Digital Marketing and Website Design
Added on 2020-05-11
6 Pages1453 Words65 Views
Running head: DIGITAL MARKETINGDigital marketingName of the Student:Name of the University:Author’s Note:
1DIGITAL MARKETING Introduction: The influence of digital technology has been transforming the retail industry that hasresulted retailers and businesses to implement new strategies for retaining and attractingcustomers. Digital technologies research has gone from segment specific to main streams.Business are able to go long way with the help of digital technology in this highly competitivebusiness environment (Fitzgerald et al. 2014). Customized and seamless technology would helpcustomers in easily shifting from one brand over another. The report is prepared to demonstratethe digital landscape and how the consumer buying behaviours are impacted by it. Reportincorporates discussion of role of customer relationship management and digital marketingwebsite designs. Discussion:Online shopping is an electronic shopping that helps in facilitating goods over internetusing web browser. It involves some means of shopping such as internet shop, e shop, web shop,virtual store and online store. Advancement in technology has led to evolvement of digitaltechnology. People are familiarized to traditional marketing because of its longevity and it isstatic and costly as against digital marketing ( 2017). Examples of traditionalmarketing involves customers shopping from super markets, stores and retail shops. On otherhand, digital marketing is considered advantageous for business as it helps in reaching massaudience using different social platforms and it interactive. However, such marketing takes timeto realize measurable success. Customer journey and their touch limit in digital arena: Organizations have made emphasis on touch points for maximizing the satisfaction ofcustomers. Touch points is regarded as individual transactions that assist customers in interaction
2DIGITAL MARKETING with business and their offerings. It is perceived by organisation that customers are happy whenthey have interaction and connect with customer service, products, sales staffs and marketingmaterials.Multi-channel touch points are not desirable for customers as well as organization. It canbe explained with the help of an example, considering the local operating entity of globalinsurance player. One of its largest line of business is market leadership and both new entrantsand established players under sieged car insurance. In order to differentiate their offerings,organization are required to innovate and the major problems faced by them for long time isfragmented nature of customer experience. Many customers uses broker for managing claimsand buying products. Car insurer was little involved in event of car requiring repair after anyincident and the repairing process was managed by a local mechanic. It becomes impossible forinsurer to provide consistent repeatable and high quality experience (Mithas et al. 2013).Therefore, it is required to have single touch points for solving such issues faced by customers. A customer journey offline and online:With hundreds of potential touch points, journey of customers is becoming morecomplicated. Marketers are able to get a closer view of customers by switching together offlineand online data. For completing the experiences of customers, real life interactions of customersare required to be connected with touch points and online activities. Expectations of customershave trumped resulting from the way market has changed by appealing to customers acrossdemographics and age group (Westerman et al. 2014). When it comes to optimizing thepotential, there still exist gap in online and offline scenarios. It is required for e commercebusiness to leverage huge possibilities that are offered by offline customers with technological
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