
Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behaviour Report


Added on  2020-07-22

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Research project(The use of social media and its impact on consumer behaviour:A study on Thomas cook)
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Table of ContentsTASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Research project outline specification...................................................................................11.2 Factors that contribute into the process of research project selection...................................21.3 Literature review....................................................................................................................2Concept of social media...............................................................................................................3Effectiveness of social media and its benefits.............................................................................4Consumer buying behaviour........................................................................................................5The impact of social media on the choices of people..................................................................6Reasons which influences the consumer behaviour....................................................................71.4 Research project specification...............................................................................................71.5 Appropriate plan..................................................................................................................10TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................112.1 Resources which are required to carry out research............................................................112.2 Research investigation.........................................................................................................122.3 Record and collated data......................................................................................................14TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................163.1 Research evaluation techniques...........................................................................................163.2 Data analysis........................................................................................................................173.3 Conclusion and recommendations.......................................................................................26TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................28Covered in PPT..........................................................................................................................28REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................29
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TASK 1TITLE: The use of social media and its impact on consumer behaviour: A study on Thomascook. 1.1 Research project outline specification In the modern time, some business organizations use marketing strategies in order toenhance their performance at the market area as compare to other players. By using these, theywill be able to increase brand awareness which can help them in creating a good perception inthe minds of customers (Yates and Paquette, 2011). Social media is a kind of platform which isused by corporations in order to share information with their consumers. An enterprise canbridge a communication gap by using such social networking sites like Twitter, Yahoo,Facebook, LinkedIn. People can share information with others in the form of images, videos,blogs so that so that effective communication can be established. It is an effective channel whichcan help the firm in enhancing their brand image which lead them towards success. The present research project is based on Thomas cook which is a travel company and itoffer package holidays to their clients. They are focusing on their social media marketingstrategies so that they can gain the attention of people from all over the world. By using suchkind of social networking sites, the position of travel agency is get improved as compare to theircompetitors. Number of employees who are working in such firm are approx. 21,940. Theyprovide an option that people can save their booking on their website so this may help them inattracting people towards their services (Yin and et. al., 2015). So, researcher conducted analysisin order to identify the impact of such social networking techniques on the choices of people. Forthis, some methodological techniques have been used so that more effective or efficient outcomecan be achieved. The current field of study is beneficial theoretically as well as practically as through this anenterprise will be able to know about their customer’s expectations that they are satisfied withthe services or not. When their requirements are identified then people will be able to performwell at the work environment. Along with this, the issue is social media and its impact on thecustomer’s behaviour which is going to be addressed in the current research project. So, by usingsome tools this issue can be resolved in an efficient way. In order to complete a project anappropriate structure has been followed which explain introduction, literature review, research1
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methodology, data analysis, conclusion and recommendations. By following this, the overallfield of study can be conducted in an appropriate way which can help the researcher in identifythe significance of the social media. 1.2 Factors that contribute into the process of research project selectionSome factors are their which can help an individual in order to select a research project. Ifall these aspects are considered, then researcher will be able to perform well and specifiedobjectives can be accomplished (Gikas and Grant, 2013). Some of these important aspects arelike knowledge, skills, experience, scope, cost, budget, interest, access to information and so on.Knowledge and experience should be there in an individual related to the topic as through thisthey will be able to conduct the field of study in more successful way. Along with this, someskills and competencies should be there within a researcher so that they can perform theiroperations effectively. If a person has high competencies, then they will be able to resolveresearch questions in an innovative or creative way. The budget should be prepared for the research project so through this spending level canbe controlled and expenses can be reduced to some extent. The cost of the study should be lowso that success can be achieved after conducting such kind of analysis. Information related tosocial media and consumer’s behaviour is available on internet as this topic is on boom sothrough this effective evaluation can be performed (Korda and Itani, 2013). Along with this, Ihave some interest in this topic as through this my knowledge is also get improved. Time is alsoan essential factor which needs to be considered by an individual so that targets can beaccomplished and research questions can be resolved. 1.3 Literature reviewIn the current section of research project, information can be gathered on the basis ofsecondary resources. Some of these resources are like books, internet, journals, articles. Alongwith this, by reviewing different literatures the understanding of concept can be increased so inthis way research can be carried out effectively. Through this, authenticate or reliable data can begathered so in way effectiveness of social media techniques can be evaluated. Furthermore, theimpact of such networking sites on customer’s behaviour can be identified which can help themin achieving the goals. 2
