
Identifying Risk Factors in Talent Management and Minimizing the Impact: A Case Study on Company X


Added on  2022-12-15

24 Pages5506 Words488 Views
FinanceLeadership Management
Identify the risk factors in talent
management and how to
minimise the risk A key study
on Company X
Identifying Risk Factors in Talent Management and Minimizing the Impact: A Case Study on Company X_1

Talent management seems to be important in which organization can easily have their growth
and development for having the better market place. While through employee can also have their
future aspects for the organization. This report will explain about the talent management risk
factor in Sainsbury and have the impact over the business. Furthermore, various author views
through which secondary research have been conducted. Although the research methodology in
which the various methods that have been used in the research. Moreover, examined about the
primary research while by having the interview and questionnaire from the various employee in
the organization.
Identifying Risk Factors in Talent Management and Minimizing the Impact: A Case Study on Company X_2

Title: To identify the risk factors and talent management to minimise the impact in Sainsbury's..5
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................5
Research questions.......................................................................................................................6
Gantt chart...................................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................7
The impact of talent management and risks factor......................................................................8
The risk factors which are present for having the better solution................................................8
The risks and impact it is creating on the working of the organization.......................................9
CHAPTER 3 : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................................................10
Research type.............................................................................................................................10
Research approaches..................................................................................................................10
Research philosophy..................................................................................................................10
Data collection...........................................................................................................................11
Data analysis..............................................................................................................................11
Ethical consideration (ethical issues).........................................................................................12
Reliability and validity..............................................................................................................12
Research limitations...................................................................................................................12
KEY FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS.............................................................................................12
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS.........................................................................................................20
Alternative research methodologies..........................................................................................21
Identifying Risk Factors in Talent Management and Minimizing the Impact: A Case Study on Company X_3

Identifying Risk Factors in Talent Management and Minimizing the Impact: A Case Study on Company X_4

Title: To identify the risk factors and talent management to minimise the
impact in Sainsbury's
HR assumes numerous parts in an organization. The division oversees representative
relations, ability securing, finance, on boarding, and considerably more. One more obligation of
HR is ability the board. Talent management is a consistent cycle that includes drawing in and
holding top notch representatives, building up their abilities, and ceaselessly persuading them to
improve their exhibition. The main role of ability the executives is to make a spurred labour
force who will remain with organization over the long haul. The specific method to accomplish
this will vary from one organization to another. This report explain about the literature review
and research methodology for showing about the high level in topic and data interpretation along
with the reflection for experience about the topic.
Talent management normally includes a considerable lot of the duties of HR. No different
either way, it isn't sufficient to expect that since have a HR office are overseeing ability. This
need to have an ability the executives system set up planned only for organization to acquire
ideal outcomes (Talent Management, 2021). Sainsbury is largest supermarket chain. The
company have also started the food and fresh products selling to their customer for having the
high range of customer along with the profits. Organization have also expanded the business into
the packaged grocery and online business for having more customer.
To evaluate the impact of risk factors of talent management and reduce them effectively:
A case study on Sainsbury's.
To understand the impact of talent management and risks included with it.
To evaluate the risk factors which are present so that there are better solutions which can
be taken out?
To measure the risks and impact it is creating on the working of the organization for
being able to get competitive edge.
Identifying Risk Factors in Talent Management and Minimizing the Impact: A Case Study on Company X_5

To recommend theories and methods for the organization to use so that there are better
Research questions
What is talent management and the risks factors which are involved in them?
What are the risks which are included in the organization which can develop from talent
What theories and actions which can be taken by the organization to gain the right
What are the recommendations for solving the issues related to risk and talent
management in an organization?
The sources have been taken from the valid sites and think about the talent management
in organization towards the employee. This topic also help the employee for getting the rights
methods and various other function in organization. This also might be the main reason for
selecting this topic.
Gantt chart
Identifying Risk Factors in Talent Management and Minimizing the Impact: A Case Study on Company X_6

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