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Employee Motivation and Rewards


Added on  2020/06/06

AI Summary
This assignment delves into the crucial topic of employee motivation, examining the key drivers that influence employee engagement and performance. It analyzes the significant role rewards play in fostering job satisfaction and overall motivation. The assignment also investigates various established motivational theories, such as Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, to understand their application in real-world organizational settings.

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Table of Contents
1.1) Overview..............................................................................................................................1
1.2) Contribution of factors in research project..........................................................................1
1.3) Critical review......................................................................................................................2
1.4) Specification for research....................................................................................................3
1.5) Plan and process of the research..........................................................................................5
2.1) Match resources efficiently to research question and hypothesis........................................6
2.2) Research investigation.........................................................................................................6
2.3)Record and collate data.........................................................................................................8
3.1) Appropriate research evaluation techniques........................................................................9
3.2) Interpretation and data analysis.........................................................................................10
3.3) Recommendations and suggestions...................................................................................15
4.1) Covered in ppt....................................................................................................................16
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Topic- Importance of motivation in employee's performance- A study on Morrison.
1.1) Overview.
At present time, market has become very competitive, to survive there it is very essential
for an organisation to have consistency along with that profits and revenues must also very very
positive and high. Motivation is a human psychological aspect that is very much required in an
organisation so that manpower of a company can get influenced in positive way and then that can
contribute their efforts in most effective and appropriate manner. Basically it is a tool that is very
useful to make employ work in more efficient and appropriate manner (Avey and et. al., 2010).
In United Kingdom Morrison is one of the very leading retail organisation. It is the fourth
largest supermarket in nation. It is basically serving in around 498 locations. It is having £468
million of operating income and net income is £305 million. The competitors of the firm is
Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and many more. As the competition is very high it become tough for the
company to perform their operations and functions. Therefore it is very important for Morrison
to take in consideration about the factors of motivation so that employee can perform in more
better way which will lead in attaining organisation's survival and growth.
1.2) Contribution of factors in research project.
Motivation level is lacking in the organisation which is affecting overall performance of
company. To survive in market and to fulfil the needs and wants of customers it is very
necessary for organisation to enhance the productivity that can only be met with the help of
implementing effective motivation techniques so that employee will perform in more appropriate
manner. There are many factors that are very necessary for an investigators to consider as
because they help in carrying out effective research study (Bakker and Bal, 2010).
Marketing- This empowers association in attracting more customers by offering them to
stock and attempts, so for this affiliation need to consider each and every requirement of
Budgetary resources- This is effective framework as this will assist researchers to settle
on choice with respect to get some information about in change way. It will be to an
unbelievable risky for investigators to finish this examination in desired way.

