
Introduction to Employee Relations


Added on  2020-06-05

16 Pages5321 Words49 Views
Professional DevelopmentPsychologyPolitical Science
Introduction to Employee Relations_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO1..................................................................................................................................................11.1 Unitary and pluralistic frames...............................................................................................11.2 Changes in trade unionism have affected employee relations..............................................21.3 Role of main players in employee relations..........................................................................3LO2..................................................................................................................................................42.1 Procedures an organisation should follow when dealing with different conflict situations.42.2 Features of employee relations..............................................................................................62.3 Effectiveness of procedures used in a conflict situation.......................................................7LO 3.................................................................................................................................................73.1 Role of negotiation in collective Bargaining........................................................................73.2 Impact of negotiation strategy...............................................................................................8LO 4.................................................................................................................................................94.1 Influence of the EU on industrial democracy in the UK.......................................................94.2 Comparison of employee participation and involvement in decision making process.......104.3 Impact of human resource management on employee relations.........................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
Introduction to Employee Relations_2

INTRODUCTIONEmployee relations refers to put efforts to maintain relationship between manager andworkers. If there is proper connection among them then employees do their work moreeffectively along with this they are loyal to their job or enterprise. Director of human resourcecan make strategies for this, it will assist to accomplish desired goals and objectives. A healthyrelationship between superior and subordinate also aid them to take advantages from theircompetitors (Gupta and Kumar, 2012). NHS is an organisation which provides their services topeople of UK. Managers of cited company is much co – operative with their staff memberswhich assist them to build reputation in marketplace. They perform their task appropriately andefficiently which aid association to enhance their revenues. Purpose of this report is to explorerole of main players in employee relations. Employer of concern deal with conflicts effectively.Labour of cited company also take part in their decision making process so that they can suggestideas which can be beneficial to them. LO11.1 Unitary and pluralistic frames.There are two types of frame of references which are as follows:Unitary: It means employees of organisation having common value and interest. If there is anyconflict arise between superiors and subordinates then it is unnecessary or unwanted as well ascan be avoided by leader. Workers do not have any need to make trade union in enterprise. Theycan easily convey their messages to managers. Every concern wants that they have unitaryframework in their association because it aids to maintain healthy relationship betweenemployers and employees (D'Cruz and Noronha, 2011). If they are totally opposite to them thenconflict can arise and as result to, connections may interrupted. Pluralistic: According to this, workers of enterprise having distinctive values and interestsregarding work. If this is present in organisation, then there is more conflicts arise betweenmanager and staff as well as they shared loyalty mutually. Unitary management gives them agood working environment and confidence regarding their work but in management of Pluralismworker never accept their rights. They need to manage fights in enterprise which will aid them toachieve desired goals and objectives.1
Introduction to Employee Relations_3

National health services adopt Unitary reference frame in their organisation. Humanresource management is an important role in company and they manage work effectively whichwill aid them to accomplish objectives and plans in an appropriate manner. Employer ofenterprise wants to know expectations of their staff members, for this they hired a consultancyfirm. NHS always deny to use trade union as well as they have an effective policies in theirbusiness which will assist them to solve grievances in their firm (Atkinson and Hall, 2011). 1.2 Changes in trade unionism have affected employee relations.If there is any modifications take place in labour union, then it can directly affectrelations of worker. They always promote interest of employees which will aid them inincreasing their paying scale as well as they can demand for better working surroundings forstaff members. Trade union was came into legitimate action in approx 1824. Many laboursjoined it and their main aim is to provide fair reward as well as working surroundings to theirmembers. There are various types of alterations made in labour unionism which having a directaffect in relationship of labours in NHS. It is done because of changes in elements of macroenvironment which are described as below:Political and legal: If in NHS, manager implement new form of laws then it can provide impactto labour relations effectively. For example, there are different types of policies which are madeby regulatory bodies which aid NHS to provide equal opportunities to their employees. It canalso create fights among manager and labour union. It can arise because company is not fulfillingrules which is made by government of country (Kazlauskaite, Buciuniene and Turauskas, 2011).As result to it, conflict connections among enterprise and trade union can adversely affected. Itcan also provide impact on sales as well as revenues of NHS.Technological: If an organisation adopt new techniques in their business then demand of laboursmay get reduced. Thus, NHS adopt strategy of retrenchment in their company. When this form ofcondition arise in association then trade union can protect workers. It will also give an negativeaffect to enterprise. Employees can do unfair practices such as lockouts. As result to, it caninfluence sales as well as productivity of concern. Labour union is created, so that they reduce gap between administration and workers. It islike biggest association in nation after 1980. It consists approx 7 million people as well as theirmain aim is to protect interest of their member. They can also develop some strategies for abovestated purpose. 2
Introduction to Employee Relations_4

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