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Concept of social mediaAccording to the views of Tess (2013) some online social networks are there on whichpeople can make their profiles and then they can share information with each other. Such kind oftechniques help the companies or corporations in order to establish a two-way communication.When this get improved then an enterprise will be able to know about the needs and demands ofthe people. Due to such kind of interaction, social media can affect the choices of people in bothpositive as well as negative manner. On the other hand, it has been analysed by Laroche and et.al., (2012) that through social media, a firm can perform its operations globally, transparent,interactive and real time which can affect the workplace expectations. By using such kind ofnetworking sites, an enterprise will be able to perform well at the marketplace as compare totheir competitors. Some different forms of activities are used by organization under this conceptlike blogging, forums, products reviews, bookmarking and so on. Through this, they will be ableto attain success. Leung and et. al., (2013) stated that social networking sites are the modern communicationchannel that can be used by firm in order to promote their services in market. There are manypeople who are using such sites as their communication medium so in this company can targettheir customers which will be beneficial for both consumers and firm. The brand awareness canbe increased in the market so people will be able to know different features and benefits ofproducts and services. Apart from this, it can be analysed by Goh, Heng and Lin (2013) thatthere are some traditional channels like TV, radio, newspaper, magazines and so on. But throughthis, firm will not be able to approach a large target audience so public relations cannot beimproved. By adopting the modern strategies, overall brand image can be improved which canhelp them in gaining the attention of people. So, a strong base of service users can be created andthey will be able to achieve competitiveness in the market as compare to different players. As per the views of Couldry (2012) there are some factors which can affect the choices ofpeople and due to which their perceptions can also be changed. Some of these factors are likeprices, packaging of products, quality, innovativeness and so on. By reviewing all these aspects,it can be evaluated that how customer’s needs and expectations can get changed. This kind ofapproach can also act like a marketing strategy for a firm so using this a company will be able toincrease their sales and profitability level. This is vital, as through this they will be able toimprove their image in the minds of the service users. 3
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Effectiveness of social media and its benefitsDabbagh and Kitsantas (2012) stated by that social networking media is a channel throughwhich companies can interact with their employees. Customers can also post their views oropinions regarding to the services that are offered by different travel agency. This may highlyaffect the brand image of organization and this can help them in grabbing the opportunities sothat they can globally perform their operations. By using these kind of strategies, an enterprisecan build their social networks in an effective way so in this way they can build a strong base ofconsumers. It has been confronted by De Vries Gensler and Leeflang (2012) that an effectiveness ofsocial media can be evaluated on the basis of some factors like it is cost effective, meetinghuman needs, brand loyalty and so on. By using such kind of approach, a company can providesome rewards and benefits to their loyal customers. Along with this, if consumers will get suchkind of things then they feel an important part of the firm which can enhance their satisfactionlevel. Social media is a kind of marketing approach which is cheaper than traditional approacheslike radio, television, magazine, newspaper and so on. Now a days, it become easy for the clientsas they can read the reviews about the particular products and firm. Apart from this, socialnetworking is a kind of marketing strategy which can help the travelling agency in order to buildbrand loyalty among people. Through this, it can be evaluated that social networking sitesdirectly contributes into the high brand image of the company. Along with this, the mostimportant thing for this as this is live and customers will be able to know about the differentsituation which are conducted at the workplace. So, in the way the effectiveness of social mediacan be evaluated. According to the views of Heller Baird and Parasnis (2011) there are some benefits whichare achieved by an organization after implementing the social media marketing strategies. Someof these benefits are like it can increase the brand recognition in the market so all people will beable to know about the different features and benefits of services which are offered by travellingagency. By using social media, all regular customers can be converted into potential buyers asthey will be able to get some rewards. If social presence of a firm will get improved, thenthrough this they can reach to their target audience. When satisfied people share their experienceon social media networking sites then this can also help them in creating the perceptions aboutthe company as these can add richer experience. Along with these, companies will be able to4
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know about the valuable insights of their consumers so this will be beneficial for an enterprise asthey can offer service to their end users as per their choice. It has been analysed by Kietzmannand et. al., (2011) that if some clients face bad experience with the company and after that if theywill post their experience then it will affect the brand image of agency in negative manner. Consumer buying behaviour According to the views of Kim and Ko (2012) consumers buying behaviour is a kind ofprocess that is used to select, buy, dispose and use the products in order to satisfy their ownexpectations and requirements. The buying behaviour of people can be related to their attitude,beliefs, values and culture. The choices of an individual can be changed on the basis of marketsegments. The market segmentation is based on some aspects like geographical, psychological,behavioural and demographic. Apart from these, the current social or physical environment canalso affect the decisions which are made by a person at the time of purchasing. On the contrary, it has been explained by O'Keeffe and Clarke-Pearson (2011) that thereare some steps which are involved at the time of making the decisions related to purchasing.These are divided into 5 stages like problem identification, information search, evaluation ofalternative, purchase decision and post purchase evaluation. Problem recognition is the first stepwhere people make their decisions when they have any desire or want. If they face any problem,then process for purchasing the goods can get start. When issues are identified then consumer hasto search for the relevant information which can fulfil their needs and demands. In the thirdstage, alternatives have been identified related to features and benefits of the products so byevaluating different options they can fulfil their requirements. In the fourth stage, after makingsome alternatives now they have to make purchase and these decisions can get affected throughgathered information. The last stage of post purchase decision in which an individual comparestheir perceptions regarding to the products with their expectations. 5
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Source 1: Marketing & Buyer Behaviour - the Decision-Making Process. 2015The impact of social media on the choices of peopleAs per the views of Shirky (2011) some consumers are there which admire different socialor online groups and these people can affect the choices of different people. An individual makesdecisions within the environment where they are living with their social groups. In the past era,consumers make their buying decisions on the basis of the data which is collected fromnewspaper, magazine, radio and so on. But now a days, social media a tool which can be reach tomass media as through this they all will be able to know about the different services which areoffered by Thomas cook. On the other hand, there are some groups like primary, secondary,formal, informal and virtual groups. Primary are the people who are in close relationship with theindividuals, secondary are related to social group, virtual are the online committee groups whichinfluence the behaviour of people. Stelzner (2011) explained that there are many people who are using such social networkingsites for their own reason. For example, some young person who spend lot of time on suchnetworking sites. So, Thomas cook can directly approach to these individuals so that strongcustomer base can be created. Some of the companies post their advertisements on such sites likeFacebook, twitter, yahoo, YouTube etc. When an individual click on that advertisement than6
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