
Analysis of John Lewis and Partners' Business Environment


Added on  2023-06-15

6 Pages1433 Words330 Views
Global Business Environment
Analysis of John Lewis and Partners' Business Environment_1

Global Business Environment.........................................................................................................1
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Internal Analysis – Swot..............................................................................................................3
Operational impact analysis.........................................................................................................4
Analysis of John Lewis and Partners' Business Environment_2

Business requires to acquire a definite analysis of their organization from which they can be able to
understand the internal and external environment of the particular company. In this report, it is illustrating
that a company named John Lewis and Partners who is branded departmental store located at the London,
United Kingdom wants to analyse their main micro and macro drivers of the organization ( Wang, and
Wang, 2020). Regard to this concept, it includes the swot and pestle analysis of the organization which
will demonstrate the firm’s business environment.
Internal Analysis – Swot
Each and every company needs to analyse their internal environment from which they can be able
to understand their strength and weakness accordingly. The internal environment analysis includes the
model swot from which an organization can be able to identify its abilities and areas of improvement
from which they can be able to enhance them and grow differently. In the context of John Lewis
organization here performing a swot analysis of a company.
Strength: The John Lewis is one of the branding organization in the United Kingdom where they provide
trendy and fashionable outfits to their consumers and also provide a multiple variety of brands in their
organization which is said as the strength of the company (Bradbury, and Galloway, 2021). In addition,
the organization offers and provide international deliveries which is one of the major strength of
company. These strength is making the company to provide best products and services to the people from
which they are able to acquire the stable position in the business market.
Weakness: The company weakness reflects the areas where they provide a high range of products and
goods to the people which is a kind of obstacle and areas of improvement for the mentioned firm. In
addition, the company has also follow and provide limited awareness outside the UK borders comparing
to other international organizations.
Opportunity: The John Lewis has an opportunity to increase their sales and demands in the world wide
as they provide differentiation in their products. The increasing sales are making people more
professional from which their target market is also improving in the definite manner. The network from
this professional behaviour making them to grow more and more. Along with this, the company is also
having an opportunity and possibility to expand their business more and more as their sales are increasing
rapidly which is making an excellent growth and development of the organization.
Threat: The company is having a threat because of the purchasing power of the consumer from which
they can be unable to make a stable position in the market. In this context, the company is also having an
impact of the financial stability of the organization which is a great and wider impact which can make the
Analysis of John Lewis and Partners' Business Environment_3

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