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Management- It is one of the very important aspect as because this will help in managing
all the activities and operations of the research in appropriate and effective manner. They
have an aim that need to be attained so that study can be relevant and informative.
Interest for research topic- In present time, customers are very rational they know what is
right and what is not so they think in a very practice manner which may affect the
business as well (Bakker and Leiter, 2010). So to overcome such issue it is very essential
for company to consider the needs of market and perform accordingly and as to raise the
productivity motivation is very must.
Benefits and advantages- Selecting this topic helps in understanding the need of
motivation in an organisation and its impact upon the sales and performance of it can be
analysed. This helped in understanding what genuinely clients require and what more
purposes of intrigue are required by them in things, associations and new methods and
Experiences- Most of the market is refreshing using stock and ventures Increasing
persistently and persuading data can be feasible for the researchers. Past years
encounters, it can be inspected that motivation if not performed in appropriate manner
then productivity and sales ratio does not get increase which will impact the organisation
to survive in market.
1.3) Critical review.
According to BRADY GERMAIN, P.A.M.E.L.A. and Cummings, (2010) motivation is
the techniques which helps management to make the employees take interest in allotted work
that will directly lead in attaining organisation's goals and objectives. There are various factors
related to motivation that has to be carried out in an organisation as because this will help in
attaining organisation's set goals and objectives. There are some aspects that plays a very
important role in motivating employees in a firm, such as rewards, leadership, environment and
organisation's culture. Leadership is the most important element that is very vital in Morrison.
This will help in knowing how an employ perceive for a firm.
As per Carsrud and Brännback, (2011) for company it becomes very essential to
understand this aspect and to implement effective leadership techniques so that employees can
get influenced with them in positive manner and with that they can be able to to perform in more
effective way. Culture and structure of organisation is very different from each other many are
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very rigid and many are very flexible these also influence employees level of motivation. If it is
favourable for employ then they will perform in better way if not then their morale will decrease
and will not act and work in required and desired manner. Reward system also plays vital role in
making manpower of firm do their wok effectively, this will encourage them to work harder and
will result in good productivity.
Asserted by Danish and Usman, (2010) performance evaluation is very important in a
company as this will help in knowing whether an employee is working as per the need or not.
Evaluating this will lead in increasing the productivity in market, this will help in availing
competitive benefit as well. There are various techniques through which the employee
performance can be evaluated so that controlling upon performance can be done by management.
Core values, lunch, coin approaches and many more methods are there which is performed in
Morrison. This is assisting in improving employee's work and making them comfort as well.
As view point of Hafiza and et. al., (2011) motivation and employee's productivity both
are very much interlinked. As the level of motivation of employees are high high the return and
productivity will be higher. It has been analysed that workforce if are motivated then they will
influence other workers also to perform in better and effective manner. This will at the end lead
to a situation where productivity will get increased and all the set standards and objectives will
also get attained. It can be critically analysed that in retail sector motivated employees really
does great wonders that will help in attaining organisation's long term goals and will assist in
raising productivity as well.
In accordance with Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman, (2011) numerous methods are
there by which employees can be encouraged and motivated so that they can carry out their work
in very smooth and effective manner. One of the best strategy that can be adapted by Morrison
organisation is that they can involve workforce in decision making process this will make them
feel more involved and will contribute in their work also appropriately. It is also very necessary
for it to create a healthy and cooperative environment so that manpower can work properly.
1.4) Specification for research.
Topic- Importance of motivation in employee's performance- A study on Morrison.
Aim- To assess the significance of motivation in employee's performance.
To determine factors of motivation performed in Morrisons.
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To identify the techniques of performance evaluation in Morrisons.
To assess the relationship between motivation and employee's performances. To suggest few strategies for Morrisons which it can implement.
Research questions
1. What are the factors of motivation that is been performed in Morrisons?
2. How performances of employees can be evaluated?
3. What is the relationship between employee's performance and motivation?
4. Suggest some strategies and methods that can be adapted by Morrisons.
Research methodology
as to carry out the study upon the importance of motivation on employees performance it is very
essential for Morrisons to take in consideration several tools and techniques so that effective
research can be performed. The methods of selection of the research always relies upon the
nature of study. Following aspects are considered to perform this research study-
Research design- It is the path through which a research can be performed. It is very
essential to plan out how and with what all things a study should be performed (Liao,
Martocchio and Joshi, 2010). There are different methods through which the research
can be designed, they are exploratory, descriptive, casual , case study and many more. In
the present study, descriptive methods has been used so that a description of all the
information can be attained.
Research approach- This is the path which helps the researchers to perform and carry out
the research in an effective and appropriate manner. Inductive and deductive research
approaches are there, deductive approaches includes hypothesis and is quantitative in
nature whereas in inductive approaches is based upon the several theories and is of
qualitative nature. Inductive approach has been used in this research study.
Research philosophy- There are two philosophies, interpretivism and positivism. In this
research the interpretivism is followed as because there are numerous interpretations and
perceptions that are to be considered to gather informations.
Data collection- It is very essential to collect relevant information and data so for that
basically two techniques are adapted primary and secondary as the study topic is very
critical hence primary source of data has been collected here (Paarlberg and Lavigna,

