
Human Resources


Added on  2023-01-06

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Human Resource
Human Resources_1

Significance of organisational design in context of organisational structure...........................................3
TASK 2.......................................................................................................................................................5
Various approaches for retaining and attiring the employees along with rewards system.......................5
TASK 3.......................................................................................................................................................8
Research conduction in supporting evidence emerging HR developments..............................................8
TASK 4.......................................................................................................................................................8
Analyzing the relationship between organizational design and change management..............................8
Human Resources_2

Organisational design refers to the structure and the system which an organization
follows. Every organisation has some or other policies or the system which it stands upon, that
structure design the flow of work, communication and code of conduct for the people working in
an there. It is a process in which the structure is being designed by integrating its objectives with
it. There are various types of theories which an organisation can adopt for setting the
organizational design according to its needs. Setting a good and appropriate organizational
design is very much necessary as they help it in achieving the target, establishing a discipline and
required code of conduct in the working environment. As an example a company has been taken
in this report, Marks and Spencer. The company operates at an international level and engages in
the business of manufacturing of fine quality clothes, products related to home and food
products. Marks and Spencer is a company which serves worldwide. It has total stores at 1416
locations which is considered a huge number.
This report will discuss about the organizational design and theory and its related importance. An
organization uses various approaches and technique so that they keep their employees motivated;
the report includes these approaches and techniques. Apart from this the report also discusses
about human resource development and the ways or approaches or managing change.
Significance of organisational design in context of organisational structure
Organizational design is the process where the organisation designs its structure which
gets integrated with its goals and objectives. Its ultimate objective is to increase the efficacy and
effectiveness of an organisation. It can also be sees as an organisational intervention for
development. Its emphasis at merging the structure, people, culture and objectives of an
organisation. An organisation adopts such design which has the capability to satisfy all these.
Defining a structure in an organisation is very much important as it enables to specify the proper
role and responsibilities within the organisation. Defining the organizational design is very
important for any organisation, like M&S, in the following ways:
Bring effectiveness: Organisational design enables the organisational in getting its productivity
or efficiency increased. When the organisation, like M&S structure, culture and the objectives
are specified and fixed that it enables to bring stability in their work process. This stability
increases the efficacy in the work performed (Amarakoon, Weerawardena and Verreynne, 2018).
As in the case with M&S, its organisational design is already designed in such a way that it suits
its objective, culture and structure. Here the organisation knows how they need to perform their
work and on what basis this helps the organisation in bringing the stability and increases the
Defined roles and responsibilities: Organisational design helps in organisation, like M&S in
defining its roles and responsibilities clearly. When roles and responsibilities in an organisation
Human Resources_3

is clear it would help in reducing the confusion and conflicts among the workers as they clearly
know about the work they need to perform and also the person to whom they are accountable to.
Helps in achieving the goals: organisational design helps an organisation in attaining the
objectives which it has set for itself. They set the structure in such a way which integrates their
objectives. As in the case with M&S company, they have designed their structure in such a way
that they can accomplish their goals which have set at the global level. As the company is a
multinational company, it operates its business at the global level therefore it has to set its
organisational design in that way which combines all the operational activities at a single design
or structure (Armstrong, 2016).
There are various organisational design theories which an organisation could opt, some of them
Scientific approach Theory: In this type of theory the organisation adopts some of the scientific
theories into their structure. The concept of scientific theory advices the organisation to plan the
work before it gets executed so that they can bring efficiency in their work by eliminating all the
risks and analysing all the strengths and opportunities with that plan. This theory includes 4
major principles which are:
Science, not rule of thumb: Which states that an organisation should not carry out the hit
and trail method for its operations as this could get very expensive for the organisation itself.
Scientific selection of workers: It states that the organisation should employee the
candidate accordingly so that it can does justice with his skills posses and objective of
Management and labour: It states that the objectives of both organisation and labours
should get integrate with each other.
Scientific training: This suggests that the organisation should give proper training and
development programs to its employees.
System Approach: This approach says that an organisation is a system in which all the system is
inter related with each other. For example the production department is related to finance
department, human resources department and visa-a- versa. In this approach the solution to the
problem are stated and will follow to every situation (Boella, 2017). As in the case with M&S
company there are various departments such as marketing department, production department,
finance department, human resource, logistics and so on. All these departments are inter related
to with each and the policies and rules are formed according to the system approach.
Contingency approach: This approach says that there is no perfect or a particular approach
which needs to get adopted in an organisation. Different situations need different approach so to
resolve the matter or problem. This is the best approach which the companies are following now
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