
time. In relation to Chocolate Presence , manager provides various facilities and benefits such as
travelling allowance, medical bills, paid trips for 3 days once in a year etc.
Training and Development- One major function of HR manager is to provide training
and development session to their employees on a timely basis (Chelladurai and Kerwin, 2017).
This will help employees of Chocolate Presence in enhancing their skills and area of expertise
and also lead to employee retention. Training and development also helps in increasing
efficiency level of employees in terms of both productivity as well as creativity.
There are various purpose and importance of HRM which are described below:
Purpose and Importance of HRM
Employee Relations- HRM helps in maintaining proper relationship with employees
working in Chocolate Presence. This assists workers to solve their issues and problems by
management with effective relations. Thus, proper relation should be created between employer
and employee.
Compensation and Performance- The purpose of HRM is to provide compensation to
employees of Chocolate Presence as per their performance so that they get motivated and
encouraged to give their best performance. Compensation includes salary, wages, bonuses,
incentives programs and stock options.
Chocolate Performance is small size enterprise and provides handmade chocolates to
customers. There are many niche manufacturer of this product who deals in chocolates. There are
Human Resource Management - Part 1: Introduction_4

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