
Impact of Individual and Group Variables on Organization Behavior


Added on  2023-06-04

16 Pages4364 Words330 Views
Running head: Organization Behavior
Organization Behavior
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Impact of Individual and Group Variables on Organization Behavior_1

Running head: Organization Behavior
The employee personal characteristics affect the way the success of the firm directly or
indirectly. Having well skilled, experienced qualified Having a better leadership in the
organization is a critical thing as the management in on organization oversees all the activities in
the firm such as managing the employees and managing the business resources(wood et
al ,2016). The administration should also act as a role model to the employee to achieve the
business goal. The managers in a firm also control processes so as to make sure the firm is
working toward its purpose and to oversee risk that may occur as a result of employees’ activities
such a loss from a business transaction or provision of better working conditions of the workers
to prevent risk from occurring such as employees hurting themselves during the work
process(Tayri, Sayce, hands, 2015). The management should also provide measures to safeguard
the lives of the employees in case of an accident. To achieve the goals of the firm, the managers
should analyze both individual and group variables to understand the nature of the employee you
have and the whole firm in general. The process of analysis will enable the firm to understand
what input is supposed to be introduced and measures to be undertaken to ensure that the
employees’ individual and group variables impact on the firm are catered and are per
expectorations of the firm.
In this report, I will discuss and analyze the impact of individual and group variable and
their influence on the organization’s workplace and organization behavior that is a process of
learning the firm behavior either at group level at the individual level. In this report am using
Pike River Mine Accident. I will discuss and analyze how individual variable influenced the
Impact of Individual and Group Variables on Organization Behavior_2

Running head: Organization Behavior
occurrence of the accident and how group level variables took part in making occurrences of the
accident higher. I will discuss three individual variables and three group lever variable basing my
basis on Pike River Mine accident.(Shukla and Drennan ,2018)
Impact of Individual and Group Variables on Organization Behavior_3

Running head: Organization Behavior
1.1 Individual Variables
The individual variable is the characteristics of employees that are either gain through
training, studies or personality features of employees(Schyn ,2015). In other word is what the
employee behave when carrying out his/her duties whether under supervision in the organization
setting. Individual variables can also mean features like gender, education level, age, work
experience, religion or even races of different employment. All these individual variables are
significant to any business as they determine the success of the firm. A firm with a better
combination of employees with better variables enjoys the fruit of better work, efficiency and
low chances of error in firm’s operations(Reb ,Atkin ,2015). The following examples show the
impact of individual variables on work activities in the Pike River Mine accident.
1.1.1 The work Diversity
The term work diversity is the existences of employees from different types of employees
with various features from a mixed race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and ability(Pereira,
Malik, Froesea, 2017). A firm that observes work diversity widens its range of skill from its
employees becoming better competitive and its innovation increasing leading to the better
production process, provision of services and reduces the tendency of risks occurring. There still
challenges and issues associated with word diversity such discrimination to the young and those
who are not sufficiently experienced and harassment to women.
Pike River mine firm observed the work diversity as it hired worker of different
races, age, ethnicity and abilities to work in the mine(Parson ,2016). What it employed
from over the world may have a vast range of skill in the tunnel. Among the twenty-nine
Impact of Individual and Group Variables on Organization Behavior_4

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