
Leadership and Management Concepts: A Case Study of Corus and Tata Steel Group


Added on  2024-05-15

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Leadership and Management Concepts
Leadership and Management Concepts: A Case Study of Corus and Tata Steel Group_1

Table of Contents
Applied knowledge....................................................................................................................4
Part 1:.........................................................................................................................................4
Part 2:.......................................................................................................................................12
Conclusions and recommendations..........................................................................................18
Reference List..........................................................................................................................19
Leadership and Management Concepts: A Case Study of Corus and Tata Steel Group_2

Operations management of a company includes business administration for enhancing
effectiveness of the business functions. It includes planning, organising as well as supervising
the process of the company such as manufacturing or production (Slack et al., 2013).
The present task will discuss the operations of Corus that is a part of Tata Steel Group since
2007. The products produced in this organisation include steel goods. It falls in the iron and
steel industry. This organisation has been formed in 1999 (bloomberg.com, 2019). This firm
has been founded through merger between British Steel and Royal Dutch Hoogovens. Corus
has operations in various regions with major presence in European and Asian countries
(intelectuk.com, 2019). The functions of manager and leader will be discussed as well as the
operation management models will be applied incorporation to the functions of the
organisation. Tata Steel Europe is listed in London Stock Exchange (tatasteel.com, 2019).
The annual revenue generated by this organisation has been 20.41 billion dollars in 2018
(tatasteeleurope.com, 2019).
Leadership and Management Concepts: A Case Study of Corus and Tata Steel Group_3

Applied knowledge
Part 1:
The following study will present the characteristics and roles of leader and manager. The
theories of management and leadership will be applied in the context of Corus that is a part of
Tata Steel Group.
Provide two academic definitions of both leaders and managers
As per Grint et al. (2016) “leadership is concerned with setting direction with uniqueness as
well as it is interlinked with changes, movement and influence.”
According to Marcus Buckingham, great managers “find out what is different about each
individual and then make the most from it.”
Management is concerned with performing practices and maintaining stability of
organisation- it is importantly concerned with monitoring.
According to Bass, “the analysis as a function of leadership is one of its responsibility, as it s
a common activity in both human beings and other species” (Antonakis and Day, 2017).
Peter Drucker has said that, “the leadership is defined by the followers of the leaders. A
leader needs to be influence the followers.”
As per described by Moore leadership is, “the capability to amaze the determination of the
leader on followers and encourage compliance, reverence, fidelity, and teamwork”
According to Mary Cushing Nile, “Good administration, or scientific management, attains a
social purpose with the best use of personnel and time and energy, as well as fulfilment of the
contributors and the common people.”
As per Henri Fayol, “To direct is to predict, to arrange, to classify, to instruct, to coordinate,
and to have command.
Explain with relevant examples the similarities and differences characteristics between
a Modern leader of your individual choice and a Manager.
Leadership and Management Concepts: A Case Study of Corus and Tata Steel Group_4

A leader is a person who influences the human resource of the organization to attain a
particular goal. A manager manages the personnel of the firm and holds responsibility for the
plan, direction, control, and coordination of the company.
Similarities between leader and manager
Bothe the leader and manager of an organisation focus on growth and development of the
business. They have the purpose of achieving goals and increase profitability. Both Ratan
Tata and Henrik Adam have been promoted from their respective positions that imply that
they have progressed from in their professional career.
Difference between leader and manager
Leader Manager
A leader has the role of directing the workers
towards progressing towards attainment of
business’ objective.
The manager has the function of controlling
the actions of employees so that the standard
of productivity would be met.
Ratan Tata is a classical and modern
example of leader
Henrik Adam is a classical and modern
example of manager
He has developed his career from being a
director-in-charge to Chairman of the firm in
He has progress his career from being a Chief
Commercial officer to Chief Executive
Officer in 2019.
As a chairperson, he had the duty of
transforming the organisation by group
strategy and promotion of ventures through
incorporation of advance technology
(tatasteel.com, 2019).
As a CCO, he had the responsibility of
performing commercial duties of
transforming the activity of firm customer-
oriented (tatasteeleurope.com, 2019).
Ratan has been a visionary as through his
contribution the organisation has been able to
expand globally (Khandelwal, 2016).
His focus on customers has assisted the
business run sustainably and with enhanced
competitiveness (easterneye.biz, 2019).
Ratan Tata has transformed the operations of
the company through operational
management theories thus he has utilised the
transformational and classical leadership in
influencing the functions of members.
Henrik Adam as per the management
functions created by Fayol has the role of
planning the tasks and organising or
allocating them to the members. It has the
function of controlling their actions and
Leadership and Management Concepts: A Case Study of Corus and Tata Steel Group_5

directing them properly for business’ success.
Ratan Tata must have possessed the soft
leadership skill as he has guided the members
after creating changes in the business
Henrik Adam in order to have control over
the members; activities should have hard
management skills to enhance their attitude
towards their responsibility.
Table 1: Difference between leader and manager
(Source: Created by the learner)
Analysis of the different roles of management and leadership in application to different
organizational situations, supported by theories and concepts.
The leader of the organisation in the situation of conflict can use the conflict theory to adapt
to the changes in the business functions. This theory will let the leader cope up in the
unpredictable situations (Wehr, 2019). A leader should apply this theory in the fast changing
business environment through predicting the outcomes and directing the workers to become
adaptable to it. This can be done by proper planning, organising, directing, and controlling
their movements. However, through this way, the members will become task oriented that
will affect the relationship between management and employees negatively.
Management by Objectives is a model that can be used by the manager in strategic
management of the workers. This theory can be applied to improve the workers’ performance
(Islami et al., 2018). It can be done through defining and informing the workforce concerning
the objectives that are agreed by both the labours and the management. A manager as per this
theory has the role of controlling the performance of works in a fast changed situation to
avoid confusion and conflicts. This can be done by creating objectives that would simplify
the tasks for the workers so that there would not be difficulty in understanding. However, this
can affect their behaviour, as there will be negative effect on culture of the company. The
manager through constant control would not be able to understand the members’ perspectives
concerning the task that would create fatigue among the latter.
The relationship oriented leadership approach focuses on supporting the individual as well
as team members. This enhances relationship among the members and focuses on
maximising the performance of the staffs (Patterson, 2018). In the slow to moderate
changing situation of organisation, the leader should utilise this approach to support the
members constantly so that they would be able to perform efficiently in changed situation.
Leadership and Management Concepts: A Case Study of Corus and Tata Steel Group_6

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