
Role of Line Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process


Added on  2023-06-18

38 Pages8848 Words138 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentMusicData Science and Big DataHigher Education
Student Name
ID Number
Centre Name
Proposed Title Role of line managers and leaders in employee
development process
Section One: Title, aims, objectives
Title or working title of project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)
Role of line managers and leaders in employee development process
Project aims and objectives (e.g. what do you wish to achieve? What do you
want to learn to do? What do you want to find out?)
Aim: “To evaluate the role played by leaders and line managers in the
process of employee development and well being in TESCO”.
To understand the basic concept of employee development and well being in
To evaluate the role played by leaders and line managers in the process of
employee development and well being in TESCO
To analyse some of the issues faced by leaders and line managers in the course
of implementing employee development strategies in TESCO.
To form suitable strategies to to maximise the effectiveness of employee
development and well being in TESCO
what is the basic concept of employee development and well being in
What is the major role plated by leaders and line managers in the process
Role of Line Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_1

of employee development and well being in TESCO?
What are some of the issues faced by leaders and line managers in the
course of implementing employee development strategies in TESCO?
Identify some of the suitable strategies to to maximise the effectiveness
of employee development and well being in TESCO?
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project
Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying,
personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why you
feel the topic is important)
With the changing external environment it has become very important for
employers to focus on the health benefits of employee well being. Employee well
being is related with optimization of the overall health benefits of employees it is
not just related with physical health benefits of employees but is also associated
with the well functioning and healthy benefits of employees and individual that is
associated with their overall functioning in organisation. It is associated with
focussing on various aspects which can maximise the benefits for both
employees and employers in the organisation. Present report will assist for large
retail sector organisations like TESCO in formation of suitable policies which can
assist in the course of managing various organisation functionalities.
Section Three: Precedents and sources
Use of key literature sources and precedents to support your project objectives
The basic concept of employee development and well being in TESCO
As per McKinsey (2018), with the changing environment there is high amount of
workplace stress that is resulting declining performance of employees. Employee well
being is relate with focussing on creating a outlook for making employees healthcare and
Role of Line Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_2

happier. Further with the recent outbreak of covid virus there are many issues that are
affecting the overall situation of employees in the organisation. For this purpose it
becomes very important to understand the situation of empathy towards employees and
focus on the situation of employee benefits and well being.
The role played by leaders and line managers in the process of employee
development and well being in TESCO
as per views of Cheryl cole (2020) with the dynamic working environment supermarkets
and key workers are playing a very important role in the country in the present situation.
TESCO has analysed the importance of having a suitable and compete working force for
the purpose of managing their overall functionalities. They are working towards
prioritising the mental health of their employees by having three main roles that includes
leaders making efforts towards creating a supportive workplace experiences, use of great
intervention, resources for the purpose of effectively managing employees who require
necessary support. Further there is need of support that can help in the process of
employee well being in retail sector organisations. In TESCO the retailers posses a
mixture of staff working in shops, offices and forming of well being strategies that can
help in having proper strategies and plans so that there can be creation of a supportive
The overall importance of employee well being is becoming more apparent with the
changing time period. Leaders in TESCO are making efforts by taking care of their
customers, analysing the role of employees, supporting the mental well being so that
there can be effective utilisation of resources.
The issues faced by leaders and line managers in the course of implementing
employee development strategies in TESCO
As per indeed (2021), there are many issues that may be faced by line managers and
leader that may affect the process of implementing employee development strategies.
Such as there are decreased levels of performance, employees are understaffed, lack of
communication channels that may affect the overall functioning of organisation. Apart
from this in some instances there is inadequate support from the employees because they
are already dealing with several issues in that is conflict among peers that is affecting
their level of functioning in the organisation. In some instances the overall workplace
Role of Line Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_3

culture is also weak which may posses a impact on the functioning of employees. There
are issues of speticims in large retail sector organisation like TESCO as many times
employee require high amount of transparency that may also impact the interactions and
communication aspect between employees and employers that can lead towards difficulty
in building of trust based relations.
suitable strategies to to maximise the effectiveness of employee development and
well being in TESCO
As per view points of Uzoechi Nwagbara (2020), well being at workplace is very
important aspect that has to be focussed by employers in order to enhance the employee
productivity in organisation. There are three major strategies that can be adopted in
TESCO by employers for the purpose of maximising the overall effectiveness of
employee functioning in the organisation. Such as employee recognition as part of
company culture. Another strategy is depicting the scenario of employee engagement in
the organisation. There is requirement to look at power structure as reaction of staff and
customers so that employee morale can be maximised. In order to maximise employee
development organising various on the job training methods can be very helpful. Further
employees must be offered with effective strategies so that they are able to work towards
maximisation of the competence and potential of employees.
Tesco: the importance of employee well-being strategies in the retail sector, 2020
[online], Available through<https://diversityq.com/tesco-the-importance-of-employee-
Employee Wellbeing in the Workplace: Importance and Future Predictions 2020 [online],
Available through<https://semoscloud.com/blog/employee-wellbeing/>
ABOUT THEM)2020 [online], Available
Managing Organizational Change: Leadership, Tesco, and Leahy's Resignation, 2020
Role of Line Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_4

[online], Available
Research methodology:
In the present research work research methodology is regarded as the specific techniques
and procedures that are used for the purpose of identification. There is Selection of aims
& objectives, depicting the research process and further analysis of a topic. Research
method is the basic strategy that is used for implementing a plan. It depends on various
methods that can be used in the context of research work for the purpose of analysing the
decisions in the course of research work. Such as it includes survey, observation.
Research instruments: There are various research methods that can be used in the
context of research work for the purpose of having sufficnt information base. It includes
methods such as Experiments, focus groups, systematic literature review, experiments
that are to be used for the purpose of collecting relevant information the context of a
research work. Such as in the present scenario there is use of surveys as a method where
questionnaire will be used as a tool for collecting the required information. It will include
having a sufficient base of primary information that will be obtained from the target
segment of employees who are presently working in TESCO.
Sampling: it is important to have a relevant sample size in order to take view points of
respondents in the course of research work. Such as there will be use of simple random
sampling for the purpose of having sufficient information base in the course of research
work. For this there will be use of sample size of 40 respondents that will include
employees who are working presently in TESCO.
Section Four: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the project H
Development and analysis of ideas 1
Writing proposal & ethics form 1
Writing literature review 4
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Writing methodology 2
Data collection and analysis 5
Writing Discussion and conclusion 5
Milestone one:
Milestone one target date (set by tutor):
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Milestone two:
Milestone two target date (set by tutor):
Comments and agreement from tutor
Comments (optional):
I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for
another qualification and is appropriate.
Agreed by:
Tutor name: Date:
Role of Line Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_7

All students conducting research activity that involves human participants or the use
of data, collected from human participants, may be required to gain ethical approval
before commencing their research.
Please answer all relevant questions and note that your form may be returned if
For further support and guidance please see your Unit Tutor.
Before completing this form, we advise that you discuss your proposed research fully
with your Unit Tutor. Please complete this form in good time before your research
project is due to commence.
Section One: Basic details
Student Name
ID Number
Centre Name
Project Title
Section Two: Project summary
Please select all research methods that
you plan to use as part of your project:
Use of Personal Records
Data Analysis
Action Research
Focus Groups
Other (please specify
Section Three: Participants
Yes No
Will your research involve human participants? Yes
Ages Young Adults
Role of Line Managers and Leaders in Employee Development Process_8

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