
Role of Leader and Manager : Assignment


Added on  2020-10-22

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MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONSM1. Analyzing and differentiating between the role of a leader and functionof manager with theories and concepts.The role of a manager in company is to inspire and encourage hisemployees planning, organising, directing and controlling different businessactivities in the organisation. With the help of theories and concepts likeSituational leadership style and the management by objective, the role andfunction of leader and manager can be analysed.P.1. Defining and compare the role and characteristics of leader and manager.Effective leadership and efficient management is vital for the successful business operations. A leaderand manager is an essential for a business to run its operations successfully. The leadership is an ability andthe person who possess this ability is known as leader. While on the other hand, manager is responsible forcontrolling or administering an organization. The differences between a leader and manager in Tesco plc are:Points ofdifferenceLeaderManagerProblem solvingEffective problem skills are important part ofevery leader. An leader can convert problem intoan opportunity.Manager makes decision. They possess a skillof resolving problems in Tesco Plc..RisksLeader takes risk as more risk leads to moreopportunity.Manager focuses on minimizing risks in anorganization.CommunicationCommunication skills are very important as aleader motivate, encourage and inspire theiremployees in organization.Mangers have to communicate withsubordinates and superiors. A good managerhas both oral and written communicationskills.AimGrowth and development of an organization isthe main aim of a leader.Achieving the tasks and goals are the aim of amanager.P.2. Different role and function of a manager and leader in different situationalcontext.In any organisation, a leader and manager has different roles andresponsibility in order to perform and ensures the smooth operations of the businessorganisation. The mangers functions and role of leaders has to be different indifferent situation arises in the organisation. In the Context of Tesco plc, whendifferent situational arises, leader and manager has to handle it in accordance withtheir roles and job. In Tesco plc, operational department implementing the newmachinery equipment which will save the time as well as cut the labour cost. On theother hand it will increase the cost of implementation of machinery and the need torecruit the new skilled labours. There are various leadership traits and functions ofmanagement will help the leader and manager in making plans and strategies inorder to successfully implement the machinery, manage the cost as well as cope upwith the resistance in employees with the changes. It is essential in order to increasethe operational efficiency that will lead to thee increased in sales and revenue of thecompany. The operational manager of the company will make plans to cut down thecost of implementing machinery, the leader will focus on providing effectiveguidance and motivation to the employees through training and development of theemployees in order to grow their skills and knowledge to run the new machinery.There are various theories of management as well as of the leadership models whichhelp in understanding the role and functions of the manager and role of leader insuch changing situation.The contemporary theory of management will help the manger to makeeffective plans and strategies in order to deal with the increased cost of machineryand new employees recruit cost. It can be done with the effective efforts of the skillsof a leader. the manager will plan to implement the machinery effectively, where,leader will motivate the employees and provide them training in order to use the newmachinery. That will help in saving the cost of recruiting new employees. Newimplementation can create conflicts in employees, this can be resolves by manger totake their formal meetings, whereas leader will talk to them and collect the facts andwill resolves their conflicts. It will help the Tesco company in managing the cost aswell as help in reducing the resistance of change in employees by creating theenvironment of trust and with effective communication skills of a leader.As per the theory of management by objectives, the combine’s efforts ofmanager and employees are necessary in order to attain the organisational goals(Fox, 2018). The manager can set standard of the performance and leader will,delegate the duties and responsibilities to the employees and will supervise theirperformance to check whether itt is up to the performance standard or not.P.3. Different theories and models of leadership andmanagement.The different theories and models of leadership andmanagement are:Situational leadership: This theory states that there isno particular best style for a leader. A leader has toadopt different style of leadership in accordance to thechanging situation in an organisation. Effectiveleadership style will lead to adapt the leader the stylewhich will help them to perform in order to influencetheir employees (Sosik and Jung, 2018). The leadershipstyle has to be vary according to changing task, job orfunction that needs to be accomplished.System leadership: this theory enables a leader inTesco plc to create a condition in which all theemployees at all levels can work productively andwithier efficiently in accomplishment of theorganisational goals. It helps the sound principle of ahuman behaviour in organisation in order to create agood leadership, organisational theory, system processand social process.Contingency theory: this theory states that a leader’seffectiveness is based on the effectiveness of the group.This theory is based that management effectiveness isdepended on the interplay between the application ofmanagement behaviour and the specific situation in theorganisation. This theory states that the managementstyles should be based on the changing situation of theorganisation. As per this theory the task or relationmotivation are contingent and depends on whether themanager is able to both control and affect the groupsituational favourability the principle of management isnot applicable in all organisation. As there is no beststyle of management. Management in an organisation issituational in nature and manager has to take theiractions which are depend on different situational.M2. Accessing the Strength and weakness of different approaches to situations.The Situational leadership approaches advantage and disadvantages:AdvantagesDisadvantagesSituational leadership is simple and easy tounderstand.It also helps in realising the need for flexibility onthe parts of leader.Situational leadership helps in relating therelationship between manager and employees at thecentre of the management experiences.This model does not help in being taskoriented, manager feel difficult toremain flexible and adapt to varioussituation.Management has to emphasis on theimmediate change in his traits andstyle.D1. Critically analysis and evaluating different theories and approaches to leadership.As per different theory the task or relation motivation are contingent and depends on whether the manager is able to bothcontrol and affect the group situational favourability the principle of management is not applicable in all organisation. As there is nobest style of management. Management in an organisation is situational in nature and manager has to take their actions which aredepend on different situational.
Role of Leader and Manager : Assignment_1

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