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Data analysis- Collected information has to be analysed whether it is suitable for the
study or not. So according to that analysis is very essential. Qualitative and quantitative
methods are there (Parvin and Kabir, 2011). For the present study thematic analysis has
been carried out s qualitative method has been adopted.
1.5) Plan and process of the research.
To understand the actual time and tasks to be performed proper plan has to be introduced
which can be only possible with the help of Gantt chart. This is a graphical and systematic
presentation of the time which shows tasks and works that has to be performed and time taken
for each task will be described here.
Gantt Chart
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2.1) Match resources efficiently to research question and hypothesis.
As to carry out the research, there are various resources that helps in carrying out the
study in appropriate manner. Major resources which were the money, time and data. It is very
necessary for the investigator to have specific time to perform the study and to gather the data.
Th primary and secondary data are also the main resources that need to be considered so that
effective and reliable data can be gathered. Following are some of the concerns done by
Questionnaire & survey- These are the primary sources of collecting data where
organisation can be able to directly connect with the people and can gather informations
and data related to the study (Peters and et. al., 2010).
Ethnographic- This is the state which shows the living way of people in society and how
he/ she reacts upon the several circumstances. With understanding this concept,
researcher can gather relevant information.
Human resources- As to accomplish the aims and objectives of the study manpower is
very much required to understand and to carry out the investigation towards the right
Financial of money factors- It is very essential to have money to perform a research
because this will lead in attaining good and positive outcome as survey and collection of
primary data can be performed properly (Springer, 2011).
2.2) Research investigation
1) Do you think Morrisons is following motivational techniques?
2) What are the factors that is influencing motivation of employees?
Financial rewards
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Job security
Working culture
3)Do you think Morrisons is availing benefits to its employees?
4)Do you think opinions of employees are considered by Morrisons organisation?
5)Do you feel motivational factors are influencing in increasing the performance of manpower?
Not influencing
6) Do you agree survival of company and employees productivity have any relationship?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
7)Who according to you are responsible for introducing motivation strategies?
Higher authority
8)What are the method used by company in performance evaluation?
360 degree analysis
Results and outcome
Daily feedbacks

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2.3)Record and collate data.
The collected information and data are evaluated so that better understanding can be gained form
the carried research.
1) Do you think Morrisons is following
motivational techniques?
Yes 8
No 2
2) What are the factors that is influencing
motivation of employees?
Monitory rewards 3
Security of job 2
Fear 1
Appraisal in performance 2
Culture of working 2
3) Do you think Morrisons is availing benefits
to its employees?
Yes 6
No 4
4)Do you think opinions of employees are
considered by Morrisons organisation?
Always 5
Sometimes 3
Never 2
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5)Do you feel motivational factors are
influencing in increasing the performance of
Influencing 8
Not influencing 2
6) Do you agree survival of company and
employees productivity have any relationship?
Agree 3
Strongly agree 4
Neutral 0
Disagree 2
Strongly disagree 1
7) Who according to you are responsible for
introducing motivation strategies?
Human resources 2
Administration/ Management 2
Higher authority 6
8) What are the method used by company in
performance evaluation?
3600 analysis 5
Counselling 2
Results and outcome 1
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Feedbacks on daily basis. 2
3.1) Appropriate research evaluation techniques
As to gather the information and data basically there are two techniques that can be used
that is qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative methods are used when the theoretical subjects are
discussed and when facts and figures are used then quantitative technique is adopted by the
researcher for the study. It depends upon the study and its nature it is very essential for the
researcher to understand which techniques is more suitable for the study (Walumbwa and et. al.,
2011). Summative and formative methods are also the aspects that are taken in consideration
while performing the research related to the subjective topic.
This is the method of assessment that is performed so as to understand and to keep a
control over the investigation needed correction and modification ca performed properly. For this
research, focus is upon motivation's importance upon the employee's performances in Morrison
company. So to identify the effective outcomes the thematic analysis are performed, with the
help of different themes for every asked question to respondents data has been analysed. With
the help of this recommendations and solutions has been gathered that company can implement
for its betterment and growth (Zhang and Bartol, 2010).
3.2) Interpretation and data analysis.
Thematic analysis is the best method through which the primary sources of data can be
analysed so that relevancy and reliability can be determined for the collected informations.
Below are the themes for the gathered data-
Theme1- Motivation techniques are performed in Morrisons.

