
Unit 3 Human Resources Management


Added on  2021-02-20

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentLanguages and Culture
Unit 3 Human ResourcesManagement
Unit 3 Human Resources Management_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO 1.................................................................................................................................................1P1 Purpose and functions of HRM.............................................................................................1P2 Strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection...................2LO 2.................................................................................................................................................4P3 Benefits of different HRM practices for employer and employee.........................................4P4 Describe the effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising the Aldi profitand productivity...........................................................................................................................5P5 Discuss about the importance of employee relation with respect to influence Humanresource management decision making.......................................................................................6LO 3.................................................................................................................................................7P 6 Employment legislation and its impact on HRM decision-making.......................................7LO 4.................................................................................................................................................7P 7 Application of HRM practices at ALDI................................................................................7CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Unit 3 Human Resources Management_2

TASKHuman Resource Management (HRM) can be defined as practice of recruiting, hiring,deploying as well as managing the organisation's employees. In simple terms HRM is related tomanaging of human resource and activities related to them. It is strategic approach for theeffective management of manpower within the company (De Lange, and et.al. 2015). It's aim is to manage the people of organisation in such a way that performance ofemployees is maximised in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the organisation. In thisreport, Aldi is taken as an organisation which is a German brand and a family owned discountsupermarket chainLanders and Schmidt, (2016).Present report discusses about purpose and scope of human resource management in theorganisation and effectiveness of key elements of HRM within the company. Present report alsodiscusses external and internal factors which affect human resource management in decision-making which also includes employee legislation. Also, present report includes application ofhuman resource management practices in work related context. 1. Organisation Overview:Aldi is a family owned discount supermarket chain of Germany, it has operated morethan 10,000 stores in more than 20 countries and has turnover more than €50 billion. It wasfounded by two brothers Theo Albercht and Karl in 1946. Its headquarters is at Essen, Germanyand the products which are offered by Aldi are food and beverages, sanitary products andhousehold essentials. Aldi is one of the world's largest privately owned company with more than32,000 people working in the organisation across UK (THE ALDI SUCCESSION – LESSONSFOR FAMILY BUSINESS. 2019).2 Purpose and functions of HRM HRM forms an important part of the organisation and has to fill various purposes in thecompany. One of the major purpose of HRM in Aldi is fulfilling the staffing needs, as humanresource department is responsible for recruiting the skilled employees for the organisation.HRM's purpose is also to provide compensation and benefits to the employees of theorganisation. Another purpose of HRM in Aldi is that it has to deal with law compliance in orderto protect employee's rights (Nankervis and et.al., 2016). 1
Unit 3 Human Resources Management_3

Effective work force planing is also the important purpose of the HRM as it is thecontinuous process which is used to align priorities and needs of the company with those of itswork force. HRM also ensures that regulatory, legislative, production and service requirementsand organisational objectives are efficiently met.In order to achieve the objectives of efficient human resource planning, HRM have toperform various functions in Aldi.HRM to meet the objectives of the organisation, it requiresappropriate talent and skills which can be explained below:Planning: It is import for HR manager to plan for the work force in order to achieve theorganisational goals. Planning may include anticipating the hiring needs for the company andplanning the ways of recruiting and selecting skilled and appropriate employees for the company.Planning may also include job descriptions, job requirements and also determining the differentsources of requirement (Managerial Functions of HR. Manager, 2019).Organising: Once a plan is formulated, then another function to be performed is designand develop different structure to carry out the various operations of Aldi. The structure mayinclude delegating authorities and tasks to employees of Aldi and then coordinating the activitiesand grouping of personnel activities into positions or functions. Directing: HR manager of Aldi can develop a plan but implementing of plan totallydepends on people of the organisation. Directing function of HRM may include encouragingpeople to work effectively and efficiently to achieve the organisational goals. Functions ofdirecting also includes guiding and motivating employees for achieving different tasks oforganisation (Delery and Roumpi, 2017). HR manager can motivate employees of the organisation by boosting their moralethrough providing incentives, proper career planning, providing job security and safety. It is alsothe function of HRM to identify the needs of employees in an organisation which can help HRmanager in directing them easily. Controlling: It is also one of the major functions which is performed by HRM of Aldi.Controlling relates to regulation of activities of employees within the organisation as per plansformulated which are based on the objectives of Aldi. It is most important function of HRMwhich completes the cycle of functions of HRM in the company. By having proper control on therecruitment and selection process of the organisation can help in hiring and selecting talented andskilled staff for the company2
Unit 3 Human Resources Management_4

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