
Legislation and Ethics in The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment - Doc


Added on  2020-12-29

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Environmental ScienceLaw
Legislation and Ethics in The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment - Doc_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1TASK 1: THE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATION REGARDING FRAMEWORK IN THE.21.1 Laws and Rules in tourism field in UK.................................................................................21.2 Evaluating the laws relating to surface, sea, and air facilities in context to passengers.......2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................52.1 Identifying the impact of heath, safety and protection laws in tourism sector:....................52.2 Analysing certain laws that relates under equality in relation to travel agents.....................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8TASK 3:CONSUMER PROTECTION LEGISLATION IN CONTEXT TO THE TRAVEL.......83.1 Contract legislation in context to travel and tourism industry..............................................93.2 Consumer protection legislation in relation to the tourism and travel customers................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................124.1 Ethical dilemmas which are facing by the travel and tourism sector.................................124.2 Policies of The Corporate Social Responsibility of travel and...........................................15Tourism business.......................................................................................................................15CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................16REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17
Legislation and Ethics in The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment - Doc_2

INTRODUCTIONIn terms related to tourism sectors are expanded in vast areas and they are doing businessglobally among the world. As many people are attracted with the services which the toursoperators are proving and that the reason of rapidly increasing business activities. There arevarious government norms which every tour operator had to follow to maintain there stability inthe global market. Tourism becomes an important source of earning and also provideopportunities to people to travel round the world. There main object is to provide rules andethical behaviours in the society and also save environment for such factors which affects theirworking. Present report is based upon the legislation and ethical behaviours in the tourism sectors.Report will include the legal issues and rules regarding framework and condition for passengerrelating to tourism sector. It also includes the general principles of heath, safety and protection oflaws causing impact in hotels. Further it analysis the various contract which is to made andconsumer protection laws in relation to tourism sector for customers. Lastly the report ends upwith Corporate Social responsibility an ethical dimensions faced by the travel agencies intourism business sectors. TASK 1 1
Legislation and Ethics in The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment - Doc_3

TASK 1: THE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONREGARDING FRAMEWORK IN THETOURISM SECTOR1.1 Laws and Rules in tourism field in UKLaws and regulatory framework inEnglandEnglish laws are such laws which arebased on common law legal system andimplemented on people and society. Theses lawsare enacted by the parliament of the country andbound on the public to follow it (Hatzopoulosand Roma, 2017). As theses laws are imposed oncompanies also to take fair decision in relation totheir employees welfare and people who arelinked with them. These laws are amended formtime to time due to changes in environmental andprovide justice to the people who area connectedwith such crime. Rules are mostly imposed by thegovernment so that society acts in ethical wayand behaves well in the country (Maxim, 2019).The right to impose and enact law is in hands ofpower of queen. They also had the power tochange the laws. As laws are classifies into twocategories and they are based on crimecommitted. Civil Law: Such laws which are relatedto civil matters are termed under the civillaws. Mostly the cases related to theft,forgery and fraud conducted with any1.2 Evaluating the laws relating to surface, sea,and air facilities in context to passengers Regulation are imposed by the To helps thetours operators to work within theframework of rules and policies which areimposed by the government. As many toursoperators follow their own rules and policesand disrespect the government norms in thatcase it is the rights of the public to sue himunder the illegal activity committed by them(Bellia, Pilato and Seraphin, 2016). As toursand travel services are needed by everyperson in respect of transporting goods andservices or passengers itself prefer to travelthe world. Thus, the business of tours andtravels are growing in recent times. Suchregulatory bodies which helps tours operatorto follow the guidelines issued by Health andSafety executive, Air Tour Operators,License and Association of British TravelAgents (ABTA). The terms of rulesregarding - Surface: As per the goods that areCarriage Of Passenger through RoadAct, 1974, it is the duty to provideproper protection and safety with thepeople to reach at their assigned
Legislation and Ethics in The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment - Doc_4

party or person are punishable under thecivil law (Chien and et.al., 2017). Theperson who commit such crime arepunishable with the punishment for 2-3years as no liability are imposed forlifetime imprisonment. Criminal law:Such laws which arerelated to criminal matters such as murderwhich results in death or cause any injuryto body or affect their living are punishedunder the criminal law (Medhekar, 2017).They are punishable for more than 10year or lifetime imprisonment or seriousactions are taken depends upon the crimecommitted. place and they have to take carepersonally that all norms are fulfilledfor the people safety. In case ofpeople who are physically andmentally challenge, their propersafety and use good quality kit tosecure their life. Sea:As per Safety of life at Sea(SOLAS), it is an internationalmaritime treaty which set somenorms and standards whiledelivering carriage to the passengerthrough sea. As natural calamitiesand various other activities canaffect the stability of the goods andservices (Greenwood and Dwyer,2015). The major role which theregulatory bodies have to follow is
Legislation and Ethics in The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment - Doc_5

Various sources of law which regulated intourism sectors are as follows:Customs: This sources of law runs fromthe ancient times. As these laws are notwritten they are usually given on thebases of crime committed. Thus, the nameitself defines as the customs which meansto change the rules or implement themaccording to the nature of crime. Common Law: In this the judgement ordecision ins made by the judges sitting atthe courts and they can refer the decisionfrom previous cases as well. As court canrefer the previous cases decision andprovide the judgement accordingly (Vander Wagen, 2015). In such case they haveto follow various laws and rules which isimposed by parliament for the fairsdecision. In case the matters related totours and travels, the judgement is givenproviding life saving jackets to thepassengers while travelling at sea.This helps them to protect the life ofpeople and also take care of theirsafety norms. Air transport:It is covered under Airtransport convention and protocolwhich set some norms imposed in termsof air travelling is that they restrict themto land at any such area which arecovered under restricted area.Passengers are to dropped and liftedsafely at their proper destination and nosuch stunts are shown which entertainpeople. Travelling through air is themost risky nowadays due to lot of caseshappening while travel through air(Laitamaki and et.al., 2016). That'sthe reason government had imposedstrict rules regarding the air companiesand the pilots and also for customers totake care while travelling.
Legislation and Ethics in The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment - Doc_6

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