
Operations Management Research Papers


Added on  2020-06-06

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Operations Management Research Papers_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Comparison of different roles and characteristics of leaders and managers.....................1P2 Role of a leader and function of manager is applied in various situations........................3P3 Some of the theories and models of approach...................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5P4 Key approaches for operation management and roles of leaders and managers in M&S.5P5 Importance and values of operations management in attaining business objectives........6P6 Factors which have an impact on operational management and decision-making by leadersand managers in M&S company............................................................................................7CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONManagement and operations can be said as the important element of an organisation. Ithelps a firm to design and manage the latest trends so that they can get maximum profits.Department provides the final goods and services to their clients. Thus, their major role is totransform the raw materials into final products which increases their productivity and revenues.Leaders and managers plays a prominent role in attaining a superior positions in the market areaas they are the on who leads and manages the team very well (Akkerman, Farahani and Grunow,2010). In short they motivate and encourage team members to achieve their goals and objectivesin effective manner. M&S is a multinational company which manufactures clothes andhousehold products. In this report, different roles and characteristics of leaders and managers isincluded with context to responsibilities. Other than this approaches which helps the company inachieving their goals and targets in certain time period. TASK 1P1 Comparison of different roles and characteristics of leaders and managersLeaders and managers both are important for an organisation so as to run their business ina proper manner. According to Mendis, Muttaqi and Perera (2014), Leaders can be state as aperson who guide and motivate their team members to perform their task effectively. Theymainly show appropriate path to workers for completing any task by using the limited resources. According to Nakayama and Bucks (2012), Managers are those who manages and dividethe work effectively so that a healthy relation is maintained at work place. Both Leaders andManagers look out the behaviour of an individual so as to identify whether workers are havingany problems or not. Here, some of the roles and characteristics of leaders and managers arementioned which they should acquire for best results:Role of Leaders:Motivating employees: Leaders are the one who are motivate their team members byidentifying their needs and wants. A good leaders equally treats all his/her members whichcreates a sense of harmony and unity amongst all workers. To hit a goal leaders takes their teammembers along, without leaving any individual behind. Support and counsel their employees: Leaders support its team members and show themcorrect path through which they can achieve their objectives in specific time period (Barratt,1
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Choi and Li, 2011). They help and counsel an individual if he/she is facing any problem incompleting any task. Thus, they give the best suitable solutions for resolving any issues. Builds a team: To achieve their goals it is important to have a team which should beaccording to a leaders. This helps them to work under his/her guidance.Representatives of a Company: They can be said as the representatives of a team or anorganisation. Lead their team in seminars, conferences, meetings and meetings etc. Roles of ManagersImplementations of policies and plans: Basically the roleofmanagersis to manage thetask according to the needs and requirements. For this they implement certain rules which are asper the company's norms and gradually helps them in achieving their set targets.Provide training: They give training to employees by identifying weak and strong pointsof workers. This helps an individual to increase their knowledge and skills. Monitor the performance of an individual: Continues monitoring assist managers toidentify the behaviour of a person whether he/she is interested in doing that particular job. Characteristics of leaders and managersPositive attitude: Leading and managing team is not an easy task thus, it is important foran individual to have a positive attitude which will assist him/her to convert negative feedbacksin positive way. They encourage their team members to perform the task in an efficient manner. Creative minds: A person with different minds helps a company to make innovativeideas through which they can achieve their goals and set targets. Hence company should appointthose people who are with different mind sets. Confident: It is necessary that a person who is a leaders or a manager is confident bynature because he/she is the one who represent its team in various seminars, meetings orworkshops (Binder and Edwards, 2010). Comparison between leaders and managers are mentioned below:LeadersManagersThey lead the team from front andguide their members to work properly. They make sure that work is conductedaccording to the plan which companyhas made for achieving the goals.They manages the work and dividethem in different departments. Managers tells employees about thenorms and strategies which they haveintroduced. 2
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