
Internet Marketing Assignment ( IM )


Added on  2020-06-04

21 Pages4838 Words40 Views
Internet Marketing Assignment ( IM )_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................11.1 ELEMENTS OF INTERNET MARKETING..................................................................11.3 Discuss 7P's of marketing mix.........................................................................................21.3 Compare the internet marketing tools in organization.....................................................31.4. Outline how interactive order processing will work.......................................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................52.1 Discuss the mechanics of search engine marketing.........................................................52.2 Write an opt-in email marketing newsletter.....................................................................62.3 Identification of guidelines for the appropriate practices.................................................72.4 Demonstrating the way in which business can use new digital media communities.......8TASK 3............................................................................................................................................83.1Accomplishment of secondary market research................................................................83.2 Development of online survey for the collection of data...............................................103.3 Determination of utilization of Electronic marketing of customer relationship.............13TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................144.1 Creation of plan for the internet marketing for Smart restorations.1.............................14Successful marketing ways:-................................................................................................144.2 Presentation on pay per click advertising.......................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................18
Internet Marketing Assignment ( IM )_2

INTRODUCTIONWith the increase traffic on the online platform and internet now a day’s companies arefocuses on using the internet marketing technique for advertising and promoting their productsand services. The present report focuses on given case scenario of Smart Restoration Limitedwhich has specialized in selling the refurbished furniture to their different clients. The report alsofocuses on understanding the key elements of internet marketing that may be used cited firm inorder to accomplish their marketing objectives. 1.1 ELEMENTS OF INTERNET MARKETINGAs per the provided data, and current condition of recovering economy, we can implementvarious online marketing tactics to expand our market such as:Search engine optimization(SEO):It is a technique which is implemented to improve the rating of your company's site over googlesearch. It includes various online & technical approaches like:1.Incorporating high quality links in our site.2.As the present scenario of internet is through mobile devices, the site of SmartRestorations Limited has to be modified to be supported by mobile devices.3.Avoiding any sort of technical shortcomings, bugs or errors on our site.4.Using of keywords like “Smart restorations”, “furniture”, “London” in our descriptivecontent enhances site priority.5.Most important is the content to be grammatically precise, interactive & relevant.9.Email Marketing:It is a cost effective, time saving & interactive approach of digital marketing. & with increase ofpopularity of mobile devices & mail enabled smartphones, its effectively successful.10.Use of Social media platforms:1
Internet Marketing Assignment ( IM )_3

Social media plays a vital role in field of marketing. It not only helps to gain brand recognitionto Smart Restorations Limited, but also catalyses the process of improving brand value.11.Pay-per-Click methodThis methodology will not only helps to transfer the online customers traffic to our site, but alsohelps us to evaluate the customers response.12.Strong & interactive Content:A strong & interactive content of Smart Restoration Limited site is the core requirement forcustomer to get attracted towards our site. For an interactive content about services providedkeeps customer engaged & ensure well bonded goodwill. 1.3 Discuss 7P's of marketing mix7 P'S OF INTERNET MARKETING MIX:Smart Restoration Limited has to take into consideration various factors of marketing mix toenhance the sales & achieve the desired figure of market share.1. Product: The product(furniture) to be delivered to the customer should be as per customers requirementwith utmost quality.2. Place: Place of availability of product or service plays an integral role in marketing. In our case, morecustomers visiting our website plays a key role.3. Price:Price is also one of the crucial factor customer consider while looking for a product or services.We have to keep our process cost reasonable in comparison of our competitors.4. Promotional approach:2
Internet Marketing Assignment ( IM )_4

Our furniture & services has to be well marketed using various methodologies like Advertising,PR & looking at present time phase, Social media. The details provided over this means shouldbe interactive, informative & appealing to customers.5. People:Providing Product(Furniture) or service is not enough. The after service approach(customer care)helps not only to improve quality but also helps to gain idea of market condition.6. Process:The delivery process of services to customers is a key factor in success of a product. Thedelivery process should be smooth & flexible as per customers requirements.7. Physical evidence: Our product(furniture) is a tangible commodity. So it should meet all quality standards.1.3 Compare the internet marketing tools in organizationWebsiteYouTubeBlogTwitter feedMobile appIts contains webpages whichprovides theinteractiveinformation of theproducts &services providedbySmartRestorationLimited.It requires a webpagewhichincludes the videosofeithermanufacturing orunboxing of aproduct of SmartRestorationLimited.Its an article oronline brochureformat of the detailsof a product orservice provided bySmart RestorationLimited. It requires atwitter handleon socialmedia site,Twitter totrack downits product orservicedetails &reviews usinghashtags(#).Its a mini,personalized, mobileversion of SmartRestoration Limitedwebsite.RequiresexpertisetoRequires bettervideo editing &Requires a personwith better writing &Requires aperson withRequires expertise tomanage & update3
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manage & updatethe content(detailsof products, Price,Customerrequirements &tracking down thedelivery process.interactiveadvertisingpresentation skillsto show details ofthe product ofSmart RestorationLimited.presenting skill setalong with customerinteraction.soundknowledge ofsocial mediamarketing. the content as wellas the database(details of products,Price, Customerrequirements &tracking down thedelivery processover the mobiledevices.Needs regularupdate about thenew services &products providedbySmartRestorationLimited.Regular uploadingof advertisements&videosdescribing featuresof services &products of SmartRestorationLimited. New information ordetails of the producthave to incorporated.Regularcheck onkeywords &hashtagstrending ontwitter. Regular update ofthe new services &products as well asthe mobile app tomeet latest technicalrequirements.Operational costsdepends on thecontent & themanagement ofdata & onlinetraffic.Video editing cost& cost ofadvertisements.Cost of Content aswell as salaryprovided to blogger.Salaryprovided tothe handler. Charges provided todevelop, manage &updating to appdeveloper firm.Easily accessibleusing SEO &other techniques.Keyword search inYouTube.com.Widely accessible.Links can beprovidedindividually as wellas in content ofwebsite of SmartRestoration Limited.Hashtags tobe trendedregularly.Quite popularwithspreading ofSocial mediaEasily accessibledue to increase inuse of mobileinternet devices.4
Internet Marketing Assignment ( IM )_6

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