
Port Management and Operations Research


Added on  2020-10-22

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Management &Operations
Port Management and Operations Research_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1 Define and compare different roles and characteristics of leader and manager....................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5P2 Examine how the role of a leader and the function of a manager apply in differentsituational contexts......................................................................................................................5P3 Different theories and models of approach including situational, systems and contingency6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8P4 Explain key approaches to operations management and role that leaders and managers play.....................................................................................................................................................8P5 Explain importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10P6 Assess factors within business environment that impact upon operational management anddecision-making by leaders and managers................................................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONManagement is defined as set of activities directed for effective and efficient utilisationof resources in order to achieve goals and objectives (What is Management, 2019). This is alsoreferred as working with financial, human and physical resources for achievement oforganisational objectives through performing planning, staffing, leading, organising andcontrolling functions. Similarly, operations are defined as business activities where firm isengaged to convert materials into finished goods and services and selling them to consumers forearning profit. Management and operations are part of organisation where one manages and otherachieve goal and objectives in effective manner. The organisation given for assignment is Coruswhich is part of Tata Steel Group founded in 1999 at United Kingdom. This is second largeststeel procedure in Europe serving 42000 people globally. This report covers differentiate amongleader role and manager functions applied in various situations. There are role of leader andmanager in operation function of organisation along with relationship between management andleadership. TASK 1P1 Define and compare different roles and characteristics of leader and managerIn an organisation, both leaders and managers play an effective role for achievement ofgoal and objectives in an effective and efficient manner.Definition of Leader and ManagerLeader is defined as person who holds superior position in specified areas and has highdegree of educations (Alderton and Saieva, 2013). They are the person who guide and influenceothers to follow them for achievement of business goal and objectives. According to view ofGary Wills, leaders are defined as one who mobilises others for goal shared through followersand leaders. The followers, leaders and goal make to support leadership equally. Corus shouldpossess highly skilled and capable leaders for leading their staffs for better results.Manager is defined as person who is liable for managing work of an organisation orcompany. They have power to discipline, fire, hire, monitoring attendance and performanceappraisals of individuals. According to view of Henry Fayol, manager is responsible forplanning, staffing, leading, controlling, directing staffs. Manager of Corus organisation shouldhave highly managing skills in order to manage business for better outcomes.
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Different roles and characteristics of leader and ManagerRoles LeaderManagerStrategyLeader of Corus implement allthose strategies formulated bymanager with assist of staff,employees and subordinates.Manager of Corus implementall those strategies which arerequired in business for betteroutcomes.CommunicationLeader of respectiveorganisation has to influenceand guide staff and employeesthrough better use ofcommunication so that theycan carry out work.The manager of respectiveorganisation has tocommunicate with theiremployees in proper mannerso that work can be doneeffectively.Characteristics LeaderManagerInstructionThe leader has to direct theirworking force and instructthem for following of rules andregulations.The manager of respectiveorganisation has to coach theirstaffs and employees.Risk TakingLeader mainly focus on takingrisk for new things.Manager has to focus oncontrol or minimize of risk.Differentiate between leadership and ManagementBasis of ComparisonLeadershipManagementMeaningIt is defined as skill whereleader lead others for effectiveoutcomes.This is defined as art ofcoordinating and organisingthings in an effective andefficient manner.Emphasis OnThis emphasis on inspiringpeople.It emphasis on managingactivities.Formulation OnIt is formulated on basis ofguidelines and principles.This is formulated on basis ofprocedures and policies.
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