
Human Resource Management - Scope & Purpose


Added on  2021-02-21

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Professional DevelopmentPolitical Science
Human Resource Management - Scope & Purpose_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1PART 1............................................................................................................................................1TASK1.............................................................................................................................................1A). Purpose of HRM and its scope..............................................................................................1B). Strength and weakness of current selection method used by organisation...........................3C) Potential improvement that can be made by Chocolate Presence for enhancing selectionprocess.........................................................................................................................................4TASK2.............................................................................................................................................5A) Person specification for receptionist......................................................................................5B) Advantages and disadvantages of current method of job advertisement...............................6C) Recommendations for job advertisement at Chocolate Presence for receptionist.................6PART 2............................................................................................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7(a) Adoption of graduate schemes and internships by Microsoft along with its benefits toemployer and employee..............................................................................................................7B) Identification of arrangements and its benefits to Microsoft and employee's........................7C) Evaluation of methods to motivate workforce and designing job roles.................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10A) Meaning of employee engagement and its importance in maintaining effective relation...10B) Key approaches to engage workers and how to communicate them at workplace..............11C) Key elements of UK legislation by explaining its influence on HR decisions....................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
Human Resource Management - Scope & Purpose_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resources management is defined as the strategic approach which support ineffective management of people with the organisation so that their efforts could be directedtoward the accomplishment of organisational goals (Alfes, and et. al., 2013). This is basicallydesigned to maximise the employee performance by working over formulating policies, listeningthe issues of employees, reward and remuneration to workers etc. This report contains adescription regarding The Chocolate Presence and Microsoft organisation. Among which TheChocolate Presence which is an organisation based in North Yorkshire and provide tailor madechocolate-based greeting cards throughout the UK. It maintains a group of small team that worktoward creating and designing the more specialist gift orders. On other side Microsoft is anAmerican multinational company which is headquartered in Washington. It basically develops,support, license and market the computer software, personal computers and consumer electronicsthroughout the world. This report contains a description regarding the purpose and function ofHRM along with strength & weakness of different recruitment & Selection approaches. Further itcontains explanation regarding benefits of HRM practices to employer & employee, itseffectiveness in increasing profitability and productivity along with significance of employeerelations and legislations over HR decision making.PART 1TASK1A). Purpose of HRM and its scopeHuman resources is consider to be the most essential part of an organisation as they areresponsible for the accomplishment of organisational objectives. But this become only possiblewhen they are managed and controlled effectively as it help in directing the efforts of theemployees in right direction (Amberg and McGaughey, 2019). Human resource management isdefined as the process of recruiting, hiring, deploying and managing the employees workingwithin the organisation. This work toward handling all the aspects that are related withemployees and is also responsible for maintain the better relationship with employees andpositioning the right person on right job so that organisational objectives can be accomplishedwith their personal goals. The Chocolate Presence is increasing rapidly in marketplace byoffering tailor made chocolate greeting cards throughout the UK. 1
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But despite of this the staff turnover is also getting increased which is required to bemanaged as it can affect the operations as well as performance of company at marketplace. Thiscan be minimised with the help of appropriate human resource management as HR manager actas a link between organisation and employees who ensure the accomplishment of personal goalsalong with organisational objectives (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Hence, the ChocolatePresence is required to perform effective workforce planning and resourcing in order to keepemployees satisfied and retain them for longer period of time. For this following purpose andfunction are required to be considered by the HR manager of The Chocolates Presence:Recruitment & Selection:- It is one of major functional part of Human ResourceManagement which help in ensuring that the high skilled and eligible candidate must getselected for the right position so that the goals and objectives of organisation can easilyget accomplished. The HR manager of The Chocolates Presence must focuses towardhiring the high skilled employees for the vacant job position who have the capability todeal with changes. So that they would be compatible with the operations performedwithin the organisation and be remain connected for longer duration.Training & Development:- It is also an another essential function of HR manager withinwhich employees are being provided with proper guidance in order to improve theircurrent as well as future quality of work. By arranging regular training & developmentprogram for its employees, HR manager of The Chocolates Presence will be able toenhance the knowledge as well as skills of its workforce as per the external environmentso that they would be able to perform operations effectively. In addition to this TheChocolates Presence will also be able to keep employees satisfied with their job thatreduces the staff turnover.Purpose:- The main purpose of Human Resources Department is to ensure that the operations mustbe aligned within right direction that support in maximising the productivity that further helpThe Chocolates Presence company in achieving competitive advantage (Banfield, Kay andRoyles, 2018). Following are the purpose of The Chocolates Presence's HR manager:Performance appraisal:- The human resources manager is responsible for the evaluatingthe performance of its employees that help in identifying the performance gap and try toimprove it. The HR manager of Chocolates Presence must regularly evaluate the2
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