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Interpretation- From the above mentioned graph, it can be analysed that motivation techniques
are very appropriately practised in Morrisons and are helping employees to do their work
effectively. 80% respondents believes that motivational tools are used by company to encourage
their employees to perform in better manner.
Theme2- Financial rewards are most influencing factors.
Interpretation- The analysis shows that there are various factors that is playing a very vital role
in making manpower motivated. Higher the rates are in support of the monitory terms that
employees get highly influenced by this factor, 30% respondent were in its favour.
Yes No
Financial rewards
Job security
Performance appraisal
Working culture
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Theme3- Employees are benefited by Company.
Interpretation- Many benefits are providing by Morrisons to employees, it has been analysed
with the collected information. It can also be determined that managements efforts are very hih
to make their manpower motivated. Employees have admitted that they are getting benefits
which are encouraging them to perform their work.
Theme4- Employees are effectively contributing their views and opinions which is considered
by Morrisons.
Yes No
Always Sometimes Never
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Interpretation- From the presented graph it can be understood that employees are having the
right to contribute their views and ideas with their superiors and 50% are agreeing upon this fact
many have stated that manpower's opinions are less considered.
Theme5- A positive impact can be seen with the help of motivational techniques.
Interpretation- It has been analysed that workforce are very much influenced by the methods
and techniques adapted by company. Motivation is very important and is helping to enhance the
performance of company. 80% of the respondents have supported to this that they are getting
motivation to work effectively.
Theme6- Employees performance and company's survival both are directly connected with
each other.
Influencing Not influencing
Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

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Interpretation- Performance of employees and organisation's survival both are interlinked as if
employees work properly it will directly lead in higher returns which will help in sustaining in
competitive market. 40% respondents are in favour of this aspects.
Theme7- Higher authority in Morrison is responsible for introducing motivational techniques
and methods.
Interpretation- Th most responsible identity for the motivational techniques is the higher
authority in the company. 60% respondents stated this that organisations top level authority is
very much liable to introduce motivational tools for employees.
Theme8- 3600 analysis is most adapted by organisation for evaluating employee's
HR Administration Higher authority
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Interpretation- For evaluating the performances of Morrison's employees, the most used
methods is the 3600 analysis. This is the best effective technique to determine the level of
performance of each and every employee in an organisation.
3.3) Recommendations and suggestions.
The information that has been carried out in the present research study is with the help of
primary sources i.e., questionnaire (Avey and et. al., 2010). It is suggested to the organisations
that employees has to be kept motivated at all the level so that their morale get high and perform
in more effective and appropriate manner. It is also very essential for Morrisons to support their
employees which will act as a motivational factors. This will help in attaining organisational
goals and objectives along with the company will be able to get the competitive benefits and at
the end sales and profitability ratio will also get increased. It is an advice to firm that, training
and development approaches also need to be introduced so that knowledge, skills, abilities can be
enhanced that will help them to perform in more effective and appropriate manner, this will lead
in attaining organisation's survival in market and will assist in getting the higher revenues.
Attractive pays along with that compensation has to be provided to them so that employee will
get encouraged to perform work with more enthusiasm (Bakker and Bal, 2010). Flexibility in
work should also be there in Morrisons so that burden free environment can be provided to
employees for their better performances.
360 degree analysis
Results and outcomes
Daily feedbacks
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4.1) Covered in ppt.
The research study that has been carried out with the help of questionnaire methods
through which various outcomes has been drawn. The factors that is contributing in performing
the investigations has been concluded in this report. Critical analysis by several writers has been
discussed related to the subject. Recommendations and suggestions has also be given to
Morrisons company so that performance and sales can get increased.

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Books and Journals
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