
Leadership and Management for Service Industries Assignment Sample


Added on  2021-02-21

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Leadership and Management forService Industries
Leadership and Management for Service Industries  Assignment Sample_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1 evaluate the various kinds of classical theories of management and apply them in practicalway. ............................................................................................................................................3P2 Access significance of a leader and their various styles of leadership in service sector. .....5P3 Examine the leadership and management styles in service sector. .......................................6TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7P4 Evaluate the inside and outside organisational factors which influence structures and stylesof management in service sector industry. .................................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9P5 Examine the soft and hard management and leadership skills which is very much essentialfor the service industry to achieve their goals. ...........................................................................9P6 Evaluate the emerging management and leadership skills and capabilities in service sectorand way to achieve them...........................................................................................................10TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12P7 Build difference in kinds of service industry regarding their change management andleadership while applying changes. ..........................................................................................12CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
Leadership and Management for Service Industries  Assignment Sample_2

INTRODUCTION Leadership and management is very much important for an organisation for effectivegoverning of organisational works and activities. Leader and managers are majorly responsiblefor coordinating the administration by recruit and retain one of most potential staff members.Talent management involves recruitment, development and management of employees from thetime they identified as an candidate until they leave organisation. In that regards the significanceof leader and manager is to build strategies and implementation through out the organisation asthey aware about intangible benefits of integration of strategically aligned human capital assetmanagement system. This report is based on the Hilton Hotel & Resorts which is a global brandname by providing full service hotels and resorts under the flagship of multinational hospitalitycompany Hilton. This assignment elaborated the various classical management theories andpractices by role of leader and manager in service industry by reviewing style of managementand leadership in same industry. Further it includes internal and external factors which influencethe management styles and structures with current management and leadership skills such ashard and soft skills. It also elaborate potential leadership and management skills in future andway to achieve them. At last it explained different service industries in regards their changemanagement systems and leadership in implementation of change. TASK 1P1 evaluate the various kinds of classical theories of management and apply them in practicalway. Classical management theory based on the belief or view point that workers only possessthe physical and economic needs. It does not take into account the needs regarding jobsatisfaction but focus on specialization of labour force, centralisation, leadership and decisionmaking to optimise growth opportunities (Campbell, Jardine and McGlynn, 2016.). In contextof Hotel Hilton they use classical management theories for talent management as they optimisetheir needs and wants to provide job satisfaction to reap important outcomes. Classicalmanagement theory has majorly three school of thought to understand the relevance in talentmanagement that are as follows:Scientific management:
Leadership and Management for Service Industries  Assignment Sample_3

Taylor's scientific theory of management focus on increase organisational productivity byenhancing efficiency of production process and it can be possible by effective talentmanagement. As personnel is one of precious assets of an organisation which directlycontributed towards enhancing organisational productivity in incremental manner. The mosthazardous problem faced by Hotel Hilton that skilled labour is short in supply which hinders theobjective of organisation to deliver one of best outputs. In order to overcome from respectiveissue of decreasing productivity of Hotel Hilton they designed tasks or work in structured way inwhich every worker remain well controlled and stipulated. Bureaucratic management:Bureaucratic management theory of classical management which describes about form oforganisation in his view which superior to others (Chen, Zhu and Zhou, 2015.). It considerideal organisation whose divisions of labour expressed clearly and objectives are rational inmanner. In context of Hotel Hilton to enhance productivity of employees they clearly depictroles and responsibilities to their employees for obtaining mission and vision. Respective theoryalso believed in performance evaluation that helps to recruit one of most competent staffmembers in positive manner. Administrative management:The administrative management theory emphasise on the need to find out guidelines tocoordinate or manage complex organisational structure such as factories. The major effortstowards is to identify skills and principles for effective management (FHKPS and SBS, 2018).In context of Hotel Hilton it helps to evaluate the skills which is very much potential to reap outimportant outcomes by selecting competent staff members. Fayol believed that soundmanagement lies into certain patterns after analysis of theories and practices. The ideas and beliefs which are presented with the help of classical management theoriesstill required some major modifications that are relevant in today's scenario. Manager faces kindsof internal challenges or issues such as decreasing productivity of workers for that Hotel Hiltonfocus on classical management theories and practices that are also relevant in present world. Soimplementation of classical management theories is very much important to enhanceproductivity by selecting and retaining one of most competitive staff members.
Leadership and Management for Service Industries  Assignment Sample_4

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