
Human Resource Management ALDI Company


Added on  2020-06-03

15 Pages3961 Words56 Views
Professional Development
Human ResourceManagement
Human Resource Management ALDI Company_1

Human Resource Management ALDI Company_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management is considered to be a discipline that assist companies inmanaging their workforce in an effective manner. It is one of the most vital department thatenhances organisation capability in maximising its output and productivity. The human resourcedepartment is mainly focused on people who are working within company (Alfes and et. al.,2013). They prepare various policies and procedures for managing them in a effective manner.To achieve its goals and objectives in a efficient way organisation needs to utilise its manpowerin an optimum manner. HR assist managers in aligning individual objectives with companygoals. This report is based on ALDI, it is a multinational discount grocery and merchandiseretailing giant that is basically based in Germany. It is present in more than 18 countries andcurrently has 10,000 outlets. In this report various issues related to HR will be addressed that arefaced by company. Also different approaches used by management for enhancing employeeproductivity will be stated. TASK 1P1. Functions and purpose of HRMThe HR department in ALDI is performing very crucial task of managing manpower indifferent regions. It has to prepare various strategies for directing all resources and efforts in aright direction (Batt and Colvin, 2011). They make sure that all the employees are placed onright job at right time. The functions performed by HR department is as follows:Planning: This is an activity that assures that there is no vacant post within organisation.The HR department and managers are engaged in planning pro0cess as to ensure that theyhave a set path to follow as to hire workforce in future. Staffing and organising: This is a function where HR managers are involved in hiringpeople who matches the job profile (Boxall and Purcell, 2011). Also they are engaged inorganising various events for informing new individuals about organisation. Employee development: This is a prime functioning of this department. The HRmanagers make sure that the existing force is ready to face future uncertainties. Theyprepares various plans for training individuals with consultation of the respectivedepartment head.1
Human Resource Management ALDI Company_3

Orientation- At the time of making a person to start working at his/her work place and itis required for introducing job role in the work place. It is another location whereindividual can perform with the help of HRM department where new candidates arefamiliar with new work place so that they can feel comfortable for identifying differentstrategies and policies of vision of the firm. Job analysis- This is the major function of HRM department which analysing therequirements of various types of jobs which should be perform by several individual.This is another essential function in which skills are identified as per the placement ofdistinct candidates which can be done. It assist in selecting right person at right place todo work at right job so utilise the appropriate resources. This can help in analysingoutcome which are possible for working people that has to be needed knowledge. Purpose of HRMInternal consumer management: The HR is responsible for managing people workinginside company. They need to make policies that supports them and enhances theircapabilities. Matrices: The HR manager has to prepare communication channels by which he caninteract with each and every personnel working in organisation (Bratton and Gold, 2012).He needs to sort out their grievances which will ensure that their effectiveness andefficiency is improved. Employee relations: It is every important for an organisation to form a better employeerelations as this assist them in reducing any grievance or issues that people have. The hRmanager act as a mediator in forming as well as maintaining employee - managementrelations at par with requirement. Policy and procedures: There is a requirement of various plans and policies for makingsure that all the efforts are directed in a right direction. Also there are differentlegislations which need to be followed for making stable process. The Human resource department in ALDI is engaged in various other task as well. Itevaluates employee performance for finding out the improvement level and variances (Brewsterand Hegewisch, 2017). Today, it is extremely difficult for organisations to maintain humanresource at par with requirement. It is very important for an human resource manager to analyse2
Human Resource Management ALDI Company_4

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