
Leadership and Management Concept : assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

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Leadership and ManagementConcepts
Leadership and Management Concept : assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager....1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4P2 Examine examples of how the role of a leader and the function of a manager apply indifferent situational contexts..................................................................................................4P3 Apply different theories and models of approach, including situational leadership, systemsleadership and contingency....................................................................................................5TASK 3 ...........................................................................................................................................8P4 Explain the key approaches to operations management and the role that leaders andmanagers play.........................................................................................................................8P5 Explain the importance and value of operations management in achieving businessobjectives. ..............................................................................................................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11P6 Assess the factors within the business environment that impact upon operationalmanagement and decision-making by leaders and managers...............................................11RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................................................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
Leadership and Management Concept : assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONManagement is basically a set several processes that keeps an organisation functioning.Leadership is an important function of management which essentially help a businessorganisation to effectively attain business objectives with efficiency. The main function whichare performed by management are: planning, organizing, staffing, directing and control.Furthermore, leadership is primarily concerned with accomplishing business objectives whichdirects an organisation to reach desired position. This report is based on Corus which is a part ofTata Steel Group, the world's sixth largest steel producer. The respective company is involved inproducing steel, mainly in United Kingdom and Netherlands (Adams, Kutty and Zabidi, 2017).However, Corus is a leading supplier of steel in many parts of the world. The aim purpose of thisreport is to identify as well as analyse the key role and responsible which are required to beperformed within an organisation. Moreover, key approaches of operation management areconsidered in order to effectively identify importance of this process. Apart from all this factorswhich affects business environment are considered in detail. TASK 1P1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a managerLeaders as well as mangers within an organisation plays a very crucial role insignificantly accomplishing the desired business objectives with proper efficiency. Both of themhave several responsibilities which are needed to be fulfilled in order to attain goals andobjectives. Definition of Leader and MangerLeader: A leader is an individual who holds a dominant as well as superior positionwithin a business organisation. He/she is primarily responsible to exercise a high degree ofcontrol over the subordinates (Ashikali and Groeneveld, 2015). Leaders of an organisation haveability to influence as well as encourage their workers to work with proper efficiency so thatattainment of business objectives is significantly done. As per the views of Charles Handy, Aleader usually shapes and shares a vision which essentially gives point of work to others (CharlesHandy: Are Leaders Born or Made? 2019).1
Leadership and Management Concept : assignment_3

Manager: A manager is an individual who is the in-charge of certain groups in order toattain business objectives. Moreover, a manager has a staff who usually report to him/her. As perthe views of Henry Fayol, manager is basically responsible for controlling, staffing, leading, andplanning for the business related activities (Five Functions of Management (Fayol), 2019).Role of Leaders: There are several roles which are performed by leaders in an organisationwhich eventually helps in attaining business objectives with efficiency. Leader are responsible for setting vision which significantly helps the respectiveorganisation in influencing employees. Building the morale of employees at work is one of the most important role which isperformed by leader (Bolden, 2016). However, with reference to Corus, building moralesignificantly helps the respective organisation to work with proper efficiency in order toattain the common goal.A leader primarily sets direction on which overall business growth is dependant. Withoutthis direction accomplished of business objective is next to impossible. Characteristics of Leaders:Leaders of Corus much be consistent in nature through which sustainability within anorganisation is attained. Moreover, flexibility is the major characteristics which is inherit in a leader of anorganisation. With respect to Corus, leaders are flexible enough so that desired businessobjectives are significantly achieved. Role of Manager: Manger of organisation is enormously responsible for attaining businessobjectives with proper efficiency. Managers effectively built up a strategic vision which essentially helps in attainingbusiness goals (Bozeman and Su, 2015). With reference to Corus, manager is primarilyresponsible for setting strategic vision so that business objectives are achievedsignificantly within the specific period of time. Furthermore, the prime role of manager in Corus is to make sure that all the concerndepartment in an organisation are performing their allocated task with proper efficiency. During the invention of new technology, the manager of Corus is responsible for trainingthe employees in order obtain business objectives. A manager primarily plans the details keeping in mind the exact situation of business2
Leadership and Management Concept : assignment_4

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