
Social Media Marketing Analysis


Added on  2020-02-05

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Research proposal1
Social Media Marketing Analysis_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3preliminary review of the Literature ...............................................................................................4Research methodology.....................................................................................................................7Limitations ......................................................................................................................................8Time scale........................................................................................................................................9References......................................................................................................................................112
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INTRODUCTIONIn the present scenario, marketing has become very important for growth and success of abusiness enterprise. In simpler terms, it is defined as the process or activity which is carried outwith an objective to promote and sale products or services of organizations. The main purpose ofbusinesses behind carrying out marketing is to increase their sales and profitability. Along withthis, it is also carried out with the purpose of attracting customers, lancing new products, gettingcompetitive advantage and increasing customer base. In earlier days, companies used to markettheir products and services with the help of advertisement on television, newspapers, journalsand magazines. In addition to this, businesses also used to carry out marketing of their productsand services by promotion through flyers, free sample, discounts, brochures etc. However, it canbe argued that the traditional method of advertisement are effective but they have certaindrawbacks (Estelami, 2012). One of the major among those is that it is the use of traditional toolsand technique of marketing is very costly for businesses. Further, they were required to investlarge amount of human, financial and other related resources to carry out marketing of theirservices and products. Therefore, organizations started seeking for marketing tools that are costeffective and can provide them with desired results.In the 21st century, internet has emerged as one of the most potential platform for doingmarketing of different services and products. Nowadays, the trend and concept of onlinemarketing among companies is getting popular day by day. It can be also stated that not only forlarge or multinational organizations but online marketing has proved to be very effective forsmall businesses as well. Online marketing is often termed as internet marketing and it is carriedout with the help of emails and web. One of the major benefit of online marketing is that it donot require large amount of efforts and resources as compared to traditional tools and techniquesof marketing (Bulearca and Bulearca, 2010). Businesses using such type of marketing carry outentire promotion and marketing of their services and products over internet. Therefore, thecurrent study will explore the impact of online marketing on sales and profits of organization. Inaddition to this, the researcher has developed aim and objectives behind carrying out thisresearch. The aim and objective are mentioned below as: Aim: 3
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“To assess the impact of online marketing on sales and profitability of organization”- Astudy on Marks & Spencer UK. ObjectivesTo examine the concept and significance of online marketing in present scenarioTo identify effective tools and technique of online marketing used by Marks & SpencerUKTo determine the effect of online marketing on profits and sales of Marks & Spencer UKTo recommended ways through which Marks & Spencer UK enhance its sales and profitsby effective online marketing PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE The concept and significance of online marketingIn the present scenario, marketing products and services has become very important forachieving higher success and growth rate for businesses. As per the view of Zhu and Zhang,(2010) there are several factors which has resulted in growing popularity of internet marketing.One of the major among those is that it is effective and can be used by both small and largeorganizations (Zhu and Zhang, 2010). Furthermore, businesses are also able to get faster resultsin online marketing and this is not possible in case when companies are using traditionalmarketing tools. At the time of carrying out online marketing, businesses needs to developeffective advertisements and promotional plans which can be accomplished over the internet.According to Sheth, (2011) internet or online marketing has become crucial for organizationsbecause it supports them in align their products and services according to the way how buyerbehave in market (Sheth, 2011). Along with this, online marketing has proved to be veryeffective in influencing the decision making of people in market. The concept of online marketing is getting popular because it provides companies withoption to optimize marketing activities according to their need and demand. Kozinets and et.al.(2010) has explained that marketing of services and products over internet is significant becauseof its convenience. This means that business are able to market their products 24 hours and 365days a year. In addition to this, online marketing also creates satisfaction among customers asthey are able to access information regrading services and products whenever they want(Kozinets and et.al. 2010). On the other side of this, it is also supporting companies to overcome4
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