
Music Festivals: Impacts and Culture


Added on  2020-02-24

43 Pages12526 Words41 Views
RUNNING HEAD: The Impact of Music Festival Tourism on the Image and
Community of United Kingdom
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The Impact of Music Festival Tourism on the Image and Community of United
Kingdom 1
I am grateful to my teachers who guided me through every step of the project. It was not easy
to analyse the festival tourism environment of UK and the related authorities of the Festival
tourism board helped me by providing the knowledge about the same. I am also thankful to
my friends who supported me in going through tough times because of which my project
completed timely.
This project would have been impossible without the support of my parents who continuously
motivated me to keep up my hard work. Without the support of you all, it would have been
impossible to complete the study successfully and on time.
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgement................................................................................................. 1
Abstract................................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 1 Introduction........................................................................................... 5
1.1 Research background................................................................................... 5
1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Research...........................................................6
1.3 Rationale of the Research............................................................................ 6
1.4 Research structure....................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2: Literature Review.................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Music Festival............................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Music Festival and community in London...............................................8
2.2.2 Music Festival tourism in London, United Kingdom................................9
2.3 Various Music Festival tourism across the globe..........................................9
2.4 Characteristics of Festival..........................................................................10
2.5 Funding of Music Festivals in London.........................................................11
2.6 Impact of Music Festival Tourism on the Image and Community of United
Kingdom........................................................................................................... 11
2.7 What motivates tourists to visit music festivals?........................................14
2.8 The cities of United Kingdom......................................................................15
2.9 Conclusion.................................................................................................. 16
Chapter 3: Research Methodology.......................................................................17
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................ 17
3.2 Research Philosophy................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Pragmatism Research Philosophy.........................................................17
3.2.2 Positivism Research Philosophy............................................................17
3.3 Research approach..................................................................................... 18
3.3 Research methods...................................................................................... 18
3.4 Research Questions.................................................................................... 19
3.5 Collection of data....................................................................................... 19
3.6 Sampling techniques.................................................................................. 19
3.7 Limitations of Research..............................................................................20
3.8 Reliability and Validity of Research............................................................20
3.9 Ethical Consideration..................................................................................20
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3.10 Analysis of data........................................................................................ 21
3.11 Action Plan and Gantt chart......................................................................21
3.12 Conclusion................................................................................................ 24
Chapter 4: Data analysis and Discussion.............................................................25
4.1 Introduction................................................................................................ 25
4.2 Background................................................................................................ 25
4.3 Findings...................................................................................................... 25
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations....................................................32
5.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................. 32
5.2 Recommendations...................................................................................... 32
Reflection............................................................................................................. 34
References........................................................................................................... 36
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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
The project is based on ‘The Impact of Music Festival Tourism on the Image and Community
of United Kingdom’ and the main purpose of the project is to focus on the music Festival
Tourism of UK and how does it impact the communities and culture of the country. The
research will start with the introduction of the research and follows a proper format which
makes it easy for the user to understand. The secondary sources will be used and will be
analysed to get the findings of the study. The project discussions will be made and then
recommendations will be given finally to improve the positive impact on the culture and
communities of UK.
A music festival can be understood as a type of art or culture event which is arranged as per
the theme or a music genre. There are different types of genres according to which the music
festivals are classified as Jazz, Opera, Folk, Pop or any other. The music festivals are held to
draw the attention of music lovers and to attract a huge number of tourists in order to earn
foreign currency (Harootunian, 2011). These festivals show a collection of talent of different
artists which are used as a marketing tool so that the image of the destination can be created.
Festivals impact a lot on the culture and community. Also, the local society has a main role to
play in the image creation of the nation (Hernández-Mogollón, Folgado-Fernández and
Duarte, 2014).
The project is on the topic ‘The Impact of Music Festival Tourism on the image and
community of United Kingdom’. The UK is known for its music festivals especially London.
It is the most saturated festival markets in the world so any tourist visiting UK visit one of
these music festivals to experience the ambiance and entertainment during the festival
(Panfiluk, 2015). The music festivals of UK are renowned across the globe for their
creativity and for the coolest activities. There are many famous music festivals in the country
which includes The Great Escape, Boomtown, Bestival, Download Festival and much more.
Because of these music festivals, the tourism of the country boosts and it makes a good
contribution to the economy of the country. According to UK Music (2016), £3.7 billion
spends is generated by the music festivals in the UK which are contributed from the 10.4
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The Impact of Music Festival Tourism on the Image and Community of United
Kingdom 5
millions of tourists who visited the UK in 2015. There are around 767,000 tourists from
overseas who visited the UK in 2015 (Arfin, 2017).
The music festivals of UK have proved that they provide happiness to the residents and to the
tourists. From decades, these festivals are adding wealth to the economy and the music
industry is booming with the passage of every year. These are the source of happiness for
people as music relax the mind and soul of the people. Different music festivals have
different impacts on the image and community of the nation (Webster & Mckay, 2010).
Events and festivals play an important role in the tourism. Also, there has been a massive
improvement in the festivals and events held by the countries in recent years because these
festivals are the source of revenue for the economies. This Thesis will be done with an
objective of studying the impacts of Music Festival Tourism on the image and community of
UK. The study will be done with the help of secondary data and many real life examples will
be discussed which shows the interconnection between the two. The study will explain that
how the music festival industry has been improved in the recent years and what cultural
experiences they gain. The secondary data will be collected from different sources like
journals, news articles or web sources. The data will be analysed to get the findings from the
research and the conclusions can be made final.
1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Research
The main aim of the research is to analyse the impact of the music festivals tourism on the
culture and community of United Kingdom. This includes the discussion about various music
festivals and the impact of it on the culture.
The main objectives of the study are:
To explore the role of music festivals of London, United Kingdom.
To evaluate the impact of music festivals tourism on the culture of London.
To critically analyse the impact of music festivals tourism on the community of London.
1.3 Rationale of the Research
This research is been conducted to understand the nature of the music festivals and how they
impact the tourism and culture of the nation. The music festivals held in the UK are famous
across the world for their liveliness and level of entertainment they provide to the visitors
(Fredline, Deery and Jago, 2006). This also has some positive as well as negative impacts on
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Kingdom 6
the culture and communities. The study is important because the impacts studied are
significant in order to foresee the future of music festivals and to determine its impact on the
culture and communities of UK and in the world. The study is important to reframe the music
festivals and their activities so that the economy, culture, and communities can be supported.
This will be discussed in the research to recommend the strategies which can benefit the
society as a whole.
1.4 Research structure
The Research is structured in a below-given manner:
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter is about the Introduction of the study which includes aims and objectives of the
study. It also involves the background of the study which is about the Music Festival Tourism
in the UK.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
This chapter is about the Literature review in which the secondary data is been discussed
about the topic of the study ‘The Impact of Music Festival Tourism on the image and
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Kingdom 7
Community of United Kingdom’. Different aspects of music Festivals have been discussed in
this section to form a conclusion.
Chapter 3: Methodology
This chapter includes the details about the Research methodology which has been adopted in
the research study. This section will include the techniques, methods, processes and action
plans which will form the whole study.
Chapter 4: Analysis of data and Discussion of Research Findings
This chapter is about the data analysis and findings which are done on the data collected
through secondary sources. The chapter will discuss the findings in details so that the
conclusions can be formed.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations
This chapter is about the conclusions and recommendations. In this chapter, the conclusion of
the whole study will be made and at last, recommendations will be given on the basis of the
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