
International and Cross-Cultural Management


Added on  2022-12-26

11 Pages3455 Words88 Views
International and Cross-Cultural Management_1

Table of Contents
MANAGEMENT OF POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT..................................................................3
CONCEPT OF INTERNATIONALISATION AND THEORIES..................................................5
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Cross cultural management is when the organisation deals with different cultural aspects of the
employees. And Organisation is composed of different set of people that are originated from
different regions. The duty of manager in this regard is to build a bridge on the different cultural
aspects and drive everyone to maintain a unique culture that with respect to the organisation
(Sharipov, 2020). Especially when a particular organisation is running over numerous branches
then this kind of aspects are seem to be happening. The management try hard in order to
maintain a pace with all the employees upon delivering the objectives of the organisation and
ethics that are associated (Vahlne and Johanson, 2017). There are different scenarios where
immigrated people are welcome to take part in the work because of their ideas that are same to
be a boon to the company. The entire report deals with the cross-cultural management and that
with regards to the company MTV Arabia. The MTV networks started from 1981 in Arabia
where they are involved in dealing with Global youth and 120 countries. They have a record of
reaching 450 million households and dealing with 30 different languages. The cross-cultural
attribution is because of its transformation from one culture to a western influence culture in
November, 2007. The report focuses upon the steps that the organisation adopted in order to deal
with the political circumstances and its measures in dealing with the situations and management
are depicted in the report.
About Arab culture aspect
Arab cultural considerations are said to be one of the major challenges for every organisation to
extend into. The same was challenged to MTV Arabia when it was about to enter into Arab
culture (Knigh and De Wit, 2018). Challenges that were associated for the channel in order to
approach the Arab country is that most of its culture is very straight. the same to be different
cultures in the Arabian countries. Every country is set to follow different multilingual culture
where people may not accept the intervention of new channels so soon. The different countries
that fall in Arab are said to maintain different standards and their perspectives and cultural
aspects are varied.
MTV intervention
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The MTV is known for the Western type of culture that may not be so much acceptable by the
Arabian government. Therefore the biggest challenge lies in entering into this particular culture
and maintaining the pace of being the best. The Arab country is mostly known for very few
religions are out of which they follow Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This particular races are
set to maintain certain standards to which few people may not allow things that drawn from
anything other than their culture (Monaghan, 2020). For example, taking one of the aspect of the
most known for culture is that the father in the family are responsible to decide upon what the
entire family will have to do. Therefore, if there is an obstruction to the flow of watching
whatever is being depicted by the MTV channel then the entire permission lies in the hands of
father. This is also one of the biggest challenges that MTV will have to work upon.
Strategy Adopted to face challenges
The channel drive so hard and after a long research that was performed in order to know the
aspects of culture and the ways to enter into the Arab culture the channel was able to find a
solution after all. The channel decided to target young people because half of the Arab country
population is said to be the young people below the age of 25. This is the main strategy that was
adopted by MTV upon successful e launching that channels in the Arab country. The MTV
channel keenly observed the demographics of the country and the political influence that falls
upon the channels and that is when the channel was able to step up ahead in order to move
through the atrocities by mainly focusing upon the youth of the country (Santangelo and Meyer,
2017). This seems to be a greatest step that was taken by the company because it was slowly able
to enter into the country. although the channel was launched successfully yet there are different
countries that falls in the Arab government. Every country may not accept the same values for
example the channels that were visualised by the people in Dubai may not be accepted by others.
MTV focused upon maintaining the localisation brand and therefore it took all the consequences
and triangle them in order to move ahead with every region's considerations. During
globalisation of MTV into the Arab country there were different conflicts that work going on
between the Arab countries as well as the Americans there for the relations between them turned
week which again fell upon the channel. A lot of research was performed by MTV upon their
counterparts that made them pay attention towards many understandings in order to deal with the
people in Arab country. One of the best movie that was taken by MTV was to pair up with the
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