
Project Report on Human Resource Management - Hilton Hotel


Added on  2020-06-04

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Project Report on Human Resource Management - Hilton Hotel_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK A...........................................................................................................................................11.1Role and purpose of human resource management...........................................................11.2Human resources plan in Hilton........................................................................................22.1Current state of employment relation in Hilton.................................................................32.2Different laws related to hospitality industry....................................................................4TASK B...........................................................................................................................................53.1Discuss a job description and person specification...........................................................53.2Comparison of recruitment resources in different industries............................................64.1Contribution of development for effective operations......................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management is an important process for every organisation as itcontributes in maximising the performance of staff members. Policies and a set system isfollowed by management in order to ensure that requirements of personnel are fulfilled whilethey are working with a particular business entity. Hilton is dealing in service industry since1919 and has become a leading establishment in hotel industry. Following report will discusshow the cited organization mange its personnel in order to achieve its goals. Learner will get toknow about different roles and purpose of HR management and how planning is done for thesame. Thereafter, report will enlighten the user about current relations which is maintained bymanagement of cited company with its employees (Hendry, 2012). Also in the following report itis discussed how the process of recruitment in Hilton is different than that of other industry.TASK A1.1Role and purpose of human resource managementHilton is a big hotel brand which has its various chains all over the world. As it is aservice industry personnel administration is of immense importance in order to carry out dailywork with effectiveness. Human resource management is a process through which employeesare managed in any sector. In order to have an efficient staff it is important that he must possesvarious qualities skills and attitude that may result into increase in output. If an organisation wishto achieve its goals it is necessary that employees of the same are dedicated and perform theirfunctions with at most care (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Role and need of HR management inHilton is given below;1.Recruitment – It is a process through which employees are given placement in givenorganisation. This is the most important role of given department as through this right person ismade available at right time for the correct job. It is a very crucial process as its outcomes willhave major effect on profitability of the cited business. Also it is a role of human resourcesmanagement to make sure that required number of employees are made available on time so thatwork can be continued as case of both deficit and excess of staff is a non profitable situation forbusiness.2. Strategy formulation – in order to give best results it is better to follow a particular strategyas this gives a common guideline to whole institution as how to carry out distinct operations.1
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Personnel management perform various roles in order to formulate best working styles inbusiness so that all resources can be utilised in its best manner (Boxall and Purcell, 2011).3. Allocation of resources – There are variety of facilitate which are provide by cited companyto its customer. Investment in each has to be done in a manner that it gives maximum output andsatisfaction to business. Therefore it is also a crucial duty of management system that theyallocate resources in a manner that wastage is minimised. As much of cash is blocked ingathering different facilities administration bodies should make sure that they take right decisionand compare different alternative before selecting any one option. 4.Controlling turnoverMuch cost is spent is selection process and recruiting right person.Once a candidate is chosen for a particular job he is provided with training regarding his worktherefore it becomes an important issue to control turnover ratio from the cited company. If it isnot checked than it will lead to loss of resources time and companies image. For this motivationand good working environment has to be provided to all those who are working with citedcompany and for this also human resources management plays an important role.1.2 Human resources plan in HiltonPersonnel planning is of vital nature for cited company as it is a labour intensive sector. Itis process through which requirement of employees in business are identified and accordinglyarrangements are done in present so that working of concern enterprise do not get affected infuture. In this management make sure that required number of workers are available at differentdepartment and in case it is observed that demand is more than accordingly actions are taken(Daley, 2012). Proper planning is done in cited enterprise by estimating supply and demand oflabour in following manner:Competitive staff – It is a prime objective for any business as human resources consist of majorpart in any commercial enterprise and effects performance to a great extent. Therefore, recruitingteam makes sure that it selects best person who can give good results.Forecasting – In this management do analysis of requirements that may occur in future aboutemployees. Through this process it is identified that what all will be required from a particularcandidate to perform his job in business. In this specification of a particular task is first examinedso that according person is selected. As recruitment process takes time to give results it isimportant that it is started on right time so that deficit situation can be avoided.2
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