
Leadership and Change for Organizational Progress | Report


Added on  2022-09-11

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Leadership and change for organizational progress
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Leadership and Change for Organizational Progress | Report_1

This study has focused on evaluating the concept of leadership in respect to innovation and
vision to understand its impact on organisational change management. The different leadership
qualities and competencies along with models have been evaluated to develop a conceptual
framework and a hypothesis. The purpose of the research was follows:
To analyse the importance of organizational change.
To understand the impact of vision across an organizational change management process.
To assess the impacts of innovative leadership across a change management process.
The study used a single research design where a quantitative survey questionnaire was used to
gather information. The results suggested that innovation and vision results in development of
key competencies within the leaders which results in better implementation of change
management. However, the study has failed to evaluate the differentiation between radical
change and incremental change in respect to leadership as it was not within the scope of the
study. However, it is an important that can be addressed in future studies.
Leadership and Change for Organizational Progress | Report_2

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Literature review............................................................................................................4
1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Leadership..............................................................................................................................4
1.3 Innovative approach...............................................................................................................7
1.4 Significance vision and innovation in leadership..................................................................7
1.5 Organisational Change.........................................................................................................11
1.6 Impact of leadership on organisational change...................................................................12
1.6 Literature Gap......................................................................................................................14
Chapter 2: Methodology................................................................................................................15
2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................15
2.2 Research philosophy............................................................................................................15
2.3 Research Approach..............................................................................................................15
2.4 Research Design..................................................................................................................16
2.5 Data collection.....................................................................................................................16
2.6 Data analysis........................................................................................................................16
2.7 Sampling..............................................................................................................................17
2.8 Reliability and Validity........................................................................................................17
2.9 Ethical consideration...........................................................................................................17
Chapter 3: Result, Analysis and Discussion..................................................................................19
3.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................19
3.2 Reliability Analysis.................................................................................................................19
3.3 Validity Analysis.....................................................................................................................24
3.4 Frequency distribution.............................................................................................................28
3.5 Descriptive statistics................................................................................................................32
Leadership and Change for Organizational Progress | Report_3

3.6 Correlation Analysis................................................................................................................32
3.7 Regression Analysis.................................................................................................................34
3.8 Discussion................................................................................................................................36
Leadership and Change for Organizational Progress | Report_4

Chapter 1: Literature review
1.1 Introduction
Globalisation has led to the development of a market environment where change is
necessary for sustainability of organisations and continuous change is the process of coping in
the current competitive market. Transformational and revolutionary change are needs of
organisations in both public and private sector. Modest changes are not enough to survive and
remain competitive in the market where managing and retaining skilled leaders and workforce is
a key factor providing competitive advantage. Leadership is one of the key factors positively
helping the organisations in addressing change to their business model. Organisational change in
modern terms refer to continuous change in the business model based on the change in the
market trends, customer preferences and technologies. Kesting et al. (2015) states that
organisation change as the need of the current hour for managing sustainability effectively.
Moreover, it is essential for the long term success of the organisations. Even though different
authors have described organisational differently but the importance of organisational change has
remained any important for sustainability. There are multiple factors leading to organisational
change and these factors are necessary for success but leadership is the most important aspect in
driving change within organisations.
1.2 Leadership
Leadership is the concept where a person is responsible for the organisational matters and
a leader has various qualities, attributes and characteristics. Hussain et al. (2018) states that
vision and innovative approach are two characteristics considered to be of utmost importance for
being a successful leader. Koohang, Paliszkiewicz and Goluchowski (2017) defined vision as a
multidimensional aspect which makes it difficult to define and different interpretations have been
made by different authors. Attah, Obera and Isaac (2017) describes vision as the unique and ideal
image for addressing common good of the organisation and their respective stakeholders. On the
contrary, Hornstein (2015) defines vision as the ability to anticipate the innumerable possibilities
and choosing the ideal one. Therefore, it is essential for an organisation to know their goals and
objectives where vision has a significant role to play. Vision has the role of inspiring, motivating
and developing future responsibilities for achieving organisational success and it helps in making
decisions necessary for addressing the objectives (Hussain et al. 2018). The organisation does
Leadership and Change for Organizational Progress | Report_5

not need to think about the outcome as the vision helps in forecasting future possibilities. Asrar-
ul-Haq and Kuchinke (2016) states that vision is the ability of the leader to perceive the future
accurately and precisely and drives the organisation towards the desired results through sense of
responsibility and future motivation.
As stated by Lines et al. (2015), leadership is the most important concern for modern
organisations as they are responsible for providing direction to the workforce and are responsible
for gaining commitment from the workforce and motivating them to achieve the goals set by the
leader. The concept of leadership can be viewed through multiple angles. The traditional aspect
of leadership suggest that it consists of the characteristics of a leader or the social phenomenon
which is derived from the interaction with the social groups (Koohang, Paliszkiewicz and
Goluchowski 2017). However, these concepts of leadership leads to various arguments among
authors where a continuous debate suggest that some consider leadership to be derived from the
personal qualities of individuals whereas some suggest that the actions and believes of the
individual generates followership. Halkias et al. (2017) highlighted positional problems in the
concept of leadership as it not clear whether leader is the person with absolute authority or a
person taking directions from others.
Sethibe and Steyn (2017) conducted a recent review to highlight that individuals capable
of influencing group of people to achieve the organisational goals is known as the leader. On the
contrary, Aarons et al. (2015) states that leaders are persons with footprints present within every
aspect of the organisation but is not directly involved with it. Therefore, a leader is the person
which is in charge of the organisation or has the authority to take decisions. Moreover, the
leaders have the power to implement decisions and can be considered as an authoritative figure.
The personal and social influence of the leader is necessary for driving the employees in doing
more to achieve the organisational goals (Sethibe and Steyn 2017). It implies that the process of
choosing an effective leader does not depend on the personal characteristics but also one their
cultural and social factors which explains their exposure to life.
Holten and Brenner (2015) states that the change model of leaders have gained
prominence in the recent years due to their ability to achieve exceptional organisational
outcomes. It implies that promotion change through creating vision is key to the growth of the
organisation. Ghasabeh, Soosay and Reaiche (2015) states that an effective leader has the clear
Leadership and Change for Organizational Progress | Report_6

understanding of the strategic objectives of the organisation and develops the actions needed to
achieve those objectives. Al-Haddad and Kotnour (2015) suggests that strategic leadership needs
to be transformational to effectively serve the organisation and in various transformational
leaders drive change within the industry.
The concept of organisational leadership is not limited to authoritative roles where the
employees follow directions and obey their leaders. Uhl-Bien and Arena (2018) states that
organisational leadership is the ability of the leader and the management to protect the interest of
the organisation by achieving the stakeholder objectives and at the same time addressing the
personal goals of the employees and aligning to the organisation. Therefore, organisational
leadership has a central role to cultivating and evolving an organisation. It helps the employees
in facing challenges effectively and address the organisational goals. According to Van der Voet,
Kuipers and Groeneveld (2016), organisational leaders consist of an individual having the ability
to promote change within the organisation through strategy and vision. The concept of strategic
leadership is highly significant in the modern era due to the rapid change in business trends and
increase in consumer demand. Strategic leaders can effective predict the alterations required and
develop suitable work environment to increase the commitment level of their employees so that
the change process is successfully executed (Al-Haddad and Kotnour 2015). These actions taken
by leaders are decisive in managing the sustainability of the organisation. It is not possible to
achieve business goals without adopting business strategies within organisations and strategic
role of the leader is essential for achieving sustainability of the organisation.
Leadership is the key factor driving the change with organisations which leads the
organisation towards their objectives. Therefore, it is essential to develop specific goals and
communicate it to the employees so that they are aware of their future directions. Therefore,
clear vision is necessary to address the organisational objectives. As stated by Popli and Rizvi
(2016), vision is the image of the desirable and possible future of any company. The leader can
develop this image in their minds which enables them to perceive things precisely for achieving
the sustainability of the organisation. On the other hand, Yousef (2017) states some of the
competencies which have been proven to have affect the performance of the organisation and it
includes goal setting, vision, self-knowledge and interpersonal skills along with special
characteristics depending on the nature of the business model. Agote, Aramburu and Lines
Leadership and Change for Organizational Progress | Report_7

(2016) states that the vision is the capability of the leader to predict the future and align the
workforce towards the organisational vision for achieving the future and desired goals. Modern
organisations are totally dependent on their workforce and team work is required to address the
organisational objectives (Al-Haddad and Kotnour 2015). Therefore, the team should have a
clear picture of the future results which can motivate them to work more efficiently to address
the objectives of the organisation. The vision of the leaders determine the way decisions made
by the organisational teams fit within the objectives of the company.
Appelbaum et al. (2015) states that vision play a significant role in implementing change
where the employees are directed, inspired and aligned to the facilitate change. A lack of
appropriate vision leads and transformational efforts can be result in incompatible, time
consuming and confusing projects which leads to a wrong direction (Popli and Rizvi 2016).
Even though various angles have been used to evaluate vision but it can be best understood as
the ability to perceive and predict the future accurately along with a specific road map to address
the organisational objectives.
1.3 Innovative approach
Petrou, Demerouti and Schaufeli (2018) states that leaders have the ability to turn their
vision and dreams into reality which implies that leadership is a state of mind. On the other hand,
Pradhan and Pradhan (2015) states that the current market conditions has resulted in uncertainty
which causes organisations to face unwanted and unexpected circumstances. Therefore, it is
essential to have capable leaders that can sense the uncertainties from beforehand and act upon it
by using innovative approaches. Innovation is the key to developing competitive advantage in
the current market. Kesting et al. (2015) states that innovative approaches of leaders take them
towards sustainable measures by better formulation of the organisational strategies leading to the
realisation of the organisational vision. Innovative is the new and unique of handling and
understanding situations. It is essential for organisations to develop innovative culture within the
company by motivating the employees to develop innovative ideas and supporting them with
proper infrastructure to address those changes (Tidd and Bessant 2018).
1.4 Significance vision and innovation in leadership
The age of globalisation has made all organisations realise the fact that businesses have
to develop innovative approaches and use innovation in their respective business model to
Leadership and Change for Organizational Progress | Report